

1. Crafty

This is a lightweight and modular JavaScript game engine which consists of many components like animation, event management, redraw regions, collision detection, sprites and more. It supports all kind of browsers including IE9, No dom manipulation or custom drawing routines required.

2. Quintus

The Quintus engine is an HTML5 game engine designed to be modular and lightweight, with a concise JavaScript-friendly syntax. In lieu of trying to shoehorn a standard OOP-game engine structure into an HTML5 JavaScript engine, Quintus takes some cues from jQuery and provides plugins, events and a selector syntax. Instead of a deep single-inheritance-only model, Quintus provides a flexible component model in addition to traditional inheritance to make it easier to reuse functionality and share it across games and objects.

3. Gamequery

gameQuery is an easy to use jQuery plug-in to help make javascript game development easier by adding some simple game-related classes. Since it is based on DOM manipulation instead of Canvas gameQuery is compatible with a large number of browsers even the older ones including Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Safari for iOS, mobile versions of Webkit and Opera.

4. GMP

GMP is a JavaScript game engine that fits good to creating sprite-based, 2-D games and it can easily power most retro-style arcade game designs or puzzles like Sudoku. It has a ready-to-go, self-booting game loop. Mouse and keyboard inputs can be used easily. The engine is well-documented and the major fallback can be the lack of integrated sound support.

5. lycheeJS

lycheeJS is a JavaScript Game library that offers a complete solution for prototyping and deployment of HTML5 Canvas, WebGL or native OpenGL(ES) based games inside the Web Browser or native environments. The development process is optimized for Google Chrome and its developer tools.

6. Enchant.js

Enchant.js is a framework for developing simple games and applications in HTML5 + JavaScript. It was released in 2011, and open source (MIT license), and therefore free to use.

7. Starlingjs

Starling is an opensource game engine for JavaScript which comes with pure ActionScript 3 library that mimics the conventional Flash display list architecture. In contrast to conventional display objects, however, all content is rendered directly by the GPU — providing a rendering performance unlike anything before. This is made possible by Flash’s “Stage3D” technology.

8. The Render Engine

The Render Engine is a cross-browser, open source game engine written entirely in JavaScript. Designed from the ground up to be extremely flexible, it boasts an extensive API and uses the newest features of today’s modern browsers. The Render Engine is a framework which is intended to aid in developing your game idea by providing the foundation and tools to speed up the process of going from idea to finished product.

9. Akihabara

It is a set of libraries, tools and presets to create pixelated indie-style 8/16-bit era games in Javascript using HTML5 canvas tag and some standard hooks.

10. JsGameSoup

Js Gamesoup is an open source free framework for making games using JavaScript and open web technologies. It runs on almost every browser including ios browsers too. JSGameSoup uses open web technologies like canvas and html5.

11. Gamejs

GameJs is a thin JavaScript library on top of the HTML canvas element. In addition to the drawing functions it has a growing assortment of modules useful for game development. Most of GameJs’ drawing API is based on the popular PyGame .

12. CSS Game Engine

It uses the Javascript language and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to dress up the page. They run pretty reliably together. Use this engine to create your own game. This project is intended for beginners, wanting to learn how to program video games. Better if you’re a web designer that knows some CSS.

13. Clanfx

clanfx is a 2D, tile-based Javascript game engine developed using Javascript and CSS. It currently works in Firefox, Epiphany and Opera browsers. Features include many animated sprites, spell effects, buildings, tiles/textures and basic game AI.

14. gTile

gTile is a browser based game engine entirely in Javascript and DHTML. A two dimensional tile based view has been chosen for simplicity and accessibility. Game play is achieved through rich interactions and behaviors of game objects, rather than fancy graphics or animation. The engine is perhaps best suited to creating adventure and roguelike style games, but may also be used to create 2D virtual world representations of communities and geographical locations.

15. J5g3

j5g3 is an Open Source (GPLv3) Javascript Graphics Engine. Easy to use syntax designed to be fast and extendable.

16. Jaws

Jaws is a 2D game lib powered by HTML5. It started out only doing canvas but is now also supporting ordinary DOM based sprites through the same API.

17. Cocos2D

Cocos2D JavaScript is an HTML5 port of Cocos2D for iPhone. It is a 2D graphics engine which allows rapid development of 2D games and graphical applications which can run in any modern Web browser without the need for third-party plug-ins such as Adobe Flash.

18. CopperLicht

CopperLicht is a WebGL library and JavaScript 3D engine for creating games and 3d applications in the webbrowser. It uses the WebGL canvas supported by modern browsers and is able to render hardware accelerated 3d graphics without any plugins.

