Nexus:hardware type changed to No-Transceiver


1、N5K & Cat3750

较新版本的NX-OS在N5K上支持1G或10G,但N5K不支持auto-speed sensing


Description: Gi1/1/1: This port has been disabled because Non Compliant  Gigabit Interface Converter (GBIC) connector detected.


Recommendation: Replace connector with cisco compliant Gigabit Interface Converter (GBIC) connector. Refer switch technical documentation to determine cisco compliant connector. Enable the port again.

使用符合cisco标准的千兆位接口转换器(GBIC)连接器替换连接器。 请参阅交换机技术文档以确定符合cisco的连接器。 再次启用端口。



②尝试shu/no shu接口


*Apr  16 01:48:41.190: %PHY-4-SFP_NOT_SUPPORTED: The SFP in Gi1/1/1 is not supported
*Apr  16 01:48:41.190: %PM-4-ERR_DISABLE: gbic-invalid error detected on Gi1/1/1, putting Gi1/1/1 in err-disable state


3750_sw1#sh int gig 1/1/1 capa
  Model:                 WS-C3750X-48P
  Type:                  1000BaseSX SFP
  Speed:                 1000
  Duplex:                full
  Trunk encap. type:     802.1Q,ISL
  Trunk mode:            on,off,desirable,nonegotiate
  Channel:               yes
  Broadcast suppression: percentage(0-100)
  Flowcontrol:           rx-(off,on,desired),tx-(none)
  Fast Start:            yes
  QoS scheduling:        rx-(not configurable on per port basis),
                         tx-(4q3t) (3t: Two configurable values and one fixed.)
  CoS rewrite:           yes
  ToS rewrite:           yes
  UDLD:                  yes
  Inline power:          no
  SPAN:                  source/destination
  PortSecure:            yes

  Dot1x:                 yes

⑤但是3750的状态是not connect

3750_sw1#sh int gig 1/1/1 status

Port      Name               Status       Vlan       Duplex  Speed Type
Gi1/1/1                      notconnect   1            auto   auto 1000BaseSX SFP


N5K1# sh int e1/5 status

Port          Name               Status    Vlan      Duplex  Speed   Type
Eth1/5        --                 sfpInvali 1         full    10G     SFP-1000BAS
N5K1# sh int e1/5 capa
  Model:                 N5K-C5548UP-SUP
  Type (SFP capable):    10Gbase-(unknown)
  Speed:                 1000,10000
  Duplex:                full
  Trunk encap. type:     802.1Q
  Channel:               yes
  Broadcast suppression: no
  Flowcontrol:           rx-(off/on),tx-(off/on)
  Rate mode:             none
  QOS scheduling:        rx-(6q1t),tx-(1p6q0t)
  CoS rewrite:           no
  ToS rewrite:           no
  SPAN:                  yes
  UDLD:                  yes
  Link Debounce:         yes
  Link Debounce Time:    yes
  MDIX:                  no
  Pvlan Trunk capable:   yes
  TDR capable:           no
  FabricPath capable:    yes
  Port mode:             Switched
  FEX Fabric:            yes




N5K1#sh log | inc 1/5
2019 Apr 6 18:10:26 N5K1 %ETHPORT-5-IF_DOWN_NONE: Interface Ethernet1/5 is down (None)
2019 Apr 6 19:06:10 N5K1 %ETHPORT-5-IF_HARDWARE: Interface Ethernet1/5, hardware type changed to No-Transceiver


N5K1# sh int e1/5 stat

Port          Name               Status    Vlan      Duplex  Speed   Type
Eth1/5        --                 connected 1         full    1000     SFP-1000BAS


Summary: The newer versions of NX-OS support 1G or 10G on the N5K, but the N5K is not auto-speed sensing. If you run into something similar, even error messages on the remote device, check the port speed on the N5K.

2、N5600 & FEX 2248PQ 


时间: 2024-08-30 07:09:53

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