

· 在Java语言中使用单例模式能够带来的好处:






public class Singleton {
    private **static** Singleton instance = new Singleton();

    **private** Singleton(){

    public **static** Singleton getInstance(){
        return instance;




public class Singleton {
    private **static** Singleton instance = new Singleton();

    **private** Singleton(){

    public **stati**c Singleton getInstance(){
        return instance;

    public **static** int generateNumder(){
        return (int)Math.random() * 100;



public class LazySingleton{
    private static LazySingleton instance = null;

    private LazySingleton(){}

    public static synchronized LazySingleton getInstance(){
        if (instance == null){
            instance = new LazySingleton();
        return instance;


public class StaticSingleton{
    private StaticSingleton(){}

    private static class SingletonHolder{
        private static StaticSingleton instance = new StaticSingleton();

    public static StaticSingleton getInstance(){
        return SingletonHolder.instance;



单例模式的另一种实现,该种实现也是《Effective Java》中所推荐的,在JDK5.0以后都可以获得支持,采用枚举实现:

四、枚举,《Effective Java》作者推荐使用的方法,优点:不仅能避免多线程同步问题,而且还能防止反序列化重新创建新的对象
public enum EnumSingleton {



public class Singleton implements java.io.Serializable {
    private String clazzName;

    private static Singleton instance = new Singleton();

    private Singleton(){
        this.name = "Demo";

    public static Singleton getInstance(){
        return instance;

    public **static** int generateNumder(){
        return (int)Math.random() * 100;

    ***// 阻止生成新的实例,总是返回当前对象
    private Object readResolve(){
        return instance;

关于 readResolve 方法的一些知识:引用自


For Serializable and Externalizable classes, the readResolve method allows a class to replace/resolve the object read from the stream before it is returned to the caller. By implementing the readResolve method, a class can directly control the types and instances of its own instances being deserialized. The method is defined as follows:

ANY-ACCESS-MODIFIER Object readResolve()

throws ObjectStreamException;

The readResolve method is called when ObjectInputStream has read an object from the stream and is preparing to return it to the caller. ObjectInputStream checks whether the class of the object defines the readResolve method. If the method is defined, the readResolve method is called to allow the object in the stream to designate the object to be returned. The object returned should be of a type that is compatible with all uses. If it is not compatible, a ClassCastException will be thrown when the type mismatch is discovered.

For example, a Symbol class could be created for which only a single instance of each symbol binding existed within a virtual machine. The readResolve method would be implemented to determine if that symbol was already defined and substitute the preexisting equivalent Symbol object to maintain the identity constraint. In this way the uniqueness of Symbol objects can be maintained across serialization.

Note - The readResolve method is not invoked on the object until the object is fully constructed, so any references to this object in its object graph will not be updated to the new object nominated by readResolve. However, during the serialization of an object with the writeReplace method, all references to the original object in the replacement object’s object graph are replaced with references to the replacement object. Therefore in cases where an object being serialized nominates a replacement object whose object graph has a reference to the original object, deserialization will result in an incorrect graph of objects. Furthermore, if the reference types of the object being read (nominated by writeReplace) and the original object are not compatible, the construction of the object graph will raise a ClassCastException.


但是,前提是,在调用者通过流获取序列化对象时,序列化对象必须已经fully constructed,不然序列化对象不会找这个方法。

方法readResolve会在ObjectInputStream已经读取一个对象并在准备返回前调用。ObjectInputStream 会检查对象的class是否定义了readResolve方法。如果定义了,将由readResolve方法指定返回的对象。返回对象的类型一定要是兼容的,否则会抛出ClassCastException 。

时间: 2024-10-23 21:39:50



声明:本博客为原创博客,未经允许,不得转载!原文链接为http://blog.csdn.net/bettarwang/article/details/30989755 我们都知道,在Java中,除了基本数据类型之外,其他的都是引用类型,当它们作为函数参数时,传递的也是引用,通过引用可以改变对象的值,很多人便因此而忽略形参与实参,引用与对象的关系问题.废话不多说,先看下面一个例子: import java.util.*; public class Student { private String


声明:本博客为原创博客,未经同意,不得转载!小伙伴们假设是在别的地方看到的话,建议还是来csdn上看吧(原文链接为http://blog.csdn.net/bettarwang/article/details/26744661),看代码和提问.讨论都更方便. Java中final的作用主要表如今三方面:修饰变量.修饰方法和修饰类.以下就从这两个方面来解说final的作用.在文末从final及类的设计安全性出发,论述了Java中String为何要被设计成不可变类. 1.final修饰变量 fina


首先简单地来梳理一下Java中String.StringBuffer和StringBuilder各自的含义. 1.String类 首先,它是线程安全的,即可以用于多线程编程中: 其次,String类的对象是不可变的,即在定义时就确定了,类似String str="Hello";str+="Java";的语句其实是生成了新的对象,只是我们未察觉到而已.但是注意在大量的字符串新建对象时消耗就很可观,这时必须考虑采用StringBuffer或StringBuilder,否


声明:本博客为原创博客,未经同意.不得转载!小伙伴们假设是在别的地方看到的话,建议还是来csdn上看吧(链接为http://blog.csdn.net/bettarwang/article/details/26412497),看代码和提问.讨论都更方便. 首先简单地来梳理一下Java中String.StringBuffer和StringBuilder各自的含义. 1.String类 首先.它是线程安全的,即能够用于多线程编程中. 其次,String类的对象是不可变的,即在定义时就确定了,类似St


深刻理解Python中的元类(metaclass)以及元类实现单例模式 在看一些框架源代码的过程中碰到很多元类的实例,看起来很吃力很晦涩:在看python cookbook中关于元类创建单例模式的那一节有些疑惑.因此花了几天时间研究下元类这个概念.通过学习元类,我对python的面向对象有了更加深入的了解.这里将一篇写的非常好的文章基本照搬过来吧,这是一篇在Stack overflow上很热的帖子,我看http://blog.jobbole.com/21351/这篇博客对其进行了翻译. 一.理解


读深入理解Java中的String(包括JVM)一文总结和提升 摘要:String作为Java语言中的字符串模拟类,无论是实际的编程工作还是笔试面试过程,都需要我们都String类非常熟悉,对于String类的大部分字符串操作方法,都必须达到熟练运用的程度才行.但是,笔试和面试过程中,面试官往往喜欢问一些String特性相关的题目,来考察面试者对于String基础知识的掌握是否牢固.(本人尚未研读深入理解JVM这本书,分析JVM都是查看网上资料来分析的,若在接下来的内容有分析不到位的地方请见谅和


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译注:这是一篇在Stack overflow上很热的帖子.提问者自称已经掌握了有关Python OOP编程中的各种概念,但始终觉得元类(metaclass)难以理解.他知道这肯定和自省有关,但仍然觉得不太明白,希望大家可以给出一些实际的例子和代码片段以帮助理解,以及在什么情况下需要进行元编程.于是e-satis同学给出了神一般的回复,该回复获得了985点的赞同点数,更有人评论说这段回复应该加入到Python的官方文档中去.而e-satis同学本人在Stack Overflow中的声望积分也高达6