#!/usr/bin/env python import os import wmi import time import socket import base64 import smtplib import logging from email.mime.text import MIMEText def GetSrv(designation): """Get stopped service name and caption, Filtration ‘designation‘ service whether there is ‘Stopped‘. :return: service state """ c = wmi.WMI() ret = dict() for service in c.Win32_Service(): state, caption = service.State, service.Caption if state == ‘Stopped‘: t = ret.get(state, []) t.append(caption) ret[state] = t # If ‘designation‘ service in the ‘Stopped‘, return status is ‘down‘ if designation in ret.get(‘Stopped‘): logging.error(‘Service [%s] is down, try to restart the service. \r\n‘ % designation) return ‘down‘ return True def Monitor(sname): """Send the machine IP port 20000 socket request, If capture the abnormal returns the string ‘ex‘. :return: string ‘ex‘ """ s = socket.socket() s.settimeout(3) # timeout host = (‘‘, 20000) try: # Try connection to the host s.connect(host) except socket.error as e: logging.warning(‘[%s] service connection failed: %s \r\n‘ % (sname, e)) return ‘ex‘ return True def RestartSocket(rstname, conn, run): """First check whether the service is stopped, if stop, start the service directly. The check whether the zombies, if a zombie, then restart the service. :return: flag or True """ flag = False try: # From GetSrv() to obtain the return value, the return value if run == ‘down‘: ret = os.system(‘sc start "%s"‘ % rstname) if ret != 0: raise Exception(‘[Errno %s]‘ % ret) flag = True elif conn == ‘ex‘: retStop = os.system(‘sc stop "%s"‘ % rstname) retSart = os.system(‘sc start "%s"‘ % rstname) if retSart != 0: raise Exception(‘retStop [Status code %s] ‘ ‘retSart [Status code %s] ‘ % (retStop, retSart)) flag = True else: logging.info(‘[%s] service running status to normal‘ % rstname) return True except Exception as e: logging.warning(‘[%s] service restart failed: %s \r\n‘ % (rstname, e)) return flag def SendMail(to_list, sub, contents): """Send alarm mail. :return: flag """ mail_server = ‘mail.stmp.com‘ # STMP Server mail_user = ‘YouAccount‘ # Mail account mail_pass = base64.b64decode(‘Password‘) # The encrypted password mail_postfix = ‘smtp.com‘ # Domain name me = ‘Monitor alarm<%[email protected]%s>‘ % (mail_user, mail_postfix) message = MIMEText(contents, _subtype=‘html‘, _charset=‘utf-8‘) message[‘Subject‘] = sub message[‘From‘] = me message[‘To‘] = ‘;‘.join(to_list) flag = False # To determine whether a mail sent successfully try: s = smtplib.SMTP() s.connect(mail_server) s.login(mail_user, mail_pass) s.sendmail(me, to_list, message.as_string()) s.close() flag = True except Exception, e: logging.warning(‘Send mail failed, exception: [%s]. \r\n‘ % e) return flag def main(sname): """Parameter type in the name of the service need to monitor, perform functions defined in turn, and the return value is correct. After the program is running, will test three times, each time interval to 10 seconds. :return: retValue """ retry = 3 count = 0 retValue = False # Used return to the state of the socket while count < retry: ret = Monitor(sname) if ret != ‘ex‘: # If socket connection is normaol, return retValue retValue = ret return retValue isDown = GetSrv(sname) RestartSocket(rstname=sname, conn=ret, run=isDown) host = socket.gethostname() address = socket.gethostbyname(host) mailto_list = [‘[email protected]‘, ] # Alarm contacts SendMail(mailto_list, ‘Alarm‘, ‘ <h4>Level: <u>ERROR</u></br> Host name: %s</br>‘ ‘ IP Address: %s</br>‘ ‘ Service name:</h4> <h5>%s</h5>‘ % (host, address, sname)) count += 1 time.sleep(10) else: logging.error(‘[%s] service try to restart more than three times \r\n‘ % sname) return retValue if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=‘%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s‘, datefmt=‘%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S‘, filename=‘D:\\em_logs\\SocketMonitor.log‘, filemode=‘ab‘) name = ‘IM_IMConnectorServerWinService‘ response = main(name) if response: logging.info(‘The [%s] service connection is normal \r\n‘ % name)
时间: 2024-12-30 16:08:23