TIME_WAIT与tcp_tw_reuse /tcp_tw_recycle, 开还是不开?

对于这个问题找到的一些资料, 仅供参考:


  • 关于TIME_WAIT数量太多。从上面的描述我们可以知道,TIME_WAIT是个很重要的状态,但是如果在大并发的短链接下,TIME_WAIT 就会太多,这也会消耗很多系统资源。只要搜一下,你就会发现,十有八九的处理方式都是教你设置两个参数,一个叫tcp_tw_reuse,另一个叫tcp_tw_recycle的参数,这两个参数默认值都是被关闭的,后者recyle比前者resue更为激进,resue要温柔一些。另外,如果使用tcp_tw_reuse,必需设置tcp_timestamps=1,否则无效。这里,你一定要注意,打开这两个参数会有比较大的坑——可能会让TCP连接出一些诡异的问题(因为如上述一样,如果不等待超时重用连接的话,新的连接可能会建不上。正如官方文档上说的一样“It should not be changed without advice/request of technical experts”)。
    • 关于tcp_tw_reuse。官方文档上说tcp_tw_reuse 加上tcp_timestamps(又叫PAWS, for Protection Against Wrapped Sequence Numbers)可以保证协议的角度上的安全,但是你需要tcp_timestamps在两边都被打开(你可以读一下tcp_twsk_unique的源码 )。我个人估计还是有一些场景会有问题。
    • 关于tcp_tw_recycle。如果是tcp_tw_recycle被打开了话,会假设对端开启了tcp_timestamps,然后会去比较时间戳,如果时间戳变大了,就可以重用。但是,如果对端是一个NAT网络的话(如:一个公司只用一个IP出公网)或是对端的IP被另一台重用了,这个事就复杂了。建链接的SYN可能就被直接丢掉了(你可能会看到connection time out的错误)(如果你想观摩一下Linux的内核代码,请参看源码tcp_timewait_state_process)。
    • 关于tcp_max_tw_buckets。这个是控制并发的TIME_WAIT的数量,默认值是180000,如果超限,那么,系统会把多的给destory掉,然后在日志里打一个警告(如:time wait bucket table overflow),官网文档说这个参数是用来对抗DDoS攻击的。也说的默认值180000并不小。这个还是需要根据实际情况考虑。

Again,使用tcp_tw_reuse和tcp_tw_recycle来解决TIME_WAIT的问题是非常非常危险的,因为这两个参数违反了TCP协议(RFC 1122) 


来源:TCP 的那些事儿(上)


By default, when both tcp_tw_reuse and tcp_tw_recycle are disabled, the kernel will make sure that sockets in TIME_WAIT state will remain in that state long enough -- long enough to be sure that packets belonging to future connections will not be mistaken for late packets of the old connection.

When you enable tcp_tw_reuse, sockets in TIME_WAIT state can be used before they expire, and the kernel will try to make sure that there is no collision regarding TCP sequence numbers. If you enable tcp_timestamps (a.k.a. PAWS, for Protection Against Wrapped Sequence Numbers), it will make sure that those collisions cannot happen. However, you need TCP timestamps to be enabled on both ends (at least, that‘s my understanding). See the definition of tcp_twsk_unique for the gory details.

When you enable tcp_tw_recycle, the kernel becomes much more aggressive, and will make assumptions on the timestamps used by remote hosts. It will track the last timestamp used by each remote host having a connection in TIME_WAIT state), and allow to re-use a socket if the timestamp has correctly increased. However, if the timestamp used by the host changes (i.e. warps back in time), the SYN packet will be silently dropped, and the connection won‘t establish (you will see an error similar to "connect timeout"). If you want to dive into kernel code, the definition of tcp_timewait_state_process might be a good starting point.

Now, timestamps should never go back in time; unless:

  • the host is rebooted (but then, by the time it comes back up, TIME_WAIT socket will probably have expired, so it will be a non issue);
  • the IP address is quickly reused by something else (TIME_WAIT connections will stay a bit, but other connections will probably be struck by TCP RST and that will free up some space);
  • network address translation (or a smarty-pants firewall) is involved in the middle of the connection.

In the latter case, you can have multiple hosts behind the same IP address, and therefore, different sequences of timestamps (or, said timestamps are randomized at each connection by the firewall). In that case, some hosts will be randomly unable to connect, because they are mapped to a port for which the TIME_WAIT bucket of the server has a newer timestamp. That‘s why the docs tell you that "NAT devices or load balancers may start drop frames because of the setting".

Some people recommend to leave tcp_tw_recycle alone, but enable tcp_tw_reuse and lower tcp_timewait_len. I concur :-)

来源:Dropping of connections with tcp_tw_recycle






时间: 2024-10-06 09:30:18

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