Identifying Differentially Expressed Trinity Transcripts
Our current system for identifying differentially expressed transcripts
relies on using the EdgeR Bioconductor package. We have a protocol and scripts
described below for identifying differentially expressed transcripts and
clustering transcripts according to expression profiles. This process is
somewhat interactive, and described are automated approaches as well as manual
approaches to refining gene clusters and examining their corresonding expression
Run EdgeR
Note: This system is not yet compatible with biological replicates, but will
soon be updated to leverage such data.
First, join the RSEM-estimated
abundance values for each of your samples by running:
TRINITY_RNASEQ_ROOT/util/RSEM_util/ sampleA.RSEM.isoform.results sampleB.RSEM.isoform.results ... > all.counts.matrix
Edit the column headers in the matrix file to your liking, since this is how
the samples will be named in the downstream analysis steps.
Using the all.counts.matrix file created above, perform TMM (trimmed mean of
M-values) normalization and identify differentially expressed transcripts
resulting from pairwise comparisons among the samples like so:
TRINITY_RNASEQ_ROOT/Analysis/DifferentialExpression/ --matrix all.counts.matrix --transcripts Trinity.fasta --output edgeR_results_dir
If you have only a single reference sample that you want the other samples to
be compared to, as opposed to the all-vs-all comparisons, indicate the reference
sample’s column heading with: --reference ref_column_name as it exists in the
all.counts.matrix file.
Each pairwise comparison will generate a ${samplea}_vs_${sampleb}.results.txt
output file listing the differentially expressed transcripts, log fold-changes
in expression, P-values, and FDR-corrected P-values. An edgeR dispersion factor
of 0.1 (script default, but you can adjust) is used given that no biological
replicates are assumed and to minimize false-positive calls. (see edgeR manual
for details). In addition to the differentially expressed transcripts
tablulated, an MA-plot is generated for each comparison (corresponding .eps
file) as shown below. The column on the left of the MA-plot corresponds to those
transcripts that have read counts in only one of the two conditions. Transcripts
showing up as red dots in the MA-plot are those that are defined as
differentially expressed.
The TMM and length-normalized (FPKM) expression values are provided in a
file: transcript_read_counts.RAW.normalized.FPKM, which can be examined using
additional methods described below.
Differentially Expressed Transcripts
- An initial step in analyzing differential expression is to extract those
transcripts that are most differentially expressed (most significant P-values
and fold-changes) and to cluster the transcripts according to their patterns
of differential expression across the samples. To do this, you can run the
following from within the edgeR output directory -
--matrix transcript_read_counts.RAW.normalized.FPKM -P 1e-3 -C 2
which will extract all genes that have P-values at most 1e-3 and are at least
2^2 fold differentially expressed. The FPKM normalized data points for these
genes will be retrieved, and written to a file:
diffExpr.P${pvalue}_C{$fold_change}.matrix . These data will then be clustered
using R, after first being log2-transformed, and mean-centered, generating a
heatmap file: diffExpr.P${pvalue}_C{$fold_change}.matrix.heatmap.eps, as shown
The above is mostly just a visual reference. To more seriously study and
define your gene clusters, you will need to interact with the data as described
below. The clusters and all required data for interrogating and defining
clusters is all saved with an R-session, locally with the file
all.RData. This will be leveraged as described below.
defining a K-number of Gene Clusters
Run the command below to automatically split the data set into a set of
$num_clusters (similar to k-means clustering).
TRINITY_RNASEQ_ROOT/Analysis/DifferentialExpression/ -K $num_clusters
A directory will be created called: clusters_fixed_K_${num_clusters}/ and
contain the expression matrix for each of the clusters.
To plot the mean-centered expression patterns for each cluster, visit that
directory and run:
TRINITY_RNASEQ_ROOT/Analysis/DifferentialExpression/ subcluster_*
This will generate a summary image file: my_cluster_plots.pdf, as shown
Manually Defining Gene
Manually defining your clusters is the best way to organize the data to your
liking. This is an interactive process. Fire up R from within your output
directory, being sure it contains the all.RData file, and enter the
following commands: R
manually_define_clusters(hc_genes, centered_data)
This should yield a display containing the hierarchically clustered genes, as
shown below:
Now, manually define your clusters from left to right (order matters here, so
you can decipher the results later!) by clicking on the branch vertical branch
that defines the clade of interest. After clicking on the branch, it will be
drawn with a red box around the selected clade, as shown below:
Right click with the mouse (or double-touch a touchpad) to exit from cluster
The clusters as selected will be written to a subdirectory
manually_defined_clusters_$count_clusters, and exist in a format similar to the
automated-selection of clusters described above. Likewise, you can generate
plots of the expression patterns for each cluster using the script.