Different from DOM parser, the SAX parser will parse the file from one node to another.
There are several methods are common used in SAX parser:
For example:
<Books> ------> startDocument()
<Book> ------> startElement()
<name> ------> startElement()
General ------> character()
</name> ------> endELement()
</Book> ------> endELement()
</Books> ------> endDocument()
How to get the SAXParser?
//1.get the SAXPaserFactory object
SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
//2.get the SAXParser by SAXParserFactory
SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser();
//3.use the parser to parse specific xml file
parser.parse("xml‘s path",new DefaultHandler{
public void startElement(String uri,String localName,String qName,Attribute attibute) throws SAXException
public void endElement(String uri,String localName,String qName) throws SAXException{
public void character(char[] chs,int start,int lenght) throws SAXException{
There is an important case: how to write the xml‘s object to JavaBean?