

还有和数据库交互的连接池,比如SQL Server Connection Pooling (ADO.NET) https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8xx3tyca.aspx

SQL Server Connection Pooling (ADO.NET)

Connecting to a database server typically consists of several time-consuming steps. A physical channel such as a socket or a named pipe must be established, the initial handshake with the server must occur, the connection string information must be parsed, the connection must be authenticated by the server, checks must be run for enlisting in the current transaction, and so on.

handshake  握手

enlist 支持;从军;应募;赞助

transaction  交易;事务;办理;会报,学报

In practice, most applications use only one or a few different configurations for connections. This means that during application execution, many identical connections will be repeatedly opened and closed. To minimize the cost of opening connections, ADO.NET uses an optimization technique called connection pooling.

in practice  在实践中;实际上,事实上

identical   同一的;完全相同的

optimization  最佳化,最优化

Connection pooling reduces the number of times that new connections must be opened. The pooler maintains ownership of the physical connection. It manages connections by keeping alive a set of active connections for each given connection configuration. Whenever a user calls Open on a connection, the pooler looks for an available connection in the pool. If a pooled connection is available, it returns it to the caller instead of opening a new connection. When the application calls Close on the connection, the pooler returns it to the pooled set of active connections instead of closing it. Once the connection is returned to the pool, it is ready to be reused on the nextOpen call.

ownership   所有权;物主身份

Only connections with the same configuration can be pooled. ADO.NET keeps several pools at the same time, one for each configuration. Connections are separated into pools by connection string, and by Windows identity when integrated security is used. Connections are also pooled based on whether they are enlisted in a transaction. When using ChangePassword, the SqlCredential instance affects the connection pool. Different instances ofSqlCredential will use different connection pools, even if the user ID and password are the same.

credential   证书;凭据;国书

Pooling connections can significantly enhance the performance and scalability of your application. By default, connection pooling is enabled in ADO.NET. Unless you explicitly disable it, the pooler optimizes the connections as they are opened and closed in your application. You can also supply several connection string modifiers to control connection pooling behavior. For more information, see "Controlling Connection Pooling with Connection String Keywords" later in this topic.

scalability  可扩展性;可伸缩性;可量测性


When connection pooling is enabled, and if a timeout error or other login error occurs, an exception will be thrown and subsequent connection attempts will fail for the next five seconds, the "blocking period". If the application attempts to connect within the blocking period, the first exception will be thrown again. Subsequent failures after a blocking period ends will result in a new blocking periods that is twice as long as the previous blocking period, up to a maximum of one minute.

subsequent   后来的,随后的

Pool Creation and Assignment

When a connection is first opened, a connection pool is created based on an exact matching algorithm that associates the pool with the connection string in the connection. Each connection pool is associated with a distinct connection string. When a new connection is opened, if the connection string is not an exact match to an existing pool, a new pool is created. Connections are pooled per process, per application domain, per connection string and when integrated security is used, per Windows identity. Connection strings must also be an exact match; keywords supplied in a different order for the same connection will be pooled separately.

In the following C# example, three new SqlConnection objects are created, but only two connection pools are required to manage them. Note that the first and second connection strings differ by the value assigned for Initial Catalog.

时间: 2024-12-31 18:50:12



Python 的内建对象存放在源代码的Objects目录下.intobject.c用于整数对象 在 Python 中,整数分为小整数对象和大整数对象 小整数对象 由于数值较小的整数对象在内存中会很频繁地使用,如果每次都向内存申请空间.请求释放,会严重影响 Python 的性能.好在 整数对象 属于不可变对象,可以被共享而不会被修改导致问题,所以为 小整数对象 划定一个范围,即小整数对象池,在Python运行时初始化并创建范围内的所有整数,这个范围内的 整数对象是被共享的,即一次创建,多次共享引用


对象池实现分析 什么是对象池技术?对象池应用在哪些地方? 对象池其实就是缓存一些对象从而避免大量创建同一个类型的对象,类似线程池的概念.对象池缓存了一些已经创建好的对象,避免需要时才创建对象,同时限制了实例的个数.池化技术最终要的就是重复的使用池内已经创建的对象.从上面的内容就可以看出对象池适用于以下几个场景: 创建对象的开销大 会创建大量的实例 限制一些资源的使用 如果创建一个对象的开销特别大,那么提前创建一些可以使用的并且缓存起来(池化技术就是重复使用对象,提前创建并缓存起来重复使用就是池化


