Lonsdor k518S Program 2015- Land Rover Add Smart Key & All Smart Keys Lost

Topic: Guide on program 2015- land rover add smart key & all smart keys lost with Lonsdor K518S / Lonsdor K518ISE.

Part 1: Guide on program 2015- land rover add smart key with Lonsdor k518S

Dismantle to read KVM data

Enter Lonsdor service center (u.lonsdor.com) to convert data

Write the new data back to KVM

Add smart key (if OBD doesn’t support this function, please go to “write a workable key” menu to program.)

Note: the converted data is valid for 24 hours, if timed out, please convert it again.

1.Dismantle to read KVM data (P-FLASH/D-FLASH/EEPROM)

1). KVM is on the left rear of vehicle trunk.

2) Use programmer to dismantle and read KVM data (P-FLASH/D-FLASH/EEPROM) RFA encrypted (MC9S12XEQ384):


2.After reading KVM data, login “Lonsdor service center (U.lonsdor.com)” to convert it. and write the converted data back to KVM and roll back installation. Then you can execute [add smart key] operation.

Add smart key

1). This function can be used to program new keys, and will not affect currently programmed keys. Ignition may turn on automatically.

2) Please place all working keys in the shifter surround or cup holder.

3) System is communicating… reading VIN code, software version and etc.

4) Identify count of the programmed keys stored in car.

5) This function can be used to program new keys. Take other keys outside the car. Next step will start to program key.

6) Please prepare one key to be programmed, press OK, and press unlock button once in 5 secs.

7) Press UNLOCK button on smart keycard, till the car responds to it.

8) Press UNLOCK button once in 5 secs, please press UNLOCK.

9) Program completed.

1.The working key will need to be placed in the shifter surround or cup holder (sensor area) in the beginning.

2.KVM position of all new car models are not the same. If unable to find it, please search other position patiently. For new model-discovery 5, KVM is over the car battery (see below pic).

3.If system prompts unknown software version, please operate as per prompt message (see below pic.).

Part 2: Guide on program 2015- land rover all smart keys lost with Lonsdor k518S

Dismantle and read KVM data

import data to K518.customfile

Write a workable key to generate new data

Write the new data back to KVM and reinstall KVM

Verify whether key can work normally.

1.Dismantle and read KVM data (P-FLASH/D-FLASH/EEPROM)

1). KVM case is on the left rear of vehicle trunk.

2.Use programmer to dismantle and read data (encrypted or unencrypted)

RFA encrypted (MC9S12XEQ384).

Write a workable key.

1). Use programmer to read KVM (D-FLASH/EEPROM) data, saved as .BIN filed, then import the data to customfile folder in the device.

2). Please select (D-FLASH file, continue to select EEPROM data.

3). Please select “Make dealer key” or “Delete key” menu (like select “delete key”)

4). Please select key position /ID to be deleted. After confirmation, system will delete it successfully.

5). Select “Make dealer key”, please select key position to be generated.

6) Please place a new key to be generated into K518 car slot.

7) System is reading and writing the data, please keep the key in stable position (if fail to identify the key, please move it around to sense).

8) System is programming… Dealer key is generated successfully.

9) Click on “Save data / exit”, the system will generate new D-flash /eeprom data and save it.

10) The data is saved successfully, please write the new D-flash/eeprom data to KVM.

After the data is written successfully, please verify whether the new key can start car, and whether remote control works normally.

New filename of D-flash (operation data is added to original filename, example):D-flash_modify_20180630173808.bin.

After the data is written successful, please verity whether the new Key can start car, and whether remote control works normally.

New filename of D-FLASH(operation data is added to original filename, example): D-FLASH.M0D1 FY.20180630173808.bin

New filename of EEPROM(operation data is added to original filename, example): EEPR0M_M001 FY_20180630173812.bin

Read key ID

(1)    Please place chip/key to be identified into K518 card slot.

(2)    System is identifying…please wait.

(3)    Chip/key ID and other info is identified. Please remember the key ID and do not choose the wrong when delete key.

[Write a workable key]: you can select to delete the lost keys. Before that, please enter [Read key ID”] menu to identify ID of workable key and record it. Do not delete the wrong key.
When use external programmer to read KVM data, you need to unlock KVM first (select encryp ted data to read generally).
After writing a workable key, if no key can start the car, it means something wrong with certain component. You can try to replace crystal oscillator or KVM.



时间: 2024-08-01 23:47:57

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