
  private void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


// of the ASP.NET website.)
            string uri = Application.Current.Host.Source.AbsoluteUri;
            int index = uri.IndexOf("/ClientBin");
            uri = uri.Substring(0, index) + "/ProductList.bin";
            uri = uritxt.Text;
            // Begin the download.
            WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
            webClient.OpenReadCompleted += webClient_OpenReadCompleted;
            webClient.OpenReadAsync(new Uri(uri));
            webClient.DownloadProgressChanged += webClient_DownloadProgressChanged;


        private void webClient_OpenReadCompleted(object sender,
 OpenReadCompletedEventArgs e)
            if (e.Error != null)
                // (Add code to display error or degrade gracefully.)
                Stream stream = e.Result;
                BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream);
                // (Now process the contents of the resource.)

        private void webClient_DownloadProgressChanged(object sender,
 DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs e)
            lblProgress.Text = e.ProgressPercentage.ToString() + " % downloaded.";
            progressBar.Value = e.ProgressPercentage;
时间: 2024-12-05 23:45:21


C#控制台基础 正则表达式,regex,webclient下载博客园网页中的一张图片

1 网页图 这网页就一张图片,新手入门,找个简单一些的. 2 代码 1 正则表达式,regex,webclient下载博客园网页中的一张图片 2 3 4 using System; 5 using System.Collections.Generic; 6 using System.IO; 7 using System.Linq; 8 using System.Net; 9 using System.Text; 10 using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 1


这个是原代码: System.Net.WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient(); wc.OpenRead(""); Int64 bytes_total= Convert.ToInt64(wc.ResponseHeaders["Content-Length"]) MessageBox.Show(bytes_total.ToString() + "

webclient下载文件 带进度条

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { doDownload(textBox1.Text.Trim()); } private DateTime StartTime; private void doDownload(string url,string fileName="") { label1.Text = "正在下载:" + url;//label框提示下载文件 if (fileName.L


Net2.0中新增了很多组件,WebClient就是其中一个,功能也很强大,今天拿WebClient做了一个小实验,只用到了一些很简单的功能就可以实现以前不好实现的功能,很方便. 简单介绍一下WebClient:    WebClient 类提供向 URI 标识的任何本地.Intranet 或 Internet 资源发送数据以及从这些资源接收数据的公共方法.    WebClient 类使用 WebRequest 类提供对资源的访问.WebClient 实例可以通过任何已向 WebRequest


WebClient是一个操作网页的类 webClient web=new  WebClient(): web.DownloadString(网页的路径,可以是本地路径);--采用的本机默认的编码格式  返回值为string 如果网页采用用的是utf8的话用   web.DownloadData(与DownloadString用法一样) 的返回值为byte[](字节数组) 一个简单的匹配图片下载的代码: static void Main(string[] args) { //操作网页的一个类 We

点击下载按钮下载文件到本地 download stream to local

protected void Down_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //create a stream for the file Stream stream = null; //this controls how many bytes to read at a time and send to the client int bytesToRead = 10000; //buffer to read bytes in chunk size specifie

silverlight webclient实现上传、下载、删除操作

1.上传 1 private void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 2 { 3 OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog() 4 { //弹出打开文件对话框要求用户自己选择在本地端打开的图片文件 5 Filter = "Jpeg Files (*.jpg)|*.jpg|All Files(*.*)|*.*", 6 Multiselect = false //


通过WebClient从Web服务器下载文件,并保存到wp8手机应用程序的独立存储. 我们可以通过利用webClient_DownloadStringCompleted来获得下载完成所需要的时间,用Stopwatch得到下载的总时间. 通常我们都将上传.下载作为异步事件来处理,以便不阻止主线程. String url = "" + filename; WebClient client = new WebClient()


转载: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Net; using System.IO; namespace The9web.Com { class UpDownLoadFile {