From N to N+1: Multiclass Transfer Incremental Learning 代码分析(1)

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核心细想就是Transfer Incremental Learning

原理图如下:Transfer learning的任务就是检测出小狗,并且系统已经学习到了几种动物(小猫、马)。从有n个类别学习第n+1个类别。



data/                               -- demo data
tmp/                                -- temporary files (e.g. source classifiers)
lib/                                -- algorithm implementations
lib/util                            -- utilities
lib/dogma                           -- parts from DOGMA library
lib/mktl                            -- Multi-Kernel Transfer Learning implementation files
lib/multikt                         -- MultiKT implementation files
lib/tl_baselines/                   -- baseline TL algorithm implementation files
lib/GenericClassifier.m             -- abstract base class for classifiers (kernel computation and generic evaluation routines)
lib/HyperSearch.m                   -- hyperparameter grid search utility class
lib/MulticlassOneVsRest.m           -- multiclass OVA classifier, where binary classfiers can be plugged in
lib/MulticlassRLS.m                 -- multiclass LSSVM classifier
lib/SimpleNplusOne.m                -- Source+1 baseline implementation
lib/SourcePlusOneHingeL.m           -- Source+1 (hinge) baseline implementation
lib/MTKL.m                          -- interface to MKTL (compatibe with generic evaluation framework)
lib/MultiKT.m                       -- interface to MultiKT (compatibe with generic evaluation framework)
lib/PmtSvm.m                        -- interface to PmtSvm (Tabula Rasa) (compatibe with generic evaluation framework)
lib/MultisourceTrAdaBoost.m         -- interface to MultisourceTrAdaBoost (compatibe with generic evaluation framework)
lib/MULTIpLE.m                      -- The MULTIpLE algorithm implementation
NplusoneBenchmark.m                 -- main experiment file; preamble contains its description
时间: 2024-08-29 15:24:41

From N to N+1: Multiclass Transfer Incremental Learning 代码分析(1)的相关文章

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转载,原文地址 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 来源: http://www.yuanyong


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一.特征提取Feature Extraction: l  SIFT [1] [Demo program][SIFT Library] [VLFeat] l  PCA-SIFT [2] [Project] l  Affine-SIFT [3] [Project] l  SURF [4] [OpenSURF] [Matlab Wrapper] l  Affine Covariant Features [5] [Oxford project] l  MSER [6] [Oxford project]