
This week’s JavaScript news Read this issue on the Web | Issue Archive
JavaScript Weekly Issue 183
May 30, 2014
Editor: Peter Cooper  


Introducing Socket.IO 1.0: A Leap Forward for the Real-Time Communications Library— After what looked like a long quiet period for the popular project, the milestone 1.0 release is now out. Guillermo shows off how it’s been re-architected and the new features and changes. It’s an exciting leap forward.
Guillermo Rauch
Checking Whether A Value Is An Integer in JavaScript — Integers lead an odd life in JavaScript. In the ECMAScript specification, they only exist conceptually. In this post, Axel explains how to check whether a value is an integer or not.
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
One Year of Open-Source React — React is a high speed JavaScript library for building user interfaces with one-way reactive data flows. This year marks the one year anniversary of its release by Facebook and they reflect on it here. In related news, you can see the slides for a talk given at JSConf this week calledWhy does React scale?

From our Sponsor

JavaScript Framework Showdown: Live Workshop Online/In-Person June 13th
Brian Holt, front-end developer at Reddit, will help you make an informed choice of which JavaScript framework to use for your upcoming projects. Discover the unique value propositions in AngularJS, React, Backbone and Ember. Attend in-person or online with HD video plus chat. Join in on June 13th.
Frontend Masters


Love Generating SVG With JavaScript? Move It To The Server — You can bypass some of SVG’s limitations by generating it server-side.
Smashing Magazine
Explain This JavaScript Name Clash — A simple question and answer on Stack Overflow remind us of why it’s important to remember what effect JavaScript’s ‘function hoisting’ can have on our code.
Stack Overflow
HTML5 Forms: JavaScript and the Constraint Validation API — Craig Buckler concludes a series of posts about HTML5 forms by looking at using JavaScript and the Constraint Validation API to improve the usability of forms across as many browsers as possible.
Google Now Executing JavaScript to Render Pages It Crawls — Google shares some insights into what they’re doing at the crawler end to work with JavaScript. They’re also planning to release some tools through the Webmaster Tools system to help you analyze how they’re executing your JavaScript and any problems they’re encountering with it.
Microsoft Plans To Bring HTTP/2, Web Audio And JavaScript Promises To The Next Version Of IE
Find The Index of The Smallest Element in A JavaScript Array — Three techniques, but which is fastest?
The Old New Thing
Compile, Pre, and Post Linking in AngularJS — Directives have many mysterious features when you first come across them but experiments, such as that demonstrated in this post, can help you figure out what’s going on behind the scenes.
K. Scott Allen
Building Your First Grunt Plugin — Mykyta Semenistyi walks you through creating your first Grunt (the build system) plugin so that you’ll be prepared to build plugins of your own.
Flippin’ Awesome


What’s an Object in JavaScript? — An easy to follow 7 minute video from Head First JavaScript Programming Teasers. Perfect for beginners/people not closely familiar with JavaScript’s object model.
O’Reilly Media
The Secrets of React’s Virtual DOM— A talk from FutureJS by Pete Hunt of Facebook.
Understanding The Four Layers of JavaScript OOP
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


Senior Software Engineer at Vaurum (Palo Alto, CA) — We’re an early-stage venture-backed startup building infrastructure and novel products with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
Design Technologist, Amazon’s Display Ads — As a front-end lead you will work directly with UX Designers and developers to implement consistent and modular components in HTML/CSS, and use JavaScript to bring them to life with responsive, adaptive, data-driven interactivity.
JavaScript Senior Developer (Barcelona, Spain) — is looking for a JavaScript Senior Developer to work on our Chrome Extension team in a well funded start-up in sunny Barcelona.

