CSAPP 书附带的代码中找不到的 config.h 在此给出(坑爹啊。。。)

原本是在实现malloc的过程中要有个#include "config.h"



#ifndef __CONFIG_H_
#define __CONFIG_H_

* config.h - malloc lab configuration file
* Copyright (c) 2002, R. Bryant and D. O'Hallaron, All rights reserved.
* May not be used, modified, or copied without permission.

* Config variables for submitting autoresults to the Autolab server
* Note: The COURSE and LAB variables must match the directory names
* on the Autolab server.

* This is the default path where the driver will look for the
* default tracefiles. You can override it at runtime with the -t flag.
#define TRACEDIR "./traces/"

* This is the list of default tracefiles in TRACEDIR that the driver
* will use for testing. Modify this if you want to add or delete
* traces from the driver's test suite.
* The first four test correctness. The last several test utilization
* and performance.
#define DEFAULT_TRACEFILES "alaska.rep", "amptjp.rep", "bash.rep", "boat.rep","cccp.rep", "chrome.rep", "coalesce-big.rep", "coalescing-bal.rep", "corners.rep", "cp-decl.rep", "exhaust.rep", "firefox.rep", "firefox-reddit.rep", "hostname.rep", "login.rep", "lrucd.rep", "ls.rep", "malloc.rep", "malloc-free.rep", "needle.rep", "nlydf.rep", "perl.rep", "qyqyc.rep", "random.rep", "random2.rep", "rm.rep", "rulsr.rep","seglist.rep", "short2.rep"

* If this is uncommented, then use "alt grading", in which
* final_score = min(util_score, perf_score), which prevents
* an unbalanced allocator from getting a good score. Alt
* grading ignores UTIL_WEIGHT, as both util and perf are graded
* on a scale from 0 to 100.
//#define ALT_GRADING

* Students get 0 points for this point or below (ops / sec)
#define MIN_SPEED 3000E3

* Students get 0 points for this allocation fraction or below
#define MIN_SPACE 0.60

* Students can get more points for building faster allocators, up to
* this point (in ops / sec)
#define MAX_SPEED 13750E3

* Students can get more points for building more efficient allocators,
* up to this point (1 is perfect).
#define MAX_SPACE 0.91

* This constant determines the contributions of space utilization
* (UTIL_WEIGHT) and throughput (1 - UTIL_WEIGHT) to the performance
* index.

#define UTIL_WEIGHT .61

* Alignment requirement in bytes (either 4 or 8)
#define ALIGNMENT 8

* Maximum heap size in bytes
#define MAX_HEAP (100*(1<<20)) /* 100 MB */

* Set exactly one of these USE_xxx constants to "1" to select a timing method
#define USE_FCYC 1 /* cycle counter w/K-best scheme (x86 & Alpha only) */
#define USE_ITIMER 0 /* interval timer (any Unix box) */
#define USE_GETTOD 0 /* gettimeofday (any Unix box) */

#endif /* __CONFIG_H */

神人 Hallaron

CSAPP 书附带的代码中找不到的 config.h 在此给出(坑爹啊。。。)

时间: 2024-11-07 01:36:36

CSAPP 书附带的代码中找不到的 config.h 在此给出(坑爹啊。。。)的相关文章

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