lua table 初识

 1 local demo = {"demoValue"}
 2 local function fun()
 3   print"hello world"
 4 end
 5 local tableDemo = {
 6             ["a3132t"] = "valide?",
 7                     [9] = fun,
 8                     [fun] = "a funciton.",
 9                     ["demo"] = "anoter string",
10                     demo = "a string",            --Syntactic sugar
11                     ["demo"] = "come on",
12                     "here to be count!",
13                     [demo] = "a table demo to be anoter table‘s key",
14                     [1]="demo",
15                     "world" ,
16                     "apple",
17                     "helloworld",
18                 }
1.table中所有的元素都以逗号分隔;2.table中所有的元素都要添加索引——以中括号"["和"]" 括起来;  2.1.如果不使用中括号,合法的元素会以数字为索引,且按顺序自动从加1往后递增;  2.2.如果没有使用"["和"]" 括起来,且合法,则认为是字符串索引(Syntactic sugar);

值得注意的是保存着table和function的变量既可以做索引也可以做值。只不过做索引的依然需要遵循以上规则。以table demo为例,如果没有使用"["和"]" 括起来,那么tableDemo则认为demo只是一个tableDemo元素的key,它实质上字符串"demo"。
1 for k,v in pairs(tableDemo) do
2   print(k,v)
3 end


 1 1 here to be count!
 2 2    world
 3 3    apple
 4 4    helloworld
 5 5    function: 0x172c730
 6 9    function: 0x172c700
 7 a3132t    valide?
 8 table: 0x172cde0    a table demo to be anoter table‘s key
 9 demo    come on
10 function: 0x172c700    a funciton.
11 [Finished in 0.0s]



1 table.sort (table [, comp]),
2 table.insert (table, [pos,] value)
3 table.concat (table [, sep [, i [, j]]])
4 table.remove (table [, pos])


时间: 2024-08-29 14:28:56

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