LeetCode----Sudoku Solver+精确覆盖问题解法(Dancing Links)


做完LeetCode上的数独题目好长时间了,今天将做题时参考的Algorithm X 以及 Dancing Links 整理出来。话说理解算法+写出程序一共用了三天,智商果然余额不足。。。


由于Dancing Links 是为了解决数独问题学习的,那就从数独问题下手,围绕数独问题展开对Algorithm X 和 Dancing Links的介绍,最后将数独问题的解法以及Java源码放出来。


没错,解数独的问题就是一个解  精确覆盖   问题的过程,即数独问题是精确覆盖问题的一个特例。


假设有集合S = { a , b , c , d , e , f } , 还有一些S的子集 S1 = { a , c , f} , S2 = {b , d } , S3 = { e } , S4 = { b , d , f , e} ,从这些子集中选出n个集合,使得这些集合的并集为S , 并且子集中的元素有且只能出现一次。很容易看出我们可以选择S1 、 S2 、 S3 。 但是不能选择 S1、 S4 因为f元素重复出现了。





Knuth大神给出的解法就是Algorithm X 。 其思想就是从01矩阵入手。解法的过程(不考虑回溯的次数多少)为:


如果 A 是空的,



选择一个列 c(确定的)

选择一个行 r,满足 A[r, c]=1 (不确定的)

把 r 包含进部分解

对于所有满足 A[r,j]=1 的 j

从矩阵 A 中删除第 j 列;

对于所有满足 A[i,j]=1 的 i,

从矩阵 A 中删除第 i 行。

在不断减少的矩阵 A 上递归地重复上述算法。


1、选择一个列,这里我们选择a列,找到这一列中有1的所有行,记为row1 , row2 , row3....

2、首先选择row1作为解的一部分,这里为选择第一行,然后将这一行中所有  为1的  列删除(这个行中已经满足了这些列有1)。在上面的例子中就是a , c , f列。

3、在删除a 、 c 、 f 列的过程中,还要删除这一列中有1的行(避免当前列中重复出现1)。以删除f列为例,由于选择第一行了,所以f列的1不能重复出现,即最后一行不能再选择了,所以要删除最后一行。



算法有了,那么怎么实现呢?我们可以递归解决问题,每一步复制一个矩阵,但是如果搜索次数很多的话,需要的空间会比较大。所以又有了Dancing links 的实现(后面叫DLX)。DLX虽然听起来很麻烦,但是他实现起来确实麻烦-,-!本质上DLX就是一个双向十字链表。如下(图是挖别人的。。):





C.L.R = C.R

C.R.L = C.L


C.R.L = C.L

C.L.R = C.R

3、扫描列是否都满足时,不必扫描全部的列,只需判断表头.L 是否 表头即可。



public class Solution {
    private static final int colmns = 324; //9 * 9 * 3 + 81
    private Node head;
    private Node[] cols;
    private int[] solution = new int[81];
    private boolean flag =false;

    String sudoku = "53..7...." +
            "6..195..." +
            ".98....6." +
            "8...6...3" +
            "4..8.3..1" +
            "7...2...6" +
            ".6....28." +
            "...419..5" +

    char[][] sudoku1;
    private int[][] sudokuArray = new int[9][9];

    ////////////////////////THE LEETCODE MAIN//////////////////////
    public void solveSudoku(char[][] board) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for(char[] t : board){
            for(char tt : t) {
        sudoku1 = board;

    public void init(){
        head = new Node();
        head.L = head;
        head.R = head;
        cols = new Node[colmns];
        for(int i = 0 ; i < cols.length ; i++){
            Node temp = new Node();
            temp.C = temp;
            temp.U = temp;
            temp.D = temp;
            temp.R = head;
            temp.L = head.L;
            temp.r = i;
            head.L.R = temp;
            head.L = temp;
            cols[i] = temp;

    public void link(int r , int[] cs){
        Node rowHead = null;

        for(int i = 0 ; i < cs.length ; i++){
            int c = cs[i];
            Node columnHeader = cols[c].C;
            Node temp = new Node();
            temp.r = r;
            if(i == 0){
                rowHead = temp;
                rowHead.R = rowHead;
                rowHead.L = rowHead;
            temp.R = rowHead;
            temp.L = rowHead.L;
            rowHead.L.R = temp;
            rowHead.L = temp;

            temp.D = columnHeader;
            temp.U = columnHeader.U;

            //set the columnHeader
            temp.C = columnHeader;
            columnHeader.U.D = temp;
            columnHeader.U = temp;

