iMPACT错误提醒 “A Xilinx Application has encountered an unexpected error.It is recommended that you save any unsaved work in the event that this condition persists ...“程序烧写时点iMPACT突然崩溃


双击Boundary Scan,跳出窗口”Do you want to continue and ...”直接关闭,

再跳出一个窗口“This device supports attached Flash PROM .....“窗口再直接关闭,再点击图示的SPI/BPI接口添加.mcs文件


时间: 2024-08-12 11:39:34

iMPACT错误提醒 “A Xilinx Application has encountered an unexpected error.It is recommended that you save any unsaved work in the event that this condition persists ...“程序烧写时点iMPACT突然崩溃的相关文章

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JS: window.pop = {/*alert提示框 *@param title 提示的标题 *@param desc 提示的描述 *@param btnNum 按钮的数量,假如为1,则无视e2,t2,l2参数 *@param e1 第一个按钮的类型,0为关闭类型,1为链接类型 *@param t1 第一个按钮的显示文字 *@param l1 第一个按钮的链接,如果该按钮为关闭类型,此处填0,链接类型填写该按钮链接 *@param e2 第二个按钮的类型,0为关闭类型,1为链接类型 *@pa

MAC 下 mamp环境开启php错误提醒

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