
Audio & Video Starting Point

Multimedia technologies in iOS let you access the sophisticated audio and video capabilities of iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Specialized classes let you easily add basic features such as iPod library playback and movie capture, while rich multimedia
APIs support advanced solutions.

iOS上的多媒体技术可以让你让你访问iPhone,iPad和iPod touch上的复杂的音频和视频。专门的类库 让你轻松添加基本特性如iPod图书馆音乐播放、和电影捕获,并且丰富的多媒体api提供了更多的先进的解决方案。


Choose the right technology for your needs:

  • To play the audio items in a user’s iPod library, or to play local or streamed movies, use the Media Player framework. Classes in this framework automatically support sending audio and video
    to AirPlay devices such as Apple TV.

播放用户iPod图书馆里的音频,或者播放本地或流电影,使用媒体播放器框架。在这个框架里的类  提供发送 音频和视频 到 AirPlay devices (如苹果电视)的 功能。

  • To easily add picture or movie capture to your app, employ dedicated classes and functions from the
    UIKit framework.


  • For basic audio recording and playback, including stereo panning, synchronization, and metering, use the audio classes from the
    AV Foundation framework.

基本的音频录制和播放, 包括立体平移、同步、和计量,使用 AV Foundation framework中的 audio classes  。

  • To add high-performance positional audio playback to your OpenGL-based game or other app, take advantage of the open-source OpenAL (Open Audio Library) API.

添加高性能音频播放 到你的OpenGL-based游戏或其他应用程序,利用开源OpenAL(打开音频库)的API。

  • To work directly with audio and video data—for high performance or advanced solutions such as VoIP, streaming, virtual music instruments, or MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)—use the
    AV Foundation framework, the Assets Library framework, the
    various Core Audio frameworks (including the Core Audio, Audio Toolbox, and Audio Unit frameworks), and the
    Core MIDI framework.

工作直接与 音频 和视频数据  相关 ,追求 高性能和先进解决方案如VoIP、流媒体、虚拟乐器,或MIDI(乐器数字接口)   使用 AV的基础框架,资产库框架,各种音频核心框架(包括核心音频,音频工具箱和音频单元框架),和MIDI核心框架。

Get Up and Running

Become Proficient in Audio Development

Become Proficient in Video Development




Get Up and Running

Familiarize yourself with iOS audio development by checking out these resources:

熟悉iOS音频开发 审查 以下资源:


  • Read Using Audio in
    Multimedia Programming Guide to learn about audio development for iOS devices. Make sure to understand the importance of audio session objects as introduced in The Basics:
    Audio Codecs, Supported Audio Formats, and
    Audio Sessions in Multimedia Programming Guide.

阅读媒体编程指南中的Using Audio了解iOS设备音频开发。确保理解其中的音频会话对象的重要性, 基于编程指南基础里面介绍的 基本的音频编解码器,支持的音频格式和 音频会话 。


  • View the avTouch sample code project, which shows how to play sounds with the
    AVAudioPlayer class; the SpeakHere project, which demonstrates basic recording and playback; and the
    Audio UI Sounds (SysSound) project, which demonstrates how to invoke vibration and play alerts and user-interface sound effects.

avTouch,显示了如何使用AVAudioPlayer类播放声音;SpeakHere,演示了录音 和 回放 ,Audio UI Sounds (SysSound) ,它演示了如何调用振动和警报和用户界面音效。

  • Download and explore the
    AddMusic sample code project to see a simple demonstration of how to add iPod library playback to your app.


  • Read
    MPVolumeView Class Reference to learn how to quickly add AirPlay capability to your app.


Get up and running with iOS video development with these resources:

利用以下资源 在 iOS音频开发中行动起来

Become Proficient in Audio Development


Gain a complete understanding of audio session objects, and how they determine your app’s audio behavior, by reading
Audio Session Programming Guide. Also be sure to read Sound , which explains how your app should handle sound to meet user expectations.

完全理解 音频会话对象 ,以及它们如何确定应用程序音频的行为,通过阅读音频会话编程指南。一定要读 Sound 这一部分,它说明了你的应用程序应该如何处理声音以满足用户的期望。

No matter which iOS audio technologies you employ, users expect to be able to play and pause your app’s audio using the system transport controls in the multitasking UI. To learn how to support this feature, read
Remote Control of Multimedia in Event Handling Guide for iOS.

