1. 概述
作为Windows Azure的用户,使用Azure的过程中,最担心的事情就是还没到月底,预设的费用就快消耗完了(下面两张账单图是我最讨厌看到的)。但是仔细分析自己的费用列表,发现绝大部分费用消耗在虚拟机上,而Azure的虚拟机是按照开机时间来计费的,因此迫切需要找到一个方案来节省虚拟机的开销。最简单的方案就是在不需要的时候将虚拟机自动关闭,需要的时间让其自动开机。在Google了一通以后,发现可以通过Azure的自动化(Automation)功能达到上述目的。下面介绍我在Azure上的实践,通过设置Azure Automation,实现定时自动启动和关闭虚拟机。
2. 必要条件
1. Windows Azure的订阅账户
2. 在Azure中有可以正常启动和关闭的虚拟机。可以参考这个链接创建一个虚拟机https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-windows-tutorial/
3. 创建自动化账户 Automation
4. 创建和管理证书
4.1 在IIS中创建证书
在Azure订阅中运行自动化的任务(脚本),需要使用基于证书的认证。你可以使用第三方的商业证书,也可以在任意一台安装了Internet Infomation Services (IIS)的服务器上创建一个证书。下面介绍如何在Windows Server 2012中使用IIS创建一个自签名的证书:
4.2 从IIS中导出.pfx证书
4.3 从IIS中导出.cer证书
4.4 将.cer证书上传到订阅账户
5. 配置自动化脚本
5.1 配置资产,准备自动化脚本运行过程中需要的素材
5.2 配置自动化脚本
workflow Start-VM-danzhang-win7 { param() #connection $MyConnection = "AzureConnection-1" $MyCert = "AutomationCredential-1" # Get the Azure Automation Connection $Con = Get-AutomationConnection -Name $MyConnection if ($Con -eq $null) { Write-Output "Connection entered: $MyConnection does not exist in the automation service. Please create one `n" } else { $SubscriptionID = $Con.SubscriptionID $ManagementCertificate = $Con.AutomationCertificateName } # Get Certificate & print out its properties #Set and Select the Azure Subscription #Select Azure Subscription Write-Output "-------------------------------------------------------------------------" Write-Output "Starting the VM.." # Please type the name of your Domain Controllers #convert date time to UTC time Zone #$locatTimeDayOfWeek #do not start VM on saturday and Sunday if($locatTimeDayOfWeek -ne "Saturday" -and $locatTimeDayOfWeek -ne "Sunday") } Write-Output $"Virtual Machine danzhang-win7 started." |
workflow Stop-VM-danzhang-win7 { param() #connection $MyConnection = "AzureConnection-1" $MyCert = "AutomationCredential-1" # Get the Azure Automation Connection $Con = Get-AutomationConnection -Name $MyConnection if ($Con -eq $null) { Write-Output "Connection entered: $MyConnection does not exist in the automation service. Please create one `n" } else { $SubscriptionID = $Con.SubscriptionID $ManagementCertificate = $Con.AutomationCertificateName } # Get Certificate & print out its properties #Set and Select the Azure Subscription #Select Azure Subscription Write-Output "-------------------------------------------------------------------------" Write-Output "Stoping the VM.." # Please type the name of your Domain Controllers #convert date time to UTC time Zone #$locatTimeDayOfWeek #do not start VM on saturday and Sunday if($locatTimeDayOfWeek -ne "Saturday" -and $locatTimeDayOfWeek -ne "Sunday")
#$StopOutPut = Start-AzureVM -ServiceName "mkadamvm" -Name $Using:test #$sample = Get-AzureWinRMUri -ServiceName $Using:CloudServiceName -Name $Using:VMName $StopOutPut = Stop-AzureVM -ServiceName "danzhang-win7" -Name "danzhang-win7" -Force } Write-Output $"Virtual Machine danzhang-win7 Stopped." |