data = rand(100,2); [center,U,obj_fcn] = fcm(data,2); plot(data(:,1), data(:,2),‘o‘); hold on; maxU = max(U); % Find the data points with highest grade of membership in cluster 1 index1 = find(U(1,:) == maxU); % Find the data points with highest grade of membership in cluster 2 index2 = find(U(2,:) == maxU); line(data(index1,1),data(index1,2),‘marker‘,‘*‘,‘color‘,‘g‘); line(data(index2,1),data(index2,2),‘marker‘,‘*‘,‘color‘,‘r‘); Plot the cluster centers plot([center([1 2],1)],[center([1 2],2)],‘*‘,‘color‘,‘k‘) hold off;
这是help FCM函数得到的例子。
时间: 2024-12-20 01:15:10