【14】redux 之 redux-actions





const startAction = () => ({ type: START });


import { createAction } from ‘redux-actions‘;
const startAction = createAction(START);


原来reducer操作state写法要使用switchif else来匹配:

function timer(state = defaultState, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case START:
      return { ...state, runStatus: true };
    case STOP:
      return { ...state, runStatus: false };
    case RESET:
      return { ...state, seconds: 0 };
    case RUN_TIMER:
      return { ...state, seconds: state.seconds + 1 };
      return state;


const timer = handleActions({
  START: (state, action) => ({ ...state, runStatus: true }),
  STOP: (state, action) => ({ ...state, runStatus: false }),
  RESET: (state, action) => ({ ...state, seconds: 0 }),
  RUN_TIMER: (state, action) => ({ ...state, seconds: state.seconds + 1 }),
}, defaultState);

时间: 2024-10-24 06:19:40

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1 一.git bash here 2 mdkr 3 cnpm init -y 4 ls -a 5 ls -l 6 ls -la隐藏的也可查看 7 cat package.json 8 二.npm 9 npm i webpack-dev-server -g 10 全局:任何目录运行 11 本地:本地需要调用附带的插件 12 npm list 13 npm list -g 14 npm uninstall supervisor -g 全局删除 15 npm remove supervisor -g