ascii characters switch

ascii = {}

ascii[‘ ‘] = ‘ ‘
ascii[‘!‘] = ‘!‘
ascii[‘"‘] = ‘\"‘
ascii[‘#‘] = ‘#‘
ascii[‘$‘] = ‘$‘
ascii[‘%‘] = ‘%‘
ascii[‘&‘] = ‘&‘
ascii[‘'‘] = ‘\‘‘
ascii[‘(‘] = ‘(‘
ascii[‘)‘] = ‘)‘
ascii[‘*‘] = ‘*‘
ascii[‘+‘] = ‘+‘
ascii[‘,‘] = ‘,‘
ascii[‘-‘] = ‘-‘
ascii[‘.‘] = ‘.‘
ascii[‘/‘] = ‘/‘
ascii[‘0‘] = ‘0‘
ascii[‘1‘] = ‘1‘
ascii[‘2‘] = ‘2‘
ascii[‘3‘] = ‘3‘
ascii[‘4‘] = ‘4‘
ascii[‘5‘] = ‘5‘
ascii[‘6‘] = ‘6‘
ascii[‘7‘] = ‘7‘
ascii[‘8‘] = ‘8‘
ascii[‘9‘] = ‘9‘
ascii[‘:‘] = ‘:‘
ascii[‘;‘] = ‘;‘
ascii[‘<‘] = ‘<‘
ascii[‘=‘] = ‘=‘
ascii[‘>‘] = ‘>‘
ascii[‘?‘] = ‘?‘
ascii[‘@‘] = ‘@‘
ascii[‘A‘] = ‘A‘
ascii[‘B‘] = ‘B‘
ascii[‘C‘] = ‘C‘
ascii[‘D‘] = ‘D‘
ascii[‘E‘] = ‘E‘
ascii[‘F‘] = ‘F‘
ascii[‘G‘] = ‘G‘
ascii[‘H‘] = ‘H‘
ascii[‘I‘] = ‘I‘
ascii[‘J‘] = ‘J‘
ascii[‘K‘] = ‘K‘
ascii[‘L‘] = ‘L‘
ascii[‘M‘] = ‘M‘
ascii[‘N‘] = ‘N‘
ascii[‘O‘] = ‘O‘
ascii[‘P‘] = ‘P‘
ascii[‘Q‘] = ‘Q‘
ascii[‘R‘] = ‘R‘
ascii[‘S‘] = ‘S‘
ascii[‘T‘] = ‘T‘
ascii[‘U‘] = ‘U‘
ascii[‘V‘] = ‘V‘
ascii[‘W‘] = ‘W‘
ascii[‘X‘] = ‘X‘
ascii[‘Y‘] = ‘Y‘
ascii[‘Z‘] = ‘Z‘
ascii[‘[‘] = ‘[‘
ascii[‘\‘] = ‘\\‘
ascii[‘]‘] = ‘]‘
ascii[‘^‘] = ‘^‘
ascii[‘_‘] = ‘_‘
ascii[‘`‘] = ‘`‘
ascii[‘a‘] = ‘a‘
ascii[‘b‘] = ‘b‘
ascii[‘c‘] = ‘c‘
ascii[‘d‘] = ‘d‘
ascii[‘e‘] = ‘e‘
ascii[‘f‘] = ‘f‘
ascii[‘g‘] = ‘g‘
ascii[‘h‘] = ‘h‘
ascii[‘i‘] = ‘i‘
ascii[‘j‘] = ‘j‘
ascii[‘k‘] = ‘k‘
ascii[‘l‘] = ‘l‘
ascii[‘m‘] = ‘m‘
ascii[‘n‘] = ‘n‘
ascii[‘o‘] = ‘o‘
ascii[‘p‘] = ‘p‘
ascii[‘q‘] = ‘q‘
ascii[‘r‘] = ‘r‘
ascii[‘s‘] = ‘s‘
ascii[‘t‘] = ‘t‘
ascii[‘u‘] = ‘u‘
ascii[‘v‘] = ‘v‘
ascii[‘w‘] = ‘w‘
ascii[‘x‘] = ‘x‘
ascii[‘y‘] = ‘y‘
ascii[‘z‘] = ‘z‘
ascii[‘{‘] = ‘{‘
ascii[‘|‘] = ‘|‘
ascii[‘}‘] = ‘}‘
ascii[‘~‘] = ‘~‘
source_str = ‘‘‘
<s:Envelope xmlns:s=\"\"><s:Body><Execute xmlns=\"\" xmlns:i=\"\" xmlns:c=\"\"><request xmlns:a=\"\"><a:Parameters xmlns:b=\"\"><a:KeyValuePairOfstringanyType><b:key>Query</b:key><b:value i:type=\"a"
        ":FetchExpression\"><a:Query><fetch aggregate='true' ><entity name='postfollow' > <attribute name='regardingobjectid' aggregate='countcolumn' alias='countFollowers' /> <attribute name='regardingobjecttypecode' groupby='true' alias='regarding' /> <attribute name='regardingobjectid' aggregate='countcolumn' alias='"
        "f3e34a23856443b0b36611e6930629d4' /> <filter type='and'><condition attribute='ownerid' operator='eq' value='{95C3F25C-7E84-E411-80BF-005056A80DE8}' /><condition attribute='regardingobjectid' operator='ne' value='{95C3F25C-7E84-E411-80BF-005056A80DE8}' /> </filter></entity></fetch></a:Query></b:value></a"
        ":KeyValuePairOfstringanyType></a:Parameters><a:RequestId i:nil=\"true\" /><a:RequestName>RetrieveMultiple</a:RequestName></request></Execute></s:Body></s:Envelope>
source_str = source_str.replace(‘\"\n\t\t\"‘, ‘‘)

for k, v in ascii.iteritems():
    source_str = source_str.replace(k, v)

print source_str
时间: 2024-12-27 07:47:15

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