【Unlock xcode files?】

A few days ago I had an issue with my mac so I took it to the Genius bar at a local Apple store. They said the partitions failed on the hard drive and that it had to be reformatted. I use a program to automatically back up the system to an external server, so I wasn‘t concerned about loosing anything. They reformatted and I‘ve been putting things back in place.

What I have not been able to figure out.. I have a number of Xcode projects that I need to work on but when I try to open them in Xcode I get this.

The file "project.xcworkspace" could not be unlocked. Could not add write permission to the file because you do not own it. Try modifying the permissions of the file in the Finder or Terminal.

I tried unlocking the project, the main folder, and the p.list file in finder and making sure that I had read/write access but I‘m still getting the error.

When they reformatted the computer it did erase all of the keys and certificates I‘ve been looking but I don‘t think the software backs up the credentials on the computer so I don‘t think I can access the old certificates and keys.

Has anyone run into this before? How do I unlock the file?


1 Answer

Remember the Project isn‘t just a standalone ".xcodeproj" file but it‘s actually a folder that contains a number of hidden items.

So when applying permissions, make certain to apply permissions to every item in your project folder.

You can do this via the "Apply Permissions to Enclosed Items" popdown menu (available in the "Get Info" window), which looks like this:

Apply Permissions to Enclosed Items

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answered Nov 25 ‘13 at 0:05

时间: 2024-10-19 08:06:29

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