Neutron分析(7)—— neutron-l3-agent HA solutions

1. keepalived vrrp/conntrackd

High availability features will be implemented as extensions or drivers.A first extension/driver will be based on VRRP.

A new scheduler will be also added in order to be able to spawn multiple instances of a same router in many places.

Conntrackd will be used to maintain the TCP sessions going through the router. One instance of conntrackd per virtual router, then one per namespace.


2. neutron DVR based multi-host l3-agent

Provide Distributed Virtual Routing functionality with OVS, to improve the performance.


3. Neutron Multi-host DHCP and L3

Goal here is to have a DHCP implementation that provides the same properties as nova-network‘s "multi_host" functionality, where the DHCP server for a particular VM runs directly on the same hypervisor as the VM itself (with the exception of when a VM migrates).

This blueprints is in drafting, and will not merge in upstream.

4. crontab using neutron-client

So this when we neutron-l3-agent is down, we can see that it will not affect the existed VMs. And we can easily use monitd to make process "neutron-l3-agent" is always alive. We can use the following script, and run a crontab(every 10 sec) on the server which installed neutronclient (But not on the controller nodes):

from neutronclient.v2_0 import client as neutronclient


neutron = neutronclient.Client(auth_url=AUTH_URL,

agents = neutron.list_agents()
alive_l3_agents = []
dead_l3_agents = []

for agent in agents[‘agents‘]:
    if agent[‘binary‘] == ‘neutron-l3-agent‘ and agent[‘alive‘] == True:
    if agent[‘binary‘] == ‘neutron-l3-agent‘ and agent[‘alive‘] != True:

if len(alive_l3_agents) == 0 :
    print "No active L3"

if len(dead_l3_agents) == 0 :
    print "No dead L3"

routers = neutron.list_routers()
dead_routers = []

for dead_l3_agent in dead_l3_agents:
    dead_routers = neutron.list_routers_on_l3_agent(dead_l3_agent[‘id‘])
    for dead_router in dead_routers[‘routers‘]:
        neutron.remove_router_from_l3_agent(dead_l3_agent[‘id‘], dead_router[‘id‘])
        print "remove_router_from_l3_agent : L3 id is %s, router id is %s" %(dead_l3_agent[‘id‘], dead_router[‘id‘])
        # Currently, only add to the first alive agent
        neutron.add_router_to_l3_agent(alive_l3_agents[0][‘id‘], {"router_id":dead_router[‘id‘]})
        print "add_router_to_l3_agent : L3 id is %s, router id is %s" %(alive_l3_agents[0][‘id‘], dead_router[‘id‘])

5. HA of other components

(1) Database: active-passive (pacemarker + DRBD); active-active (Galera)

(2) MQ: MQ cluster

(3) Cinder: Local File System (Raid10 + LVM); Distrubte File System (Ceph)

(4) All stateless services, like (keystone|glance|nova|neutron)-api, nova-schedule etc (haproxy + pacemarker)

(5) l3-agent: VRRP + keeplived + ip conntracked

Neutron分析(7)—— neutron-l3-agent HA solutions

时间: 2024-12-29 11:21:51

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