Bungee Jumping---hdu1155(物理题)


题目很长,但是很容易理解,就是人从高s的桥上跳下来,手拉着长为l的绳子末端,如果绳子太短那么人将在空中输出Stuck in the air.

如果人落地速度大于10的话就死了,输出Killed by the impact.否则是活的输出James Bond survives.




using namespace std;
#define g 9.81
int main()
    double k, l, s, w, e, v;
    while(scanf("%lf%lf%lf%lf", &k, &l, &s, &w), k+l+s+w)
        e = w*g*s;
            printf("Stuck in the air.\n");
            printf("Killed by the impact.\n");
            printf("James Bond survives.\n");
    return 0;

时间: 2024-08-14 11:16:24

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