2. SQL -- 查询表,创建表,插入数据到表


if exists(select * from sysobjects where name=‘table_name‘)
drop table table_name

if object_id(‘table_name‘) is not null
drop table table_name




if exists(select * from sysobjects where name = ‘grade_table‘)
        drop table grade_table

      create table grade_table
             stuID varchar(20),
             courseID varchar(20),
             grade int


insert into grade_table values(‘10001‘,‘001‘,‘85‘)

insert into grade_table values(‘10002‘,‘001‘,‘95‘)

(4): 更新表中数据:

update grade_table set grade=70 where stuID=‘10001‘ and courseID=‘001‘

(5):  删除表中数据:

delete grade_table where stuID=‘10001‘ and courseID=‘001‘

(6): 新建一个与student_table相同的表student然后插入student_table中查询的数据,一般此方法可用来导一些数据

create table student_table
             stuID varchar(20),
             courseID varchar(20),
             grade int
     create table student
             stuID varchar(20),
             courseID varchar(20),
             grade int
      insert into student_table values(‘10001‘,‘001‘,‘85‘)

insert into student_table values(‘10002‘,‘001‘,‘95‘)

insert into student
select * from student_table as s1
where s1.stuID not in (select stuID from student)

时间: 2024-09-29 03:51:07

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