Using load balance for thrift servers

Software load balance .

1.Install nginx
download source code from

make & make install

2.Install tcp module patch
developed by Yao Weibin
download from GitHub

$ patch -p1 < /path/nginx_tcp_proxy_module/tcp.patch
$ ./configure --add-module=/path/nginx_tcp_proxy_module/tcp.patch
$ make & make install

3. config load balance

#check status at http://localhost:8080/status
http {
                listen 8080;
                location /status {
#load balance to other server
tcp {
        upstream cluster {
                # simple round-robin

                check interval=3000 rise=2 fall=5 timeout=1000;

                #check interval=3000 rise=2 fall=5 timeout=1000 type=ssl_hello;

                #check interval=3000 rise=2 fall=5 timeout=1000 type=http;
                #check_http_send "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n";
                #check_http_expect_alive http_2xx http_3xx;

        server {
                listen 11113;

                proxy_pass cluster;

4. Start Nginx

$sudo /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx


$sudo /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -s reopen


$sudo /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -s quit

5. note

1. each connection can be relocated to different servers with round-robin or weight.
2. one connection will not be relocated unless released.
3. other options for the optimize of nginx see the website. This is the basic usage only.

时间: 2024-08-08 14:15:55

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