
 private function updateThemeFiles($theme, $suffix = ‘html‘)
        $dir                = ‘themes/‘ . $theme;
        $themeDir           = $dir;
        $tplFiles           = [];
        $root_dir_tpl_files = cmf_scan_dir("$dir/*.$suffix");
        foreach ($root_dir_tpl_files as $root_tpl_file) {
            $root_tpl_file           = "$dir/$root_tpl_file";
            $configFile              = preg_replace("/\.$suffix$/", ‘.json‘, $root_tpl_file);
            $root_tpl_file_no_suffix = preg_replace("/\.$suffix$/", ‘‘, $root_tpl_file);
            if (is_file($root_tpl_file) && file_exists_case($configFile)) {
                array_push($tplFiles, $root_tpl_file_no_suffix);

        $subDirs = cmf_sub_dirs($dir);
        foreach ($subDirs as $dir) {
            $subDirTplFiles = cmf_scan_dir("$dir/*.$suffix");
            foreach ($subDirTplFiles as $tplFile) {
                $tplFile         = "$dir/$tplFile";
                $configFile      = preg_replace("/\.$suffix$/", ‘.json‘, $tplFile);
                $tplFileNoSuffix = preg_replace("/\.$suffix$/", ‘‘, $tplFile);
                if (is_file($tplFile) && file_exists_case($configFile)) {
                    array_push($tplFiles, $tplFileNoSuffix);

        foreach ($tplFiles as $tplFile) {
            $configFile = $tplFile . ".json";
            $file       = preg_replace(‘/^themes\/‘ . $theme . ‘\//‘, ‘‘, $tplFile);
            $file       = strtolower($file);
            $config     = json_decode(file_get_contents($configFile), true);
            $findFile   = Db::name(‘theme_file‘)->where([‘theme‘ => $theme, ‘file‘ => $file])->find();
            $isPublic   = empty($config[‘is_public‘]) ? 0 : 1;
            $listOrder  = empty($config[‘order‘]) ? 0 : floatval($config[‘order‘]);
            $configMore = empty($config[‘more‘]) ? [] : $config[‘more‘];
            $more       = $configMore;

            if (empty($findFile)) {
                    ‘theme‘       => $theme,
                    ‘action‘      => $config[‘action‘],
                    ‘file‘        => $file,
                    ‘name‘        => $config[‘name‘],
                    ‘more‘        => json_encode($more),
                    ‘config_more‘ => json_encode($configMore),
                    ‘description‘ => $config[‘description‘],
                    ‘is_public‘   => $isPublic,
                    ‘list_order‘  => $listOrder
            } else { // 更新文件
                $moreInDb = json_decode($findFile[‘more‘], true);
                $more     = $this->updateThemeConfigMore($configMore, $moreInDb);
                Db::name(‘theme_file‘)->where([‘theme‘ => $theme, ‘file‘ => $file])->update([
                    ‘theme‘       => $theme,
                    ‘action‘      => $config[‘action‘],
                    ‘file‘        => $file,
                    ‘name‘        => $config[‘name‘],
                    ‘more‘        => json_encode($more),
                    ‘config_more‘ => json_encode($configMore),
                    ‘description‘ => $config[‘description‘],
                    ‘is_public‘   => $isPublic,
                    ‘list_order‘  => $listOrder

        // 检查安装过的模板文件是否已经删除
        $files = Db::name(‘theme_file‘)->where([‘theme‘ => $theme])->select();

        foreach ($files as $themeFile) {
            $tplFile           = $themeDir . ‘/‘ . $themeFile[‘file‘] . ‘.‘ . $suffix;
            $tplFileConfigFile = $themeDir . ‘/‘ . $themeFile[‘file‘] . ‘.json‘;
            if (!is_file($tplFile) || !file_exists_case($tplFileConfigFile)) {
                Db::name(‘theme_file‘)->where([‘theme‘ => $theme, ‘file‘ => $themeFile[‘file‘]])->delete();
 * 替代scan_dir的方法
 * @param string $pattern 检索模式 搜索模式 *.txt,*.doc; (同glog方法)
 * @param int $flags
 * @param $pattern
 * @return array
function cmf_scan_dir($pattern, $flags = null)
    $files = glob($pattern, $flags);   //函数返回匹配指定模式的文件名或目录。该函数返回一个包含有匹配文件 / 目录的数组。如果出错返回 false。
    if (empty($files)) {
        $files = [];
    } else {
        $files = array_map(‘basename‘, $files);   //函数将用户自定义函数作用到数组中的每个值上,并返回用户自定义函数作用后的带有新值的数组。 basename  函数返回路径中的文件名部分

    return $files;     //指定规则的文件的文件名数组,在更新模板时,返回的是所有.html的文件名。
时间: 2024-07-30 06:22:52



private function updateThemeFiles($theme, $suffix = 'html') { $dir = 'themes/' . $theme; $themeDir = $dir; $tplFiles = []; $root_dir_tpl_files = cmf_scan_dir("$dir/*.$suffix"); //默认情况下返回 模板目录(w0s目录)下的所有html文件名数组 foreach ($root_dir_tpl_files as $

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