sql 查找重复 时间戳转换


select id, name, memo
from A
where id in (select id from A group by id having count(1) >= 2)

UNIX时间戳转换为日期用函数: FROM_UNIXTIME()

select FROM_UNIXTIME(1156219870);


Select UNIX_TIMESTAMP(’2006-11-04 12:23:00′);

时间: 2024-08-06 07:06:24

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CREATE TABLE product( ID INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, Pid INT NOT NULL, Pname VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, Punit CHAR(10) NOT NULL, Pspec VARCHAR(50), PbarCode VARCHAR(20),) INSERT INTO product(Pid,Pname,Punit,Pspec,PbarCode) VALUES(10000,'欧莱雅日间修


在表中,有的字段不是主键也不具备唯一性,但是在使用过程中,该字段不应用重复,有的时候它偏偏重复了.所以,为了找出某个重复字段的行,使用一下SQL语句: --即有: --Select * From 表 Where 重复字段 In (Select 重复字段 From 表 Group By 重复字段 Having Count(*)>1) --来一个具体的例子 select * from t_exterm  where mainkeyindex in  (select mainkeyindex from


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SELECT t1.* FROM t1,   (SELECT name,ADD    FROM t1    GROUP BY name,ADD HAVING COUNT(1) > 1) AS t2 WHERE t1.name = t2.name   AND t1.ADD = t2.ADD; 来自为知笔记(Wiz)


1.表中有id和name 两个字段,查询出name重复的所有数据 1 select * from xi a where (a.username) in (select username from xi group by username having count(*) > 1) 2.查询出所有数据进行分组之后,和重复数据的重复次数的查询数据,先列下: 1 select count(username) as '重复次数',username from xi group by username hav


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