nginx uri和request_uri区别


This variable is equal to the *original* request URI as received from the client including the args. It cannot be modified. Look at $uri for the post-rewrite/altered URI. Does not include host name. Example: "/foo/bar.php?arg=baz"



This variable is the current request URI, without any arguments (see $args for those). This variable will reflect any modifications done so far by internal redirects or the index module. Note this may be different from $request_uri, as $request_uri is what was originally sent by the browser before any such modifications. Does not include the protocol or host name. Example: /foo/bar.html



The same as $uri.


Embedded Variables

The ngx_http_core_module module supports embedded variables with names matching the Apache Server variables. First of all, these are variables representing client request header fields, such as $http_user_agent$http_cookie, and so on. Also there are other variables:

argument name in the request line
arguments in the request line
client address in a binary form, value’s length is always 4 bytes for IPv4 addresses or 16 bytes for IPv6 addresses
number of bytes sent to a client, not counting the response header; this variable is compatible with the “%B” parameter of the mod_log_config Apache module
number of bytes sent to a client (1.3.8, 1.2.5)
connection serial number (1.3.8, 1.2.5)
current number of requests made through a connection (1.3.8, 1.2.5)
“Content-Length” request header field
“Content-Type” request header field
the name cookie
root or alias directive’s value for the current request
same as $uri
in this order of precedence: host name from the request line, or host name from the “Host” request header field, or the server name matching a request
host name
arbitrary request header field; the last part of a variable name is the field name converted to lower case with dashes replaced by underscores
on” if connection operates in SSL mode, or an empty string otherwise
?” if a request line has arguments, or an empty string otherwise
setting this variable enables response rate limiting; see limit_rate
current time in seconds with the milliseconds resolution (1.3.9, 1.2.6)
nginx version
PID of the worker process
p” if request was pipelined, “.” otherwise (1.3.12, 1.2.7)
client address from the PROXY protocol header, or an empty string otherwise (1.5.12)

The PROXY protocol must be previously enabled by setting the proxy_protocol parameter in the listen directive.

client port from the PROXY protocol header, or an empty string otherwise (1.11.0)

The PROXY protocol must be previously enabled by setting the proxy_protocol parameter in the listen directive.

same as $args
an absolute pathname corresponding to the root or alias directive’s value for the current request, with all symbolic links resolved to real paths
client address
client port
user name supplied with the Basic authentication
full original request line
request body

The variable’s value is made available in locations processed by the proxy_passfastcgi_pass,uwsgi_pass, and scgi_pass directives when the request body was read to a memory buffer.

name of a temporary file with the request body

At the end of processing, the file needs to be removed. To always write the request body to a file,client_body_in_file_only needs to be enabled. When the name of a temporary file is passed in a proxied request or in a request to a FastCGI/uwsgi/SCGI server, passing the request body should be disabled by the proxy_pass_request_body offfastcgi_pass_request_body off,uwsgi_pass_request_body off, or scgi_pass_request_body off directives, respectively.

OK” if a request has completed, or an empty string otherwise
file path for the current request, based on the root or alias directives, and the request URI
unique request identifier generated from 16 random bytes, in hexadecimal (1.11.0)
request length (including request line, header, and request body) (1.3.12, 1.2.7)
request method, usually “GET” or “POST
request processing time in seconds with a milliseconds resolution (1.3.9, 1.2.6); time elapsed since the first bytes were read from the client
full original request URI (with arguments)
request scheme, “http” or “https
arbitrary response header field; the last part of a variable name is the field name converted to lower case with dashes replaced by underscores
arbitrary field sent at the end of the response (1.13.2); the last part of a variable name is the field name converted to lower case with dashes replaced by underscores
an address of the server which accepted a request

Computing a value of this variable usually requires one system call. To avoid a system call, the listendirectives must specify addresses and use the bind parameter.

name of the server which accepted a request
port of the server which accepted a request
request protocol, usually “HTTP/1.0”, “HTTP/1.1”, or “HTTP/2.0
response status (1.3.2, 1.2.2)
information about the client TCP connection; available on systems that support the TCP_INFO socket option
local time in the ISO 8601 standard format (1.3.12, 1.2.7)
local time in the Common Log Format (1.3.12, 1.2.7)
current URI in request, normalized

The value of $uri may change during request processing, e.g. when doing internal redirects, or when using index files.

时间: 2024-11-10 06:53:03

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