I understand that you would like to know about the Amazon Giveaway

Dear Seller,

Greetings from Amazon Seller Support.

From your mail, I understand that you would like to know about the Amazon Giveaway. I apologize for any inconvenience caused to you. I will definitely assist you with this query.

I would like to inform you that Amazon Giveaway is a program is a service that allows anyone to easily setup and run promotional giveaways, which are sweepstakes. Please click on the links below to know more information on Amazon giveaways:


Please let us know if this addresses your query we would go ahead and close the case.

If in case, your query is different Please write back to us with the exact query. Once you write back to us with the requested information we would be more than glad to assist you.

Awaiting for your reply.

Thank you for selling with Amazon,

时间: 2025-01-03 20:03:58

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