详解 Qt 线程间共享数据(使用signal/slot传递数据,线程间传递信号会立刻返回,但也可通过connect改变)


Qt 线程间共享数据是本文介绍的内容,多的不说,先来啃内容。Qt线程间共享数据主要有两种方式:





  1 view plaincopy to clipboardprint?    2 //TextDevice.h      3 #ifndef TEXTDEVICE_H      4 #define TEXTDEVICE_H      5 #include <QThread>      6 #include <QString>      7 #include <QMutex>       8 class TextDevice : public QThread {       9     Q_OBJECT      10 public:      11     TextDevice();      12     void run();      13     void stop();      14 public slots:      15     void write(const QString& text);      16 private:      17     int m_count;      18     QMutex m_mutex;      19 };     20 #endif // TEXTDEVICE_H      21      22      23 //TextDevice.cpp     24 #include <QMutexLocker>     25 #include <QDebug>     26 #include <QString>     27 #include "TextDevice.h"      28 TextDevice::TextDevice() {      29     m_count = 0;      30 }      31 void TextDevice::run() {      32     exec();      33 }      34 void TextDevice::stop() {      35     quit();      36 }      37 void TextDevice::write(const QString& text) {      38     QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);      39     qDebug() << QString("Call %1: %2").arg(m_count++).arg(text);      40 }      41      42 //TextThread.h     43 #ifndef TEXTTHREAD_H     44 #define TEXTTHREAD_H     45 #include <QThread>     46 #include <QString>      47 class TextThread : public QThread {      48     Q_OBJECT      49 public:      50     TextThread(const QString& text);      51     void run();      52     void stop();      53 signals:      54     void writeText(const QString&);      55 private:      56     QString m_text;      57     bool m_stop;      58 };     59 #endif // TEXTTHREAD_H      60      61 //TextThread.cpp     62 #include "TextThread.h"      63 TextThread::TextThread(const QString& text) : QThread() {      64     m_text = text;      65     m_stop = false;      66 }      67 void TextThread::stop() {      68     m_stop = true;      69 }      70 void TextThread::run() {      71     while(!m_stop) {      72         emit writeText(m_text);      73         sleep(1);      74     }      75 }      76      77 //main.cpp     78 #include <QApplication>     79 #include <QMessageBox>     80 #include "TextDevice.h"     81 #include "TextThread.h"      82      83 int main(int argc, char** argv) {      84     QApplication app(argc, argv);      85     //启动线程      86     TextDevice device;      87     TextThread foo("foo"), bar("bar");      88     //把两个线程使用signal/slot连接起来      89     QObject::connect(&foo, SIGNAL(writeText(const QString&)), &device, SLOT(write(const QString&)));      90     QObject::connect(&bar, SIGNAL(writeText(const QString&)), &device, SLOT(write(const QString&)));      91     //启动线程      92     foo.start();      93     bar.start();      94     device.start();      95     QMessageBox::information(0, "Threading", "Close me to stop.");      96     //停止线程      97     foo.stop();      98     bar.stop();      99     device.stop();     100     //等待线程结束     101     device.wait();     102     foo.wait();     103     bar.wait();     104     return 0;     105 }    106 //TextDevice.h  107 #ifndef TEXTDEVICE_H  108 #define TEXTDEVICE_H  109 #include <QThread> 110 #include <QString> 111 #include <QMutex> 112 class TextDevice : public QThread {  113     Q_OBJECT  114 public:  115     TextDevice();  116     void run();  117     void stop();  118 public slots:  119     void write(const QString& text);  120 private:  121     int m_count;  122     QMutex m_mutex;  123 };  124 #endif // TEXTDEVICE_H  125  126  127 //TextDevice.cpp  128 #include <QMutexLocker> 129 #include <QDebug> 130 #include <QString> 131 #include "TextDevice.h"  132 TextDevice::TextDevice() {  133     m_count = 0;  134 }  135 void TextDevice::run() {  136     exec();  137 }  138 void TextDevice::stop() {  139     quit();  140 }  141 void TextDevice::write(const QString& text) {  142     QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);  143     qDebug() << QString("Call %1: %2").arg(m_count++).arg(text);  144 }  145  146 //TextThread.h  147 #ifndef TEXTTHREAD_H  148 #define TEXTTHREAD_H  149 #include <QThread> 150 #include <QString> 151 class TextThread : public QThread {  152     Q_OBJECT  153 public:  154     TextThread(const QString& text);  155     void run();  156     void stop();  157 signals:  158     void writeText(const QString&);  159 private:  160     QString m_text;  161     bool m_stop;  162 };  163 #endif // TEXTTHREAD_H  164  165 //TextThread.cpp  166 #include "TextThread.h"  167 TextThread::TextThread(const QString& text) : QThread() {  168     m_text = text;  169     m_stop = false;  170 }  171 void TextThread::stop() {  172     m_stop = true;  173 }  174 void TextThread::run() {  175     while(!m_stop) {  176         emit writeText(m_text);  177         sleep(1);  178     }  179 }  180  181 //main.cpp  182 #include <QApplication> 183 #include <QMessageBox> 184 #include "TextDevice.h"  185 #include "TextThread.h"  186 int main(int argc, char** argv) {  187     QApplication app(argc, argv);  188     //启动线程  189     TextDevice device;  190     TextThread foo("foo"), bar("bar");  191     //把两个线程使用signal/slot连接起来  192     QObject::connect(&foo, SIGNAL(writeText(const QString&)), &device, SLOT(write(const QString&)));  193     QObject::connect(&bar, SIGNAL(writeText(const QString&)), &device, SLOT(write(const QString&)));  194     //启动线程  195     foo.start();  196     bar.start();  197     device.start();  198     QMessageBox::information(0, "Threading", "Close me to stop.");  199     //停止线程  200     foo.stop();  201     bar.stop();  202     device.stop();  203     //等待线程结束  204     device.wait();  205     foo.wait();  206     bar.wait();  207     return 0;  208 } 


