Software Engineer(百赴美)!getOnePosition?postIdEnc=13C2D8E668CF1B7ACD9200FA4D0CA727&brandCode=1&recruitType=1&lanType=1&operational=6637AA56FA08745E71A74EA6AC68D5FFF28F462DA4C19FB3FABC8882DE74DA1C0FDB6AEAC9F8C487108CCBE39D45983B54F375AA1CAE83E6A21F36A7DBB429FDA1AA45697C458F4E728CF2129DC5D614E1576CB4BE7A5FCD800AF13B15E741FE12D1C827440FC854E070CC3EA9E3A1161C8FE41D11E20AFFA9511543837DA597ADA993F4A79495C6398E3A67A3737FEF21D98BCC2FE67575CAED499E9C86325CC3D44DA1C73F4DA945C7FA90CE9460F2&qq-pf-to=pcqq.c2c



-Brief Introduction of USDC:With gross investment of $300 million, USDC was founded in 2011 and located in the middle of enterprises’ cluster in Silicon Valley. USDC launched the AI Lab of Silicon Valley and Andrew Ng was nominated to be the chief scientist while in charge of Baidu Research Institute. Besides, over 40 senior SWE who was used to work with Microsoft, Apple, Google, IBM and global scientific and research institutes were gathered here, including Xu Wei who was the scientist from Facebook and also Adam Coates, the renowned researcher from Stanford University. With its ambitious goal to study the leading-edge technology in AI and BaiduCompute, USDC will expand the scale, bring along more talents and help Baidu to be a world-class innovation center.  -Baidu USA Innovation Center is looking for talented software engineers to join our vibrant team. You will have the opportunity to deal with some of greatest technical challenges while making impact at scale. The ideal candidate should have knowledge or experience of large-scale distributed system or information retrieval 
-美研简介:百度美国研发中心于2011年成立,总斥资达3亿美元,位于硅谷企业集群中心。美研成立了硅谷人工智能实验室,并任命人工智能泰斗吴恩达博士为百度首席科学家,全面负责百度研究院。除吴博士外,美研还聚拢了前Facebook杰出科学家徐伟、斯坦福大学研究员Adam Coates等四十多名在微软、苹果、谷歌、IBM和全球科研院所等工作多年的资深工程师,研究人工智能、BaiduCompute等领域的前沿技术,全面挺进全球人工智能最前沿。未来的美研将扩大规模,引入更多人才,助力百度成为世界级的创新中心。 -百度美国研发中心计划招聘有才华的软件工程师,加入我们这个充满活力的团队。你将有机会解决一些高难度的技术问题,同时影响很多人。理想的候选人应具备大规模分布式系统或信息检索知识或经验。


-Currently pursuing a Bachelor‘s, or Master‘s, or PHD degree in Computer Science or related technical field -A solid foundation in computer science, with strong competencies in data structures, algorithms, and software design -Knowledge and experience on C/C++ programming -Deep understanding of large-scale data processing, data storage, and data retrieval -Knowledge and experience with file systems, database and SQL, server architecture, and distributed systems
-在读本科生、研究生或博士,要求计算机科学或相关技术专业 -扎实的计算机科学基础,数据构架、算法和软件设计能力强 -具备C或C++编程知识和经验 -对大规模数据处理、数据存储和数据检索有深刻理解 -具备文件系统、数据库和结构化查询语言、服务器架构以及分布式系统相关知识和经验

时间: 2024-10-09 22:20:48

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