Code, Libraries and Tools

Recognizer: Experimental Implementation of Semantic Highlighting for JS Development — Some interesting ideas demonstrated within the Adobe Brackets editor.
Jakub Jurových
Storage.js: Asynchronous Browser Storage with Multiple Back-Ends— Supports IndexedDB, WebSQL, and localStorage.
Aleksey Kulikov
App.js: Mobile Webapps Made Easy — App.js is a JavaScript UI library for creating mobile web apps for iOS and Android.
10 of the Best jQuery Mobile Device Plugins — Sam Deering shares a variety of jQuery plugins that focus on aspects of building mobile sites.
ProtectJS: Private Methods in JavaScript using Prototype Chaining
Otto: A JavaScript Parser and Interpreter Written Natively in Go
Robert Krimen
LoopBack: A New Node.js Framework by StrongLoop — Use a command line based wizard to create REST APIs based around models. Includes role-based access controls. Connect to a variety of backend data stores. If you want more like this, don’t forget Node Weekly.
Numeral.js: A JavaScript Library for Formatting and Manipulating Numbers
Adam Draper
ngActivityIndicator: Preloaders for Angular.js Applications with Built-in Styles
Dmitri Voronianski
ngReactGrid: An AngularJS Grid using ReactJS to Render
Single Page Application Skeleton using Backbone, RequireJS and jQuery

Last but not least..

Breaking Development: Beyond The Desktop – Nashville, TN July 28-30 — BD Conf is a single track conference that blends conceptual and practical with keynote talks that will give you info you can take to work the next day as well as new ideas that force you to think bigger and more long term about how you design and build for the web.
Breaking Development Conference  Sponsored
Published by Cooper Press.
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时间: 2024-08-08 13:47:28



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This week’s JavaScript news Read this issue on the Web | Issue Archive JavaScript Weekly Issue 185June 13, 2014 Editor: Peter Cooper   Featured ECMAScript 6 Schedule Changes — Allen Wirfs-Brock, editor of the ECMAScript 6 specification, recently ment


This week’s JavaScript news Read this issue on the Web | Issue Archive JavaScript Weekly Issue 182May 23, 2014 Editor: Peter Cooper   Featured Data-Binding Revolutions with Object.observe() — Object.observe(), part of a future ECMAScript standard, is

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前端资讯周报 3.6 - 3.12: 对学习Javascript最有帮助的三本书,以及HTML标题的迷思

每周一我都会分享上一周我订阅的技术站点中,和解决问题的过程中阅读到的值得分享的文章. 毕竟个人的阅读量有限,也欢迎大家留言或者私信给我你们阅读到的,对你们前端技术有帮助的任何内容,题材不限,语言不限.可以是技术博客,也可以是知乎或stackoverflow的问答. 如果你觉得这篇分享给你带来了帮助,请不要吝惜的点个赞,或者把这个专栏推荐给你的朋友们,还可以关注我.谢谢啦! 本周推荐 What Is the Best Book for Learning JavaScript? 作者在这里给出了他认

20170917 前端开发周报:JavaScript函数式编程、作用域和闭包

1.用函数式编程对JavaScript进行断舍离 当从业20的JavaScript老司机学会函数式编程时,他扔掉了90%的特性,也不用面向对象了,最后发现了真爱啊!!! 2.JavaScript作用域和闭包 作用域和闭包在JavaScript里非常重要.但是在我最初学习JavaScript的时候,却很难理解.这篇文章会用一些例子帮你理解它们.我们先从作用域开始.作用域 JavaScript的作用域限定了你可以访问哪些变量.有两种作

javascript event(事件对象)详解

1. 事件对象 thead>tr>th,.table>tbody>tr>th,.table>tfoot>tr>th,.table>thead>tr>td,.table>tbody>tr>td,.table>tfoot>tr>td{padding:8px;line-height:1.45;vertical-align:top;border-top:1px solid #ddd}.table>thead


什么叫DOM? DOM是文档对象模型(Document Object Model,是基于浏览器编程(在本教程中,可以说就是DHTML编程)的一套API接口,W3C出台的推荐标准,每个浏览器都有一些细微的差别,其中以Mozilla的浏览器最与标准接近. DOM属于浏览器,而不是JavaScript语言规范里的规定的核心内容. 查找元素 1.直接查找 方法名 描述 getElementById(id) (document) 获取有指定惟一ID属性值文档中的元素 getElementsByTagNam