无论你使用哪些iOS音频技术,用户都希望能够播放和暂停应用程序的音频,使用系统传输控制的多任务的UI。学习这个功能,通过阅读 远程控制的多媒体 在iOS事件处理指南。

Take full advantage of the iPod library by reading
iPod Library Access Programming Guide along with Media Player Framework Reference.


To learn how to play audio using OpenAL, view the oalTouch project



To play streamed audio content, such as from a network connection, use an
AVPlayer object as described in Playback in
AV Foundation Programming Guide. You can also play certain Internet audio files by using the
MPMoviePlayerController class; for sample code that shows how, see

播放音频流,比如通过网络连接,使用一个AVPlayer对象播放,AV Foundation Programming Guide描述了Playback。你也可以播放某些互联网音频文件使用MPMoviePlayerController类;示例代码,见MoviePlayer。

To play audio files with stereo panning, synchronization, and metering, use the
AVAudioPlayer class. To record audio, use the
AVAudioRecorder class. Apple recommends these classes for audio playback and recording when you do not need direct access to audio data.


To get started with handling audio data directly, read
Core Audio Essentials in Core Audio Overview to learn about the architecture, programming conventions, and use of Core Audio.

处理音频数据,阅读 核心音频概述 里的 核心音频要素,了解体系结构、编程规范和使用核心音频。

If you are creating a VoIP (voice over Internet protocol) app or a virtual music instrument, you need the highest audio performance available in iOS. The solution to use is audio units, the iOS audio plug-in technology. Audio units also provide
advanced capabilities including mixing and equalization. Read Audio Unit Hosting Guide for iOS to learn how to use audio units. View the
Audio Mixer (MixerHost) and Mixer iPodEQ AUGraph Test sample code projects.

音频单元,iOS音频插件技术。音频单位还提供高级功能包括混合和均衡。阅读Audio Unit Hosting Guide for iOS学习如何使用音频单元。查看音频混合器(MixerHost)和混合器iPodEQ AUGraph测试示例代码项目。

To create a MIDI app for connecting hardware keyboards or synthesizers to an iOS device, refer to
Core MIDI Framework Reference and look at the
MFi program.

创建一个MIDI应用连接硬件键盘或合成器iOS设备, 参考 核心MIDI框架 中的MFi程序 。

PS: 音频讲了好多,视频就这么一点

Become Proficient in Video Development


To progress beyond the capabilities of the Media Player framework and the
UIImagePickerController class, read AV Foundation Programming Guide. AV Foundation, with support from the Assets Library and Core Media frameworks, provides tools for advanced video solutions including track-based
editing, transcoding, and direct access to data from the camera and microphone.

功能如果超越了 Media Player framework 和 UIImagePickerController类,阅读AV Foundation Programming Guide。AV Foundation 支持资产库和核心媒体框架,提供了工具,先进的视频解决方案包括track-based编辑、代码转换,直接从摄像头和麦克风访问数据。

View the AVCam for iOS sample code project to see how to capture still images and movies using the AV Foundation framework. AVCam demonstrates the use of several important AV Foundation classes. View the
AVPlayerDemo project to see how to play movies from the iPod library.

查看AVCam iOS示例代码项目,看看如何捕获静止图像和电影通过使用AV的基础框架。AVCam演示了几个重要的AV基础类的使用。查看AVPlayerDemo项目学习 如何从iPod图书馆播放电影。

时间: 2024-08-29 02:40:17


iOS 音频视频制作

--iOS多媒体 概览 随着移动互联网的发展,如今的手机早已不是打电话.发短信那么简单了,播放音乐.视频.录音.拍照等都是很常用的功能.在iOS中对于多媒体的支持是非常强大的,无论是音视频播放.录制,还是对麦克风.摄像头的操作都提供了多套API.在今天的文章中将会对这些内容进行一一介绍: 音频 音效 音乐 音频会话 录音 音频队列服务 视频 MPMoviePlayerController MPMoviePlayerViewController AVPlayer 摄像头 UIImagePicker


