The directfb backend has been removed from GTK+ 2.90.6 to 2.90.7

From gtk+-2.90.7 configure --help we can see:

--with-gdktarget=[x11/win32/quartz] select non-default GDK target

There is no directfb in the gdktarget as in gtk+-2.90.6:

--with-gdktarget=[x11/win32/quartz/directfb] select non-default GDK target

We can download this directfb supported version gtk+-2.90.6 from

And we can see NEWS file:

Overview of Changes from GTK+ 2.90.6 to 2.90.7

* Various deprecated APIs have been removed:
 - the GtkWidget::draw-border style property
 - the GtkEntry::state-hint style property
 - the GtkTreeView::row-ending-details style property
 - the GtkRange::trough-side-details style property
 - the GtkRange::stepper-position-details style property
 - the GtkRange::activate-slider style property
 - the GtkFrame::shadow and GtkHandleBox::shadow properties
 - the GtkTextView::page-horizontally signal
 - the GDK_WINDOW_DIALOG window type
 - the GTK_SELECTION_EXTENDED selection mode
 - the GtkProgressBarOrientation, GtkAnchorType and GtkVisibility
 - GtkDialog separators, including the GtkDialog::has-separator
   property, including setter/getter, the GTK_DIALOG_NO_SEPARATOR
   flag and the GtkMessageDialog::use-separator style property
 - gtk_status_icon_set/get_blinking
 - gdk_window_et_deskrelative_origin
 - The GtkItem class has been removed. Its functionality has
   been merged into is sole subclass, GtkMenuItem

* The GtkIconView::orientation property has been renamed
  to ‘item-orientation‘

* GtkProgressBar and GtkCellRendererProgress implement GtkOrientable
  now, and their ‘orientation‘ property have been split into
  a ‘orientation‘ property of type GtkOrientation and a boolean
  ‘inverted‘ property

* GDK no longer exports variables: gdk_threads_lock, gdk_threads_unlock,
  gdk_threads_mutex and gdk_display are no longer available

* GTK no longer exports variables: gtk_major_version, gtk_minor_version,
  gtk_micro_version, gtk_binary_age, gtk_interface_age have been
  converted to functions. gtk_debug_flags has a getter and a setter.
  Misc. variables that had been exported by the semi-private text
  API have been removed.

* All GDK keysym names have been changed from GDK_keysym to GDK_KEY_keysym;
  the previous names are still available in gdkkeysyms-compat.h.

* GtkWrapBox is a new container, which distributes its children
  over multiple rows/columns

* GTK+ now uses standard icon names when looking up stock icons

* More widgets and cell renderers have been converted to support
  width-for-height: GtkCellRendererText, GtkAccelLabel, GtkCellView,
  GtkComboBox, GtkMenu, GtkMenuItem

* Button boxes are now semi-homogeneous.

* The directfb backend has been removed

* Bugs fixed:
  77669 GtkWrapBox for gtk itself, not gimp?
  84188 "Dialogue" button widths should not be homogenous
 414712 gtk_container_set_focus_child leaks widget
 527499 FileFilter combo becames too wide
 528257 File selector and stock string problems
 605186 Use G_DEFINE_INTERFACE macro
 614006 File chooser crashes when creating a new folder...
 616401 Noneffective gdk_keymap_map_virtual_modifiers in early use
 626710 GailScaleButton calculates wrong value for minimum increment
 627028 Marked state of calendar day is not accessible
 627139 gtkfilechooserentry shows completion progress tooltip on first show
 627445 Removal of GtkWidget::draw-border breaks gtk_widget_queue_draw()
 627580 GtkFontSelection: don‘t notify the non-existent "font" property
 627643 gtkaboutdialog gettext problem
 627828 Drag and drop between treeviews in different window groups broken...
 627843 set_active_iter doc: remove restriction on path length
 627867 tests/testsocket is broken
 627912 misprint in the desc. of "hover-expand" and "hover-selection"...
 628160 introspection: Update to new scanner API
 628308 docs referencing non existing icons
 628656 _gdk_windowing_get_startup_notify_id memory leak
 628807 Add more "reserved for expansion" fields to GtkWidgetClass
 628808 Warn if a widget requests minimum size > natural size
 628884 Use a bitfield for Widget::private_flags, ::state, ::saved_state
 628935 add gtk_radio_button_join_group method for bindings
 629110 gtk_spinner_accessible_get_type always returns null

* Translation updates
 Brazilian Portuguese
 British English
 Norwegian bokmål
 Norwegian Nynorsk
 Traditional Chinese
The official ftp site is:

The official web site is:

Information about mailing lists can be found at

The directfb backend has been removed from GTK+ 2.90.6 to 2.90.7

时间: 2024-07-30 19:08:47

The directfb backend has been removed from GTK+ 2.90.6 to 2.90.7的相关文章

The directfb backend was supported together with linux-fb backend in GTK+2.10

From gtk+-2.10.2 configure --help we can see (I just only view the 2.10.2, not know other 2.10.x): --with-gdktarget=[x11/linux-fb/win32/quartz/directfb] select non-default GDK target We can download this directfb supported version gtk+-2.10.2 from ht

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