     * remove the column c
     * @param c  the column obj
    public void remove(Node c){

        //The column head
        Node cHead = c.C;
        cHead.R.L = cHead.L;
        cHead.L.R = cHead.R;
        //System.out.println("remove -----" + cHead.r);
        //delete the row of this column
        for(Node row = cHead.D ; row != cHead ; row = row.D){
            //delete the row
            for(Node rowNode = row.R ; rowNode != row ; rowNode = rowNode.R){
                rowNode.D.U = rowNode.U;
                rowNode.U.D = rowNode.D;


     * resume the column
     * @param c
    public void resume(Node c){
        Node cHead = c.C;

        //resume the row
        for(Node row = cHead.U ; row != cHead ; row = row.U){
            for(Node rowNode = row.L ; rowNode != row ; rowNode = rowNode.L){
                rowNode.D.U = rowNode;
                rowNode.U.D = rowNode;

        //resume the head
        cHead.R.L = cHead;
        cHead.L.R = cHead;

     * @return the column header
    public Node chooseColumn(){
        int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        Node result = null;
        for(Node c = head.R ; c != head ; c = c.R){
            if(c.count < min){
                result = c;
                min = c.count;
        return result;

    public boolean search(int k){
        if(flag == true)
            return true;
        if(head.R == head){
            flag = true;
            return true;
        Node c = chooseColumn();
        remove(c);  //remove the c

        for(Node solutionRow = c.D ; solutionRow != c ; solutionRow = solutionRow.D){
            solution[k] = solutionRow.r;  //add the solution

            //remove the column in the right
            for(Node rightNode = solutionRow.R ; rightNode != solutionRow ; rightNode = rightNode.R){

            //continue searching

            //after searching , resume the state
            for(Node leftNode = solutionRow.L ; leftNode != solutionRow ; leftNode = leftNode.L){



        return false;

     * Construct the two direction circular linked list according to the puzzle which is in the form of
     * @param puzzle
    public void construct(String puzzle){
        if(puzzle.length() != 81){
        for(int i = 0 ; i < puzzle.length() ; i++){
            char current = puzzle.charAt(i);
            int r = i / 9 ;
            int c = i%9;

            if(current == '.'){
                for(int val = 1 ; val <= 9 ; val++){
                    link(r*100 + c * 10 + val , getColumnIndex(r,c,val));
                int number = current - '0';
                link(r*100 + c * 10 + number , getColumnIndex(r,c,number));

    public void construct(char[][] puzzle){
        for(int pr = 0 ; pr < puzzle.length ; pr++){
            for(int pc = 0 ; pc < puzzle[pr].length ; pc++){
                int i = pr * 9 + pc;
                char current = puzzle[pr][pc];
                int r = i / 9 ;
                int c = i%9;

                if(current == '.'){
                    for(int val = 1 ; val <= 9 ; val++){
                        link(r*100 + c * 10 + val , getColumnIndex(r,c,val));
                    int number = current - '0';
                    link(r*100 + c * 10 + number , getColumnIndex(r,c,number));

     * given the row and column and the value , return the four column index of it
     * @param r
     * @param c
     * @param val
     * @return System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.toString(solution));
    public int[] getColumnIndex(int r , int c , int val){
        int[] array = new int[4];
        array[0] = r * 9 + val - 1;
        array[1] = 81 + c * 9 + val - 1;
//        int b = (r / 3) * 3 + c % 3;
        int tr = r / 3;
        int tc = c / 3;
        int b = tr * 3 + tc;
        array[2] = 162 + b * 9 + val - 1;
        array[3] = 243 + r * 9 + c;
        return array;

    public void printSolution(){
        for(int i = 0 ; i < solution.length ; i++){
            int r = solution[i] / 100;
            int c = solution[i] / 10 % 10;
            int val = solution[i] % 10;
            sudokuArray[r][c] = val;
        for(int[] rr : sudokuArray){
            for(int vv : rr){
                System.out.print(vv + "   ");

    public void printSolution1(){
        for(int i = 0 ; i < solution.length ; i++){
            int r = solution[i] / 100;
            int c = solution[i] / 10 % 10;
            int val = solution[i] % 10;
            sudoku1[r][c] = (char)(val + '0');
class Node{
    int r;   //represent the solution     ****rcv****
    //direction pointer
    Node U;
    Node D;
    Node L;
    Node R;
    Node C;  //the header
    int count;  //Used to store the count of 1 in column
时间: 2024-07-31 03:38:04

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