游戏中可能经常会遇到需要某个物体跟着鼠标移动,然后又需要把物体放在某个鼠标指定的位置 实现方式 Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint 3D打地鼠实例 我这里用到的素材都比较简陋,几乎全是用Unity做的 首先是锤子 就是两个Cylinder,在把手的位置放一个空物体用于模拟锤子的动作,命名为Hammer,把锤子作为Hammer的子物体,给Hammer添加Animation动画: 在三个关键帧位置设置Hammer


c++实现游戏开发中常用的对象池(含源码) little_stupid_child2017-01-06上传 对象池的五要素: 1.对象集合 2.未使用对象索引集合 3.已使用对象索引集合 4.当前使用量 5.最大使用量 http://download.csdn.net/download/little_stupid_child/9730912


引用对象池的好处:从池中操作对象比直接new.free要性能更快,且能避免内存碎片的堆积 先贴对象池的代码: namespace LegendServer.Util { //对象基 public abstract class ObjectBase { public abstract void Init(); } //对象池管理器(采用堆栈存储,支持动态扩容,支持多线程,新扩容的则自动加入到池中能被重复利用) public class ObjectPoolManager<T> where T :


http://www.tuicool.com/articles/mQBfQfN 对象池可以显著提高性能,如果一个对象的创建非常耗时或非常昂贵,频繁去创建的话会非常低效.对象池通过对象复用的方式来避免重复创建对象,它会事先创建一定数量的对象放到池中,当用户需要创建对象的时候,直接从对象池中获取即可,用完对象之后再放回到对象池中,以便复用.这种方式避免了重复创建耗时或耗资源的大对象,大幅提高了程序性能.本文将探讨对象池的技术特性以及源码实现. 对象池类图 ObjectPool:管理对象实例的pool


对象池的设计及其实现 对象池概述: 对象池模型创建并拥有固定数量的对象,当程序需要一个新的对象时,如果对象池中有空闲对象,则立即返回,否则才创建新的该类对象.当一个对象不再被使用时,其应该应该将其放回对象池,以便后来的程序使用.由于系统资源有限,一个对象池模型应该指定其可容纳的最大对象数量.当达到该数量时,如果仍然有对象创建请求,则抛出异常或者阻塞当前调用线程,直到一个对象被放回对象池中. 对象池模型适用的场景: (1)需要使用大量对象 (2)这些对象的实例化开销比较大且生存期比较短 对象池优势


在Unity中常常会遇到需要重复创建,销毁某些物体的情况,比如fps类游戏中的子弹,rpg类游戏中的小怪等等,如果直接使用Instantiate和Destroy的话,会浪费系统的资源,而使用对象池则能够节省下这些浪费. 这里使用一个重复利用子弹的进行发射的简单场景来演示对象池. 首先需要一个在场景中创建一个Cube,充当子弹. 然后在Assets目录下创建Resources文件夹,在Cube上添加上刚体,取消重力后,将Cube拖入Resources文件夹内作为一个预设,在场景中删除这个Cube.


在此,笔者以DATASNAP为例,其它中间件以此类推. 中间件为什么要使用对象池? 对象池——让所有的对象免堕轮回之苦,对象不再为其生和死而烦恼. 要想让中间件长久稳定地运行,做到无人值守,对象池很重要,对象池大致分为以下几类. 1)线程池,DATASNAP使用INDY10作为其通讯控件,其线程池实际上就是使用INDY10的,只是DATASNAP在其基础上再封装了一层壳罢了,留给我们的只需要设置相关控件的属性即可,在些不多说: 2)服务对象池,DATASNAP向导会生成一个ServerMetho


什么是对象池技术?对象池应用在哪些地方? 对象池其实就是缓存一些对象从而避免大量创建同一个类型的对象,类似线程池的概念.对象池缓存了一些已经创建好的对象,避免需要时才创建对象,同时限制了实例的个数.池化技术最终要的就是重复的使用池内已经创建的对象.从上面的内容就可以看出对象池适用于以下几个场景: 创建对象的开销大 会创建大量的实例 限制一些资源的使用 如果创建一个对象的开销特别大,那么提前创建一些可以使用的并且缓存起来(池化技术就是重复使用对象,提前创建并缓存起来重复使用就是池化)可以降低创建对