Pentaho Cube权限设置







9.1 Defining a role

Roles are defined by <Role> elements, which occur as direct
children of the <Schema> element, after the last <Cube>.
Here is an example of a role:

<Role name="California manager">

<SchemaGrant access="none">

<CubeGrant cube="Sales" access="all">

<DimensionGrant hierarchy="[Measures]" access="all"/>

<HierarchyGrant hierarchy="[Store]" access="custom" topLevel="[Store].[Store

<MemberGrant member="[Store].[USA].[CA]" access="all"/>

<MemberGrant member="[Store].[USA].[CA].[Los Angeles]" access="none"/>


<HierarchyGrant hierarchy="[Customers]" access="custom" topLevel="[Customers].[State
Province]" bottomLevel="[Customers].[City]">

<MemberGrant member="[Customers].[USA].[CA]" access="all"/>

<MemberGrant member="[Customers].[USA].[CA].[Los Angeles]" access="none"/>


<HierarchyGrant hierarchy="[Gender]" access="none"/>




<SchemaGrant> defines the default access for objects
in a schema. The access attribute can be "all" or "none"; this access can be overridden for specific objects. In this case, because access="none", a user would only be able to browse the "Sales" cube, because it is explicitly granted.

<CubeGrant> defines the access to a particular cube.
As for <SchemaGrant>, the access attribute can be "all", "custom" or "none", and can be overridden
for specific sub-objects in the cube.

<DimensionGrant> defines access to a dimension.
The access attribute can be "all", "custrom" or "none". An access level of "all" means that all the child hierarchies of the dimension will get inherited access. An access level of "custom" means that the role does not get an inherent access to the child hierarchies,
unless the role is explicitely granted using a <HierarchyGrant> element.

<HierarchyGrant> defines access to a hierarchy.
The access attribute can be "all", meaning all members are visible; "none", meaning the hierarchy‘s very existence is hidden from the user; and "custom". With custom access, you can use the topLevel attribute to define the top level which is visible
(preventing users from seeing too much of the ‘big picture‘, such as viewing revenues rolled up to the Store Countrylevel); or use the bottomLevel attribute to define the bottom level which is visible (here, preventing users from
invading looking at individual customers‘ details); or control which sets of members the user can see, by defining nested <MemberGrant> elements.

You can only define a <MemberGrant> element if its
enclosing <HierarchyGrant> has access="custom". Member grants give (or remove) access
to a given member, and all of its children. Here are the rules:

  1. Members inherit access from their parents. If you deny access to California, you won‘t be able to see San Francisco.
  2. Grants are order-dependent. If you grant access to USA, then deny access to Oregon, then you won‘t be able to see Oregon, or Portland. But if you were to deny access to Oregon, then grant access to USA, you can effectively see everything.
  3. A member is visible if any of its children are visible. Suppose you deny access to USA, then grant access to California. You will be able to see USA, and California, but none of the other states. The totals against USA will still reflect
    all states, however. If the parent HierarchyGrant specifies a top level, only the parents equal or below this level will be visible. Similarly, if a bottom level is specified, only the children above or equal to the level are visible.
  4. Member grants don‘t override the hierarchy grant‘s top- and bottom-levels. If you set topLevel="[Store].[Store State]", and grant access to California, you won‘t be able to see USA. Member grants do not override the topLevel
    and bottomLevel attributes. You can grant or deny access to a member of any level, but the top and bottom constraints have precedence on the explicit member grants.

In the example, the user will have access to California, and all of the cities in California except Los Angeles. They will be able to see USA (because its child, California, is visible), but no other nations, and
not All Stores (because it is above the top level, Store Country).

时间: 2024-08-06 16:00:58

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