CCNA 6.6

sh run (show running-config)

enable disable login logout exit end

enable password

privilege level(global)

privilege level(line)

show interface serial 1/1





show ? (show help command)


no history

history size

no history size

show history

terminal history


no menu

menu menu-name

menu clear-screen

menu command

menu default

menu line-mode

menu option

menu prompt

menu single-space

menu status-line

menu text

menu title

more exclude

more include

more begin

show begin

show exclude

show include

show any-command | begin regular-expression

more any-command | begin regular-expression

show history

terminal editing

terminal no editing

terminal full-help

terminal history

terminal no history

show users


show version

erase nvram

show running-config

show startup-config

activation-character ascii-number

no activation-character


no autobaud

buffer-length length

no buffer-length

databits {5|6|7|8}

no databits

data-character-bits {7|8}

no data-character-bits

terminal databits

terminal data-character-bits

default-value exe-character-bits {7|8}

no default-value exe-character-bits

default-value special-character-bits {7|8}

no default-value special-character-bits

exec-character-bits {7 | 8}

no exec-character-bits


terminal exec-character-bits

terminal special-character-bits

disconnect-character ascii-number

no disconnect-character

dispatch-character ascii-number1

no dispatch-character ascii-number1

dispatch-machine name

no dispatch-machine

dispatch-timeout milliseconds

no dispatch-timeout


terminal dispatch-character

escape-character {break | char | default | none | soft} (to define a system escape character)

no escape-character [soft]

default escape-character [soft]

control + v or control + v (to abort present process)

terminal escape-character (to set the escape key for the active terminal line session)

show line (display information about the specific line connection,or all the lines)

hold-character ascii-number (to define the local character used to pause output to the terminal screen)

no hold-character (to restore the default)

terminal hold-character

insecure (to configure a line as insecure)

no insecure

length screen-length (to set the terminal screen length)

no length

terminal length

location text (to provide a description of the location of a serial device)

no location

lockable (to enable use of the lock EXEC command)

no lockable

lock (prevent access to your session by other users )

logout-warning [seconds] (to warn users of an impending forced timeout)

no logout-warning

absolute-timeout (sets the interval for closing user connections on a specific line or port)

session-timeout (sets the interval for closing  the connection when tree is no input or output traffic)

notify (to enable terminal notification about pending output from other Telnet connection)

no notify

terminal notify (configures a line to inform a user that has multiple,concurrent Telnet connections when output is pending on a connection other than the current one)

padding ascii-number count (to set the padding on a specific output character)

no padding ascii-number

terminal padding (changes the character padding on a specific output character for the current session)

parity {none | even | odd | space | mark} (to define generation of a parity bit)

no parity

terminal parity (defines the generation of the parity bit for the current for the current session and line)

printer printer-name {line number | rotary number} [newline-convert | formfeed] (to configure a printer and assign a server tty line or lines to it)

no printer

clear line (return a terminal line to idle state)

private (to save user EXEC command changes between terminal session)

no private

exec-timeout (sets the interval that the EXEC command interpreter waits until user input is detected )

show whoami [text] (to display information about the terminal line of the current user,including host name,line number,line speed,and location)

special-character-bits {7 | 8} (to configure the number of data bits per character for special characters such as software flow control characters and escape characters)

no special-character-bits

default-value exec-character-bits

default-value special-characte-bits


terminal exec-character-bits

terminal special-character-bits

state-machine name state first-character last-character [nextstate | transmit] (to specify the transition criteria for the state of a particular state madhine)

no state-machine




stopbits {1 | 1.5 | 2} (to set the number of the stop bits transmitted per byte)

no stopbits

terminal stopbits

terminal databits {5 |6 | 7 | 8} (to change the number of data bits per character for the current terminal line for this session)

terminal parity (defines the generation of the parity bit for the current terminal line and session)

terminal data-character-bits {7 | 8} (to set the number of data bits per character that are interpreted and generated by the Cisco IOS software for the current line and session)

terminal dispatch-character ascii-number [ascii-number2…ascii-number] (to define a character that causes a packet to be sent for the current session)

terminal dispatch-timeout

terminal download (to temporarily set the ability of a line to act as a transparent pipe for file transfers for the current session) =terminal telnet transparent = terminal no escape-character = terminal no hold-character = terminal no padding 0 = terminal no padding 128 = terminal parity none = terminal data bits 8

terminal escape-character

terminal exec-character-bits

terminal flowcontrol {none | software [in | out] | hardware} (to set flow control for the current terminal line for the current session)

terminal hold-character

terminal no hold-character

terminal keymap-type keymap-name (to specify the current keyboard type for the current session)

terminal length screen-length (to set the number of lines on the current terminal screen for the current session)

terminal monitor (to display debug command output and system error messages for the current terminal and session)

terminal notify (to enable terminal notification about pending output from other Telnet connections for the current session)

terminal no notify

notify (enables terminal notification about pending output from other Telnet connection)

terminal padding

terminal parity {none | even | odd | space | mark} (to define the generation of the parity bit for the current terminal line and session)

terminal-queue entry-retry-interval interval (to change the retry interval for a terminal port queue)

no terminal-queue entry-retry-interval

terminal rxspeed bps (to set the terminal receive speed(how fast information is sent to the terminal)for the current line and session)

respeed (sets the terminal receive speed for a specific line or lines)

terminal txspeed (sets the terminal transmit speed for a specified line or lines)

terminal speed bps (sets the transmit and receive speed for the current session)

terminal special-character-bits

terminal start-character

terminal stopbits {1 | 1.5 | 2} (to change the number of stop bits sent per byte by the current terminal line during an active session)

terminal stop-character

terminal telnet break-on-ip (to cause an access server to generate a hardware Break signal when an interrupt-process (ip)command is received)