1 QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type ‘TextAndNumber‘ (Make sure ‘TextAndNumber‘ is registed using qRegisterMetaType().) 




自定一种类型,在这个类型的顶部包含:#include <QMetaType>




  1 view plaincopy to clipboardprint?    2 //TextAndNumber.h       3 #ifndef TEXTANDNUMBER_H       4 #define TEXTANDNUMBER_H       5 #include <QMetaType>       6 //必须包含QMetaType,否则会出现下面错误:       7 //error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘;’ token       8 #include <QString>       9 class TextAndNumber {      10 public:      11     TextAndNumber();      12     TextAndNumber(int, QString);      13     int count();      14     QString text();      15 private:      16     int m_count;      17     QString m_text;      18 };      19 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(TextAndNumber);      20 #endif // TEXTANDNUMBER_H      21      22 //TextAndNumber.cpp      23 #include "TextAndNumber.h"      24 TextAndNumber::TextAndNumber() {      25 }      26 TextAndNumber::TextAndNumber(int count, QString text) {      27     m_count = count;      28     m_text = text;      29 }      30 int TextAndNumber::count() {      31     return m_count;      32 }      33 QString TextAndNumber::text() {      34     return m_text;      35 }      36      37 //TextDevice.h      38 #ifndef TEXTDEVICE_H      39 #define TEXTDEVICE_H      40 #include <QThread>      41 #include <QDebug>      42 #include <QString>      43 #include "TextAndNumber.h"      44 class TextDevice : public QThread {      45     Q_OBJECT      46 public:      47     TextDevice();      48     void run();      49     void stop();      50 public slots:      51     void write(TextAndNumber& tran);      52 private:      53     int m_count;      54 };      55 #endif // TEXTDEVICE_H      56      57 //TextDevice.cpp      58 #include "TextDevice.h"      59 TextDevice::TextDevice() : QThread() {      60     m_count = 0;      61 }      62 void TextDevice::run() {      63     exec();      64 }      65 void TextDevice::stop() {      66     quit();      67 }      68 void TextDevice::write(TextAndNumber& tran) {      69     qDebug() << QString("Call %1 (%3): %2").arg(m_count++).arg(tran.text()).arg(tran.count());      70 }      71      72 //TextThread.h      73 #ifndef TEXTTHREAD_H      74 #define TEXTTHREAD_H      75 #include <QThread>      76 #include <QString>      77 #include "TextAndNumber.h"      78 class TextThread : public QThread {      79     Q_OBJECT      80 public:      81     TextThread(const QString& text);      82     void run();      83     void stop();      84 signals:      85     void writeText(TextAndNumber& tran);      86 private:      87     QString m_text;      88     int m_count;      89     bool m_stop;      90 };      91      92 #endif // TEXTTHREAD_H      93      94 //TextThread.cpp      95 #include "TextThread.h"      96 TextThread::TextThread(const QString& text) : QThread() {      97     m_text = text;      98     m_stop = false;      99     m_count = 0;     100 }     101 void TextThread::run() {     102     while(!m_stop) {     103         TextAndNumber tn(m_count++, m_text);     104         emit writeText(tn);     105         sleep(1);     106     }     107 }     108 void TextThread::stop() {     109     m_stop = true;     110 }     111     112 //main.cpp     113 #include <QApplication>     114 #include <QMessageBox>     115 #include "TextThread.h"     116 #include "TextDevice.h"     117 #include "TextAndNumber.h"     118 int main(int argc, char *argv[])     119 {     120     QApplication app(argc, argv);     121     qRegisterMetaType<TextAndNumber>("TextAndNumber");     122     qRegisterMetaType<TextAndNumber>("TextAndNumber&");     123     TextDevice device;     124     TextThread foo("foo"), bar("bar");     125     QObject::connect(&foo, SIGNAL(writeText(TextAndNumber&)), &device, SLOT(write(TextAndNumber&)));     126     QObject::connect(&bar, SIGNAL(writeText(TextAndNumber&)), &device, SLOT(write(TextAndNumber&)));     127     device.start();     128     foo.start();     129     bar.start();     130     QMessageBox::information(0, "Threading", "Click me to close");     131     foo.stop();     132     bar.stop();     133     device.stop();     134     foo.wait();     135     bar.wait();     136     device.wait();     137     qDebug() << "Application end.";     138     return 0;     139 }   


时间: 2025-01-02 13:28:38

详解 Qt 线程间共享数据(使用signal/slot传递数据,线程间传递信号会立刻返回,但也可通过connect改变)的相关文章

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