hdu_5507_GT and strings(AC自动机)

题目链接:hdu_5507_GT and strings





 1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
 2 #define F(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i<=b;i++)
 3 using namespace std;
 4 typedef pair<int,int>P;
 6 const int N=1e5+7;
 7 int t,n,m,L[N],R[N],loc[N],dp[N][26],Q[N][2],ans[N][2];
 8 char str[N];
 9 map<P,int>ok;
10 const int AC_N=N,tyn=26;//数量乘串长,类型数
11 struct AC_automation{
12     int tr[AC_N][tyn],cnt[AC_N],Q[AC_N],fail[AC_N],tot;
13     inline int getid(char x){return x-‘a‘;}
14     void nw(){cnt[++tot]=0,fail[tot]=0;memset(tr[tot],0,sizeof(tr[tot]));}
15     void init(){tot=-1,fail[0]=-1,nw();}
16     void insert(int l,int r,int x=0){
17         for(int i=l,w;i<=r;x=tr[x][w],loc[i]=x,i++)
18             if(!tr[x][w=getid(str[i])])nw(),tr[x][w]=tot;
19         cnt[x]++;//串尾标记
20     }
21     void build(int head=1,int tail=0){
22         for(int i=0;i<tyn;i++)if(tr[0][i])Q[++tail]=tr[0][i];
23         while(head<=tail)for(int x=Q[head++],i=0;i<tyn;i++)
24             if(tr[x][i])fail[tr[x][i]]=tr[fail[x]][i],Q[++tail]=tr[x][i];
25             else tr[x][i]=tr[fail[x]][i];
26     }
27     void ask(int l,int r)
28     {
29         F(i,l,r)for(int p=loc[i];p;p=fail[p])
30             if(cnt[p])ok[P(p,loc[r])]=1;
31             else if(fail[p]&&!cnt[fail[p]])fail[p]=fail[fail[p]];//决定是否T的优化
32     }
33 }AC;
35 void work1()
36 {
37     F(i,0,25)dp[R[n]+1][i]=N;//建立“子序列自动机”
38     for(int i=R[n];i>=1;i--)F(j,0,25)
39         if(str[i]==j+‘a‘)dp[i][j]=i;
40             else dp[i][j]=dp[i+1][j];
41     F(i,1,m)
42     {
43         int x=Q[i][0],y=Q[i][1];
44         if(R[x]-L[x]>R[y]-L[y])ans[i][0]=0;
45         else
46         {
47             ans[i][0]=1;
48             for(int j=L[x],p=L[y];j<=R[x];j++,p++)
49             {
50                 p=dp[p][str[j]-‘a‘];
51                 if(p>R[y]){ans[i][0]=0;break;}
52             }
53         }
54     }
55 }
57 void work2()
58 {
59     AC.init(),ok.clear();
60     F(i,1,n)AC.insert(L[i],R[i]);
61     AC.build();
62     F(i,1,n)AC.ask(L[i],R[i]);
63     F(i,1,m)ans[i][1]=ok[P(loc[R[Q[i][0]]],loc[R[Q[i][1]]])];
64 }
66 int main()
67 {
68     scanf("%d",&t);
69     while(t--)
70     {
71         scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);
72         int ed=1;
73         F(i,1,n)
74         {
75             scanf("%s",str+ed);
76             int len=strlen(str+ed);
77             L[i]=ed,R[i]=ed+len-1,ed=R[i]+1;
78         }
79         F(i,1,m)scanf("%d%d",&Q[i][0],&Q[i][1]);
80         work1(),work2();
81         F(i,1,m)printf("%d%d",ans[i][0],ans[i][1]);
82         puts("");
83     }
84     return 0;
85 }

时间: 2024-12-28 11:55:49

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