[ES6] 07. Default Value for function param

Normally, we can set default value for function param:

//Here use "Hello" as default param
var receive =function(message="Hello", handle){

receive("Come", function(message){
   console.log(message + ", "+ "John");

What we can do is use function as a default param:

var receive =function(message="Hello", handler=function(message){
    console.log(message + ", "+ "John");

receive("Come");  //Come, John

Then we can use => to refactor the code:

var receive =function(message="Hello", handler= message => console.log(message + ", "+ "John")){

receive("Go");  //Go, John

It will be crazy: (do not use this, cannot be understood)

let receive = (message="Hello", handler= message => console.log(message + ", "+ "John")) => handler(message)

receive(); //Hello John
时间: 2024-12-29 10:44:45

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问题 如果您是ES6新手,可以参考一下本文--高手请移驾别往!请先看下面的图形描述: 也就是说,ES6中default后面是不允许跟const关键字的. 分析 上图中表达可以更换成另一种形式,就可以了,如下所示: const decreaseAction={type:'decrease'} export default decreaseAction 引用 1,https://segmentfault.com/q/10100000101260102,https://blog.csdn.net/zh

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这里简要记录一下对自己感触比较深的几个知识点,将核心的应用投放于实际的项目之中,提供代码的可维护性. 一.let和const { // let声明的变量只在let命令所在的代码块内有效 let a = 1; var b = 2; } console.log(a); // 报错: ReferenceError: a is not defined console.log(b); // for循环的技术器就很适合let命令 for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { console.l