terminal telnet ip-on-break (configures the system to send an interrupt-process (ip) signal when the Break command is issued)

terminal telnet refuse-negotiations (to configure the current session to refuse to negotiate full-duplex,remote who options on incoming connections)

terminal telnet speed default-speed maximum-speed (to allow an access server to negotiate transmission speed for the current terminal line and session)

terminal telnet sync-on-break (to cause the access server to send a Telnet Synchronize signal when it receives a Telnet Break signal on the current line and session)

terminal telnet transparent (to cause the current terminal line to send a Return character (CR) as a CR followed by a NULL instead of a CR followed by a Line Feed (LF) for the current session)

terminal terminal-type terminal-type (to specify the type of terminal connected to the current line for the current session)

terminal txspeed bps (to set the terminal transmit speed (how fast the terminal can send information ) for the current line and session)

terminal-type {terminal-name | terminal-type} (to specify the type of terminal connected to a line)

no terminal-type

terminal worth characters (to set the number of character colums on the terminal screen for the current line for a session)

where (to list the open sessions)

width characters (to set the terminal screen width)

no width

banner exec d message d (to specify and enable a message to be displayed when an EXEC process is created(an EXEC banner))

banner incoming d message d (to define and enable a banner to be displayed when there is an incoming connection to a terminal line from a host on the network)

no banner incoming

banner login d message d (to define and enable a customized banner to be displayed before the username and password login prompts)

no banner login

banner motd d message d (to define and enble a message-of the-day (MOTD) banner)

no banner motd

banner slip-ppp d message d (to customise the banner that is displayed when a SLIP or PPP connection is made)

no banner slip ppp

clear tcp {line line-number | local hostname port remote host mane port | tcb address} (to clear a TCP connection)

exec (to allow an EXEC process on a line)

no exec

exec-banner (to reenable the display of EXEC and message-of-the-day (MOTD)banner on the specified line or lines)

no exec-banner

exec-timeout minutes [seconds] (to set the interval that the EXEC command interpreter waits until user input is detected)

no exec-timeout

lock (to configure a temporary password on a line)

menu menu-name clear-screen (to clear the terminal screen before displaying a menu)

menu menu-name command jeu-item {command | menu-exit} (to specify underlying commands for user menus)

menu menu-name default menu-item (to specify the menu item to use as the default)

menu menu-name line-mode (to require the user to press Enter after specifying an item)

menu menu-name options menu-item {login | pause} (to set options for items in user menus)

menu menu-name prompt d prompt d (to specify the prompt for a user menu)

menu menu-name single-space (to display menu items single-spaced rather than double-spaced)

menu menu-name status-line (to display a line of status information about the current user at the top of a menu)

menu menu-name text menu-item menu-text (to specify the text of a menu item in a use menu)

menu menu-name title d menu-title d (to create a title (banner) for a user menu)

no menu menu-name (to delete a user menu from the configuration file)

motd-banner (to enable the display of message-of-the-day(MOTD) banners on the specified line or lines)

no motd-banner

name-connection (to assign a logical name to a connection)

refuse-message d message d (to define and enable a line-in-use message)

no refuse-message

send {line-number | * | aux number | console number | tty number | sty number} (to send messages to one or all terminal lines)

service linenumber (to configure the Cisco IOS software to display line number information after the EXEC or incoming banner)

no service linenumber

vacant-message [d message d] (to display an idle terminal message)

no vacant-message

international (to display characters in 8-bur format)

no international

ip http access-class {access-list-number | access-list-name} (to assign an access list to the HTTP setver used by the Cisco IOS ClidkStart software or the Cisco Web browser UI)

no ip http access-class {access-list-number | access-list-name}

ip http authentication {aaa | enable | local | tacacs} (to specify a particular authentication method for HTTP server users)

no ip http authentication {aaa | enable | local | tacacs}

eg : Router(config)#ip http authentication aaa

Router(config)#aaa authentication login défaut local

ip http port port-number (to specify the port to be used by the Cisco IOS ClickStart software or the Cisco Web browser UI)

no ip http port

ip http server (to enable the Cisco Web browser UI on a router or access server)

no ip http server

terminal international (to display characters in 8-bit format)

no terminal international

cd [filesystem:] (to change the default directory or file system)

page 201

CCNA 6.6

时间: 2024-08-24 20:23:01

CCNA 6.6的相关文章

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CCNA学习方法建议--思科讲师CCSI著 (原创)

在写这个标题的时候,我仿佛回到了当初那个为学Cisco起早贪黑却其乐无穷的时光,我不是一个网络天才,没有什么过人的天赋,甚至在那个时候连一台属于自己的电脑也可望而不可即,所以在学习Cisco课程,特别是CCNA的过程中,相当的刻苦(先自夸一下),也积累了一些个人学习的经验,今天写下来,用以和大家共勉,也希望对大家的学习能起到哪怕及其微小的作用,我也会甚感欣慰! 在决定学习Cisco课程后,大家遇到的第一个问题应该是到底要不要参加培训,因为毕竟CCNA的培训和认证费对于学生或者普通的工薪阶层来说,

CCNA 认证学习(一)

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我是51CTO学院讲师晁海江,在学院11.11(全民IT学习节)到来之际,和大家分享一下我的CCNA通关经验.正文来啦~~~   在写这个标题的时候,我仿佛回到了当初那个为学Cisco起早贪黑,却其乐无穷的时光.显然,我绝对不是一个网络天才,没有什么过人的天赋,甚至在那个时候连一台属于自己的电脑也可望而不可即,所以在学习Cisco课程,特别是学习CCNA的过程中,相当的刻苦(先自夸一下),也积累了一些个人学习的经验,今天写下来,用以和大家共勉,也希望对大家的学习能起到哪怕及其微小的作用,我也会甚