CV toolbox(3) - grab cut


  • grab cut

    • \(1.\) segmentation
    • \(2.\) grab cut
      • \(2.1.\) graph cut
      • \(2.2.\) code of grab cut in opencv
      • \(2.3.\) understand algorithm
      • \(2.4.\) deep grab cut

grab cut

\(1.\) segmentation

1. learning source related to interactive segmentation on github

2. project (latest achievement on CVPR2018) : Interactive Image Segmentation with Latent Diversity

3. project (latest achievement on CVPR2018) : Deep Extreme Cut: From Extreme Points to Object Segmentation

4. project (latest achievement on CVPR2019) : Curve-GCN

\(2.\) grab cut

Review of segmentation based on this blog
Learning on graph cut is based on this blog.
Learning on grab cut is based on this blog and paper.

\(2.1.\) graph cut

To help myself understand grab cut, I turn my head to learning something related to grab cut. Graph cut is one of them.

To segment a image into a object which is in our selection and the background, we can use the method of graph cut which is based on graph theory.

\(fig2.1.1\) original image is the input image as show in the left, every pixel in which can be seen as a node. Add paths to neighbor nodes, add paths to every node and s/t node, as show in the right.

As our destination is to separate object that is in our selection areas and background. In \(fig2.1.1.R\) the paths record the value of the similarity of each pixels, which is the standard of our segmentation. When the value of a path is large, it shows that it has similarity between the pixels side of the path, which is the object we are trying to preserve. Raise a method is to find the min cut of a subgraph \(fig2.1.1.R\), then separate the subgraph, we can get the objection selection.

Now, raised a issue, how to define the similarity of each pixels.

\(2.2.\) code of grab cut in opencv

\(2.3.\) understand algorithm

Based on this blog.

\(2.4.\) deep grab cut


时间: 2024-08-01 03:56:44

CV toolbox(3) - grab cut的相关文章

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转自: Graph Cut,下一个博文我们再学习下Grab Cut,两者都是基于图论的分割方法.另外OpenCV实现了Grab Cut,具体的源码解读见博文更新.接触时间有限,若有错误,还望各位前辈指正,谢谢. Graph cuts是一种十分有用和流行的能量优化算法,在计算机视觉领域普遍应用于前背景分割(Image segmentation).立体视觉(stereo vision).抠图(Im


这是基于图论的分割方法,所以开始就先介绍了 Graph cuts,然后再到Grab cut   一. Graph cuts Graph cuts是一种十分有用和流行的能量优化算法,在计算机视觉领域普遍应用于前背景分割(Image segmentation).立体视觉(stereo vision).抠图(Image matting)等. 此类方法把图像分割问题与图的最小割(min cut)问题相关联.首先用一个无向图G=<V,E>表示要分割的图像,V和E分别是顶点(vertex)和边(edge)


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image segmentation

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作者:魏秀参链接:来源:知乎著作权归作者所有.商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处. 说起特斯拉,大家可能立马会想到今年5月份发生在特斯拉Model S自动驾驶上的一宗夺命车祸.初步的调查表明,在强烈的日照条件下,驾驶员和自动驾驶系统都未能注意到牵引式挂车的白色车身,因此未能及时启动刹车系统.而由于牵引式挂车正在横穿公路,且车身较高,这一特殊情况导致Model S从挂车底部通过时,其前挡风玻璃与挂车底部发生撞击