原文:WPF (DataGridColumnHeader)实现自义定列头样式 并绑定数据
自定义列头 样式 样式里的 数据来源于后台绑定
这篇就说头样式 和头样式数据绑定
1)实现功能的时候 首先想的是编辑列头样式 选择使用DataGridTextColumn 编辑 DataGridColumnHeader 样式
样式很简单 就布局好了 这段结束
2)动态列 没有要求换肤 所以就没有完全使用MVVM 直接写后台循环 到这里数据有了
- List<string> LS = new List<string>();
- public void addColumn()
- {
- LS.Add("表下カップ綿天竺仮縫い_37s_C_1");
- LS.Add("上カップマーキしつけ_28s_C_2");
- LS.Add("上下カップ接ぎ_33s_C_3");
- LS.Add("上下カップ押え_62s_B_4");
- LS.Add("カップ脇しつけ_14s_B_5");
- LS.Add("表上カップレース端押さえ_41s_B_6");
- for (int i = 0; i < LS.Count; i++)
- {
- DataGridTextColumn dl = new DataGridTextColumn();
- dl.Header=LS[i];
- dataGrid.Columns.Add(dl);
- }
- }
3)最难的数据绑定 数据来源 header 如果有只有俩个 就不用那么麻烦 直接在样式里ControlTemplate 中用TemplateBinding 绑定 Content 和tag 就可以
{TemplateBinding Content}
content = Header 里的值 当然 要使用tag 就要在上面的for 里加上tag的值 样式里 需要 绑定{TemplateBinding tag}
但是 我的项目需要4个 这就需要夸越TemplateBinding 这个绑定 我查了一下 想扩展template 但是资料太少
解决方法 自义定控件
首先我显示的控件是lable 所以 我自定义了一个lable 写 依赖属性 虽然有点繁琐 也算是一个比较笨的解决方案
1)定义 Ms 来获得header的数据 并处理数据
2)定义MyProperty 来获得Ms处理后的数据 绑定到 lable 的 Content 属性
3)使用控件本身的tag 来区分那个lable
- public class LableColumn : Label
- {
- public LableColumn()
- : base()
- {
- }
- //获得值
- public string Ms
- {
- get { return (string)GetValue(MsProperty); }
- set { SetValue(MsProperty, value); }
- }
- // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for ms. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
- public static readonly DependencyProperty MsProperty =
- DependencyProperty.Register("Ms", typeof(string), typeof(LableColumn), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata("", Onshow));
- //用于绑定的值
- public string MyProperty
- {
- get { return (string)GetValue(MyPropertyProperty); }
- set { SetValue(MyPropertyProperty, value); }
- }
- // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for MyProperty. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
- public static readonly DependencyProperty MyPropertyProperty =
- DependencyProperty.Register("MyProperty", typeof(string), typeof(LableColumn), new PropertyMetadata(""));
- private static void Onshow(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
- {
- LableColumn l = d as LableColumn;
- if (l.Ms != null && l.Ms != "")
- {
- String[] strarr = l.Ms.ToString().Split(new string[] { "_" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
- if (l.Tag.Equals("1"))
- {
- l.MyProperty= strarr[3];
- }
- else if (l.Tag.Equals("2"))
- {
- l.MyProperty = strarr[0];
- }
- else if (l.Tag.Equals("3"))
- { l.MyProperty= strarr[2] ;
- }
- else if (l.Tag.Equals("4"))
- {
- l.MyProperty= strarr[1];
- }
- }
- }
- }
前台的DataGridColumnHeader 样式
- <Style TargetType="{x:Type DataGridColumnHeader}">
- <Setter Property="VerticalContentAlignment" Value="Center"/>
- <Setter Property="Template">
- <Setter.Value>
- <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type DataGridColumnHeader}">
- <Grid HorizontalAlignment= "Left " Height= "Auto " VerticalAlignment= "Stretch " Width= "Auto " Background= "White " Margin= "0 ">
