Master Slave SQL

SQLAlchemy Master Slave Load Balancing

Since version 2.2 TurboGears has basic support for Master/Slave load balancing
and provides a set of utilities to use it.

TurboGears permits to declare a master server and any number of slave servers, all the
writes will automatically redirected to the master node, while the other calls will
be dispatched randomly to the slave nodes.

All the queries executed outside of TurboGears controllers will run only on the
master node, those include the queries performed by the authentication stack to
initially look up an already logged in user, its groups and permissions.

Enabling Master Slave Balancing

To enable Master Slave load Balancing you just need to edit yourmodel/__init__.pymaking the sessionmaker use the TurboGears BalancedSession:

from tg.configuration.sqla.balanced_session import BalancedSessionmaker = sessionmaker(autoflush=True, autocommit=False,

Doing this by itself will suffice to make load balancing work, but still
as there is only the standard database configuration the BalancedSessionwill just be redirecting all the queries to the only available serve.

Configuring Balanced Nodes

To let load balancing work we must specify at least a master and slave server
inside our application configuration. The master server can be specified
using thesqlalchemy.masterset of options, while any number of slaves
can be configured using thesqlalchemy.slavesoptions:

sqlalchemy.master.url = mysql://username:[email protected]:port/databasenamesqlalchemy.master.pool_recycle = 3600sqlalchemy.slaves.slave1.url = mysql://username:[email protected]:port/databasenamesqlalchemy.slaves.slave1.pool_recycle = 3600

The master node can be configured also to be a slave, this is usually the
case when we want the master to also handle some read queries.

Driving the balancer

TurboGears provides a set of utilities to let you change the default behavior
of the load balancer. Those include the @with_engine(engine_name) decorator
and the DBSession().using_engine(engine_name) context.

The with_engine decorator

The with_engine decorator permits to force a controller method to
run on a specific node. It is a great tool for ensuring that some
actions take place on the master node, like controllers that edit

from tg import [email protected](‘myproj.templates.about‘)@with_engine(‘master‘)def about(self):
    return dict(page=‘about‘)

The previous query will be executed on the master node, if the @with_enginedecorator is removed it will get execute on any random slave.

The with_engine decorator can also be used to force turbogears
to use the master node when some parameters are passed by url:

@expose(‘myproj.templates.index‘)@with_engine(master_params=[‘m‘])def index(self):
    return dict(page=‘index‘)

In this case calling http://localhost:8080/index will result in queries
performed on a slave node, while calling http://localhost:8080/index?m=1 will
force the queries to be executed on the master node.

Pay attention that the m=1 parameter can actually have any value, it just
has to be there. This is especially useful when redirecting after an action
that just created a new item to a page that has to show the new item. Using
a parameter specified in master_params we can force TurboGears to fetch
the items from the master node so to avoid odd results due to data propagation

Keeping master_params around

By default parameters specified in with_engine master_params will be
popped from the controller params. This is to avoid messing with validators
or controller code that doesn’t expect the parameter to exist.

If the controller actually needs to access the parameter a dictionary can be
passed to @with_engine instead of a list. The dictionary keys will be
the parameters, while the value will be if to pop it from the
parameters or not.

@expose(‘myproj.templates.index‘)@with_engine(master_params={‘m‘:False})def index(self, m=None):
    return dict(page=‘index‘, m=m)

Forcing Single Queries on a node

Single queries can be forced to execute on a specific node using theusing_engine method of the BalancedSession. This method
returns a context manager, until queries are executed inside this
context they are run on the constrained engine:

with DBSession().using_engine(‘master‘):

In the previous example the Users and the Permissions will be
fetched from the master node, while the Groups will be fetched
from a random slave node.

Debugging Balancing

Setting the root logger of your application to DEBUG will let
you see which node has been choose by the BalancedSessionto perform a specific query.

时间: 2025-01-17 11:37:34

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