<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- 内部DTD --> <!-- XML:extensible markup language 可扩展标记语言 --> <!-- DTD约束:document type definition 文档类型定义 --> <!-- + 1~n * 0~n ? 0~1 --> <!-- The markup declarations contained or pointed to by the document type declaration must be well-formed. 排错最佳方案:XML有错误 注释全部 一个一个排错 注意空格和叹号--> <!-- CDATA 说明属性 PCDATA 说明元素 --> <!DOCTYPE product [ <!ELEMENT product (item+)> <!ELEMENT item (name,price,color,size,stock)> <!ATTLIST item id CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT price (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT color (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT size (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT stock (#PCDATA)> ]> <product> <item id = "P001"> <name>蜘蛛王皮鞋</name> <price>268</price> <color>黑色</color> <size>42</size> <stock>500</stock> </item> <item id = "P002"> <name>好皮鞋</name> <price>88</price> <color>蓝色</color> <size>42</size> <stock>100</stock> </item> </product>
时间: 2024-11-10 13:52:58