Cannot find an initializer for type '[(String)]' that accepts an argument list of type '(LazyForward

Swift编译错误: Cannot find an initializer for type ‘[(String)]‘ that accepts an argument list of type ‘(LazyForwardCollection<MapCollectionView<Dictionary<Int,
String>, Int>>)‘


var dict = [1:
"m", 2:
"i", 3: "i",4:

let dictKeysArray = [String](dict.keys)

根据字典字面量推断,该字典的类型是<Int: String>.即key为Int类型.错误的原因就是你用Int类型的初始化了key,现在又用String类型的取.所以会报该编译错误.


let dictKeysArray = dict.keys



Cannot find an initializer for type '[(String)]' that accepts an argument list of type '(LazyForward

时间: 2024-08-06 11:58:00

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