- <Grid.RowDefinitions>
- <RowDefinition Height= "* "/>
- </Grid.RowDefinitions>
- <Border BorderBrush= "Black " BorderThickness= "1 " HorizontalAlignment= "Stretch " Height= "Auto " Margin= "0 " VerticalAlignment= "Stretch " Grid.RowSpan= "1 ">
- <Grid HorizontalAlignment= "Stretch " Height= "Auto " Margin= "-1,0,0,0 " VerticalAlignment= "Stretch ">
- <Grid.RowDefinitions>
- <RowDefinition Height= "20* "/>
- <RowDefinition Height= "20* "/>
- <RowDefinition Height= "20* "/>
- <RowDefinition Height= "20* "/>
- </Grid.RowDefinitions>
- <Border BorderBrush= "Black " BorderThickness= "1,1,0,1 " HorizontalAlignment= "Stretch " Height= "Auto " Margin= "0 " VerticalAlignment= "Stretch " Width= "Auto " Grid.Row= "1 ">
- <local:LableColumn Tag="3" Content="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource self},Path=MyProperty}" Ms="{TemplateBinding Content}" Background= "#FFF9F9F9 " HorizontalAlignment= "Stretch " Height= "25 " Margin= "0 " VerticalAlignment= "Stretch " Width= "82 "/>
- </Border>
- <Border BorderBrush= "Black " BorderThickness= "1,1,0,1 " HorizontalAlignment= "Stretch " Height= "Auto " Margin= "0 " VerticalAlignment= "Stretch " Width= "Auto ">
- <local:LableColumn Tag="1" Content="{Binding MyProperty, RelativeSource={RelativeSource self}}" Ms="{TemplateBinding Content}" Background= "#FFF9F9F9 " HorizontalAlignment= "Stretch " Height= "25 " Margin= "0 " VerticalAlignment= "Stretch " Width= "82 "/>
- </Border>
- <local:LableColumn x:Name="lText" Tag="2" Content="{Binding MyProperty, RelativeSource={RelativeSource self}}" Ms="{TemplateBinding Content}" Background= "#FFF9F9F9 " HorizontalAlignment= "Stretch " Height= "35 " Margin= "0 " VerticalAlignment= "Stretch " Width= "82 " Visibility="Collapsed"/>
- <Border BorderBrush= "Black " BorderThickness= "1,1,0,1 " HorizontalAlignment= "Stretch " Height= "Auto " Margin= "0,0,0,0 " VerticalAlignment= "Stretch " Width= "Auto " Grid.Row= "2 ">
- <TextBlock TextWrapping = "Wrap " Background= "#FFF9F9F9 " Text="{Binding Path=Content,ElementName=lText}" HorizontalAlignment= "Stretch " Height= "35 " Margin= "0 " VerticalAlignment= "Stretch " Width= "82 "/>
- </Border>
- <Border BorderBrush= "Black " BorderThickness= "1,1,0,1 " HorizontalAlignment= "Stretch " Height= "Auto " Margin= "0 " VerticalAlignment= "Stretch " Width= "Auto " Grid.Row= "3 ">
- <local:LableColumn Tag="4" Content="{Binding MyProperty, RelativeSource={RelativeSource self}}" Ms="{TemplateBinding Content}" Background= "#FFF9F9F9 " HorizontalAlignment= "Stretch " Height= "35 " Margin= "0 " VerticalAlignment= "Stretch " Width= "82 "/>
- </Border>
- </Grid>
- </Border>
- </Grid>
- </ControlTemplate>
- </Setter.Value>
- </Setter>
- </Style>
数据绑定的技能 这边涉及到俩种
{Binding MyProperty, RelativeSource={RelativeSource self}}
{Binding Path=Content,ElementName=lText}
肯定有更好的方法来实现 这个功能 希望有人留言 得以分享学习