查看SSIS Server 当前的一个Execution的资源消耗

如果SSIS Server正在运行Package的一次Execution,可以通过函数 catalog.dm_execution_performance_counters(@execution_id) 来查看Server的资源利用情况。

参考MSDN:dm_execution_performance_counters (SSISDB Database)

Returns the performance statistics for an execution that is running on the Integration Services server.

dm_execution_performance_counters [ @execution_id = ] execution_id

The dm_execution_performance_counters function returns a table with the following columns, for a running execution. The information returned is for all of the packages contained in the execution. If there are no running executions, an empty table is returned.

Column Name

Column Type





NULL                       is not a valid value.

Unique identifier for the execution that contains the package.




The name of the counter.

See the Remarks section of values.


The following table lists the counter name values returned by the dm_execution_performance_counter function.

Counter Name


BLOB bytes read

Number of bytes of binary large object (BLOB) data that the data flow engine reads from all sources.

BLOB bytes written

Number of bytes of BLOB data that the data flow engine writes to all destinations.

BLOB files in use

Number of BLOB files that the data flow engine is using for spooling.

Buffer memory

Amount of memory that is used by the Integration Services buffers, including physical and virtual memory.

Buffers in use

Number of buffer objects, of all types, that all data flow components and the data flow engine are using.

Buffers spooled

Number of buffers written to the disk.

Flat buffer memory

Amount of memory, in bytes, that is used by all flat buffers. Flat buffers are blocks of memory that a component uses to store data.

Flat buffers in use

Number of flat buffers that the data flow engine uses. All flat buffers are private buffers.

Private buffer memory

Amount of memory in use by all private buffers. A private buffer is a buffer that a transformation uses for temporary work.

A buffer is not private if the data flow engine creates the buffer to support the data flow.

Private buffers in use

Number of buffers that the transformations use for temporary work.

Rows read

Total number of rows ready the execution.

Rows written

Total number of rows written by the execution.

时间: 2024-11-03 05:30:34

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