视频播放 MediaPlayer.framework MPMoviePlayerViewController VS MPMoviePlayerController MPMoviePlayerViewController MPMoviePlayerController 版本支持 Available in iOS 3.2 and later. Available in iOS 2.0 and later.(多数属性支持3.2后) 大小 只支持全屏播放  如果addsubview 不支持横竖屏 可全屏


在一个unity3d项目中加录屏功能,录屏用的第三方ShareREC,由于是声控游戏,关闭了录屏功能的音频,单独录制了声控时候的声音,并且每局游戏的的视频前面加视频广告,这里就牵涉到录屏的视频要加上录声控时候的声音的拼接,及整改游戏视频拼接视频广告.写了个工具类FileTools,里面有对文件的各种操作 #import "FileTools.h" @implementation FileTools +(NSString*)tempDirectory { return  NSTempor

iOS 短视频开发总结二 AVCaptureSession

开始录制短视频 录制完成 根据项目需求,对视频URL进行处理 基本原理和方法已经完成,具体细节根据项目实际需求再处理


这段时间对视频开发进行了一些了解,在这里和大家分享一下我自己觉得学习步骤和资料,希望对那些对视频感兴趣的朋友有些帮助. 一.iOS系统自带播放器 要了解iOS视频开发,首先我们从系统自带的播放器说起,一.我们可以直接播放视频,看到效果,不然搞了半天还播放不了视频,会让大家失去兴趣.二.其实对于很多需求来说,系统的播放器就能够胜任.简单介绍下 1.MPMoviePlayerController 在iOS中播放视频可以使用MPMoviePlayerController类来完成,具备一般的播放器控制功


苹果手机带动了IOS的火热,一大堆开发人员在捣鼓IOS平台的开发,相信大家也使用过QQ的语音视频对话功能,但是不知道大家有没有试过自己来开发一个基于IOS平台的音视频即时通讯的应用,这个应用必须能够做到跨平台.现在介绍两种方法使用IOS与其他平台的音视频通话. 首先就是使用一个跨平台的音视频通讯平台即可,这是作为非专业技术人员也可以做到的,下面就先介绍第一种:只需三个条件: 1.手机有网络连接: 2.有AnyChat for iOS SDK: 3.对方PC或手机有以上条件. AnyChat音视频

即时通讯 iOS音视频技术开发

随着iOS的强势面世,伴随着其出色的应用,一大堆开发人员在捣鼓IOS平台的开发,而基于iOS的音视频二次开发应用也为更多的程序员猛攻猛打.相信大家也使用过QQ的语音视频对话功能,但是不知道大家有没有试过自己来开发一个基于IOS平台的音视频即时通讯的应用,这个应用必须能够做到跨平台 支持iOS平台设备上的音频即时通讯应用开发 提供Objective-C语言API接口,开放示例源代码 集成H.264.AAC.AMR等编解码技术 封装音视频的采集.编解码.传输.显示和播放等模块 支持Android.W

iOS 视频开发学习

原文:浅谈iOS视频开发 这段时间对视频开发进行了一些了解,在这里和大家分享一下我自己觉得学习步骤和资料,希望对那些对视频感兴趣的朋友有些帮助. 一.iOS系统自带播放器 要了解iOS视频开发,首先我们从系统自带的播放器说起,一.我们可以直接播放视频,看到效果,不然搞了半天还播放不了视频,会让大家失去兴趣.二.其实对于很多需求来说,系统的播放器就能够胜任.简单介绍下 1.MPMoviePlayerController 在iOS中播放视频可以使用MPMoviePlayerController类来完

转:?Android IOS WebRTC 音视频开发总结 (系列文章集合)

随笔分类 - webrtc Android IOS WebRTC 音视频开发总结(七八)-- 为什么WebRTC端到端监控很关键? 摘要: 本文主要介绍WebRTC端到端监控(我们翻译和整理的,译者:weizhenwei,校验:blacker),最早发表在[编风网] 支持原创,转载必须注明出处,欢迎关注我的微信公众号blacker(微信ID:blackerteam 或 webrtcorgcn). callstats是一家做实时通讯性能测阅读全文 posted @ 2016-07-22 08:24