hdoj 1263 水果(map)






Sample Input



apple shandong 3

pineapple guangdong 1

sugarcane guangdong 1

pineapple guangdong 3

pineapple guangdong 1

Sample Output






 1     #include<iostream>
 2     #include<map>
 3     #include<string>
 4     using namespace std;
 5     int main()
 6     {
 7         int T;
 8         cin>>T;
 9         while(T--){
10             int n;
11             string fruit;
12             string add;
13             int num;
14             cin>>n;
15             map<string,map<string,int> >m;
16             while(n--){
17                 cin>>fruit>>add>>num;
18                 (m[add])[fruit] += num;
19             }
20             map<string,map<string,int> >::iterator key;
21             for(key = m.begin();key!=m.end();key++){
22                 cout<<key->first<<endl;
23                 map<string,int>::iterator i= (key->second).begin();
24                 for(;i!=(key->second).end();i++)
25                     cout<<"   |----"<<i->first<<"("<<i->second<<")"<<endl;
26                 }
27                 if(T>0){
28                     cout<<endl;
29             }
30         }
31     }
时间: 2024-08-28 03:38:22

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hdu 1263 水果(map)

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