[Unity][Heap sort]用Unity动态演示堆排序的过程

[Unity][Heap sort]用Unity动态演示堆排序的过程

How Heap Sort Works


I‘ve made this heap sort demo to show how heap sort works recently.



A picture paints a thousand words.


链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kT051pd 密码:zpy3

You can check out the whole gif here. THe blog don‘t support a big gif like it.

Link:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kT051pd password:zpy3

堆排序(Heap Sort)


Step 1: The first step of heap sort is to build a binary tree in which the parent node‘s value is always greater than its children nodes‘ value.


It‘s called building the heap.


Step 2: Ater that, we swap the root node and the last node that hasn‘t been swapped yet.

Step 3: build the heap again like in step 1.

Step 4: if not all nodes are swapped in Step 2, goto Step2. Otherwise goto step 5.

Step 5: the heap sort is finished.

 1         private static void HeapSortAscending1<T>(this IList<T> arr)
 2             where T : IComparable
 3         {
 4             for (int i = arr.Count / 2 - 1; i >= 0; i--)
 5             {
 6                 arr.HeapAdjustAscending1(i, arr.Count);
 7             }
 8             for (int i = arr.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
 9             {
10                 T temp = arr[0];
11                 arr[0] = arr[i];
12                 arr[i] = temp;
13                 arr.HeapAdjustAscending1(0, i);
14             }
15         }
16         private static void HeapAdjustAscending1<T>(this IList<T> arr, int nonLeafNodeToBeAdjusted, int unRangedCount)
17             where T:IComparable
18         {
19             int leftChild = nonLeafNodeToBeAdjusted * 2 + 1;
20             int rightChild = nonLeafNodeToBeAdjusted * 2 + 2;
21             int max = nonLeafNodeToBeAdjusted;
22             if (nonLeafNodeToBeAdjusted < unRangedCount / 2) // 是非叶节点
23             {
24                 if (leftChild < unRangedCount && arr[leftChild].CompareTo(arr[max]) > 0)
25                 { max = leftChild; }
26                 if (rightChild < unRangedCount && arr[rightChild].CompareTo(arr[max]) > 0)
27                 { max = rightChild; }
28                 if (max!=nonLeafNodeToBeAdjusted)
29                 {
30                     T temp = arr[max];
31                     arr[max] = arr[nonLeafNodeToBeAdjusted];
32                     arr[nonLeafNodeToBeAdjusted] = temp;
33                     arr.HeapAdjustAscending1(max, unRangedCount);
34                 }
35             }
36         }

Heap sort



You can download the HowHeapSortWorks.apk for android below here.

链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c0GYIaO 密码:hlvi

Link:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c0GYIaO password:hlvi

If you want the source code, please kindly donate ¥10 and leave your email adress:)

时间: 2024-08-03 22:13:19

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堆排序 Heap Sort

堆排序是一种选择排序,其时间复杂度为O(nlogn). 堆的定义 n个元素的序列{k1,k2,…,kn}当且仅当满足下列关系之一时,称之为堆. 情形1:ki <= k2i 且ki <= k2i+1 (最小化堆或小顶堆) 情形2:ki >= k2i 且ki >= k2i+1 (最大化堆或大顶堆) 其中i=1,2,…,n/2向下取整; 若将和此序列对应的一维数组(即以一维数组作此序列的存储结构)看成是一个完全二叉树,则堆的含义表明,完全二叉树中所有非终端结点的值均不大于(或不小于)其左

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转载:堆排序 Heap Sort

堆排序是一种选择排序,其时间复杂度为O(nlogn). 堆的定义 n个元素的序列{k1,k2,…,kn}当且仅当满足下列关系之一时,称之为堆. 情形1:ki <= k2i 且ki <= k2i+1 (最小化堆或小顶堆) 情形2:ki >= k2i 且ki >= k2i+1 (最大化堆或大顶堆) 其中i=1,2,…,n/2向下取整; 若将和此序列对应的一维数组(即以一维数组作此序列的存储结构)看成是一个完全二叉树,则堆的含义表明,完全二叉树中所有非终端结点的值均不大于(或不小于)其左

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