19. Aves

This html/jscript game engine, reminiscent of oldieworldie RPGs (except, more graphically capable, even), all rendered in html & jscript. NO FLASH. No plugins.

20. LimeJS

It is a HTML5 game framework for building games that’ll feel native and work fast in modern touch screens and desktop browsers. LimeJS is created with Closure Library built by Google and comes with functions/classes to control the timeline, events, shapes and animations. Also, the framework has full support of sprite sheets (you can collect all images inside a single file).

时间: 2024-08-01 06:19:16


20 款免费的 JavaScript 游戏引擎

使用 HTML5,CSS3 和 Javascript 可以帮助面向对象开发者开发拥有各种特性的游戏,比如:3D 动画效果,Canvas,数学,颜色,声音,WebGL 等等.最明显的优势在于使用 HTML5 开发的游戏能在任何现代化流行的设备上运行. 某些游戏引擎仅仅是一个抽象的层次,就简单处理一些或者更多的繁杂游戏开发任务:其他只是注重 asset 加载,输入,物理效果,音频,sprite 地图和动画,而且相当多样化.还有一些引擎架构极其简单,只包括一个 2D 水平的编辑器和调试工具. 大部分的


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Unity 3D游戏开发引擎:最火的插件推荐

摘要:为了帮助使用Unity引擎的开发者制作更完美的游戏,我们精心挑选了十款Unity相关开发插件和工具.它们是:2D Toolkit.NGUI.Playmaker.EasyTouch & EasyJoystick.UnIDE.Tile Based Map and Nav.FX Maker.Toon shader.Top-Down Assets Mobile和83 Explosion Sound Effects. 作为当前最主流的3D游戏引擎之一,Unity拥有大量第三方插件和工具帮助开发者提升


下面,我们来解释下PIXI里面对象的各个属性.. 首先我们来看看这个各个元素对象里面到底长啥样.. alpha Number 整个舞台对象的透明度. buttonMode Boolean 渲染是否作为一个按钮.此项作者暂未测试.. cacheAsBitmap Boolean 设置元素,不显示对象缓存作为一个位图. children Array [只读] 返回一个包含子元素的数组. defaultCursor String 元素被鼠标进过后的样式. 但是必须设置 interaction = tru

18 款超酷的 HTML5 和 JavaScript 游戏引擎库

现在的游戏开发变得越来越复杂,需要制作各种炫丽的效果,还要制作各种基于 2D 或者 3D 的场景.为了节省游戏开发者的时间,让开发者集中精力在游戏的创新上,出现了许许多多的游戏引擎.而现在为了实现跨平台,HTML5 和 JavaScript 成功为了游戏开发者必备的利器,特别是移动端的开发者,必须要能很好的掌握 HTML5 和 JavaScript. 现在这么多的游戏引擎,各有各的优点和缺点,为了帮助开发者们找到属于自己的那款游戏开发引擎,我们综合了许多方面的考虑,选出来以下的 18 个超酷的


英特尔开发人员专区原文地址 Cocos游戏开发引擎对于广大开发者来说都比较熟悉,Intel RealScene是什么呢,简单理解是一种特殊的摄像头,可以捕捉用户的手势,面部表情等,进而实现AR,VR的特殊应用,本案例通过摄像头结合Cocos引擎实现一款跑酷游戏,游戏截图如下: 图1-cocos+IntelRealScene实现的跑酷游戏 1.游戏玩法: 1.在摄像头前坐好 2.当游戏主角前方有障碍物或陷阱时候迅速移动头部向左,游戏主角会跳起 3.恢复坐好状态 (目前我的最好成绩是24秒!!!)


https://github.com/vicalloy/html5gamedev/blob/master/README.md 游戏引擎 名称 许可协议 流行度 Github Watch 关键特性 备注 Phaser MIT   4000+ TypeScript, 2D, WebGL 使用Pixi.js作为图像引擎.功能完善,并提供了超过的250+的范例.推荐使用 Pixi.js MIT   4000+ 2D, WebGL Pixi.js 是一个 2D webGL 渲染器,在浏览器不支持WebGL

iOS 游戏开发 博客

1. http://www.cnblogs.com/kesalin/archive/2012/11/10/ios_game_dev_resource.html   ( iOS游戏开发教程) 最近几天仔细了解了iOS游戏开发引擎,常用的cocos2d,Unity引擎,那么Unity是非免费的,而cocos2d则是免费开源的: 最后促使我选择cocos2d的原因有两点: 1.最重要的原因是它对应的开发工具,尤其是 “ParticleDesigner”,粒子系统编辑器,非常的喜欢(需付费$7.99美元