C# 常用接口学习 IComparable 和 IComparer

平台:Window7 64bit,Visual Studio Community 2015



  • 接口 IConmparable 实现
  • 接口 IComparable<T> 实现
  • 接口 IComparer<T> 实现


一、接口 IConmparable 的实现

class Fruit
    public string Name;
    public int Price;

List<Fruit> fruit = new List<Fruit>();
fruit.Add(new Fruit { Name = "grape", Price = 30 });
fruit.Add(new Fruit { Name = "apple", Price = 10 });
fruit.Add(new Fruit { Name = "banana", Price = 15 });
fruit.Add(new Fruit { Name = "orage", Price = 12 });

我们如果想要把水果类按价钱排序,用 Sort() 方法,就需要在 Fruit 类实现 IComparable 接口了。
int CompareTo(Object obj);

class Fruit : IComparable
    public string Name;
    public int Price;
    public int CompareTo(object obj)
        if (obj == null) return 1;
        Fruit otherFruit = obj as Fruit;
        if (Price > otherFruit.Price) { return 1; }
            if (Price == otherFruit.Price) { return 0; }
            else { return -1; }

测试 Sort() 输出:

static void Main(string[] args)
    List<Fruit> fruit = new List<Fruit>();
    fruit.Add(new Fruit { Name = "grape", Price = 30 });
    fruit.Add(new Fruit { Name = "apple", Price = 10 });
    fruit.Add(new Fruit { Name = "banana", Price = 15 });
    fruit.Add(new Fruit { Name = "orage", Price = 12 });

    foreach (var f in fruit) Console.Write($"{f.Name} ");


    foreach (var f in fruit) Console.Write($"{f.Name} ");

//未排序:grape apple banana orage
//排序后:apple orage banana grape

要是要按照 Name 来排序,只要把 Price 换成 Name就成了。
我们发现,所有的简单值类型(比如:int ,string 等等)都继承了这个 IComparable 接口的,我们可以借用值类型的 CompareTo() 方法来实现:

class Fruit : IComparable
    public string Name;
    public int Price;
    public int CompareTo(object obj)
        Fruit otherFruit = obj as Fruit;
        return Price.CompareTo(otherFruit.Price);

对于这个 IComparable 接口,因为基本简单的值类型都有 CompareTo() 方法,而且有了 Linq 后,我只要能用 IEnumerable<T> 的集合类型,用 lambda 表达式很容易就能进行排序 Sort() 操作,而且升序降序排序更加方便。上面的例子中,就算 Fruit 类没有实现 IComparable 接口,我用 List<T>,然后用 lambda 表达式生成一个新的集合就成了,如下:

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<Fruit> fruit = new List<Fruit>();
            fruit.Add(new Fruit { Name = "grape", Price = 30 });
            fruit.Add(new Fruit { Name = "apple", Price = 10 });
            fruit.Add(new Fruit { Name = "banana", Price = 15 });
            fruit.Add(new Fruit { Name = "orage", Price = 12 });

            foreach (var f in fruit) Console.Write($"{f.Name} ");

var fruitSort = fruit.OrderBy(x => x.Price);

            foreach (var f in fruitSort) Console.Write($"{f.Name} ");

    class Fruit
        public string Name;
        public int Price;

真的弄不清楚到底这个接口有了泛型和 Linq 后还有什么用。本着认真学习的态度,我们继续学习它的泛型接口。

二、接口 IConmparable<T> 的实现

我们看到在实现 IComparable 中会发生装箱行为:
Fruit otherFruit=obj as Fruit;

class Fruit : IComparable<Fruit>
        public string Name;
        public int Price;
        int IComparable<Fruit>.CompareTo(Fruit other)
            return Price.CompareTo(other.Price);

调用和普通的一样调用。现在还有个一问题,就是我们在章节一里面所说的,这个 Fruit 类是按字段 Price 来排序的,要是我们想按 Name 来排序,修改 int CompareTo() 方法很不灵活和方便,这时我们就需要另外一个类似的接口 IComparer 来提供便利了。

三、接口 IConmparer<T> 的实现

这个 IComparer 我理解为比较器接口,章节一的 Fruit 类接口 IComparable 不改,要想按 Name 来排序,需创立一个新类,在其上实现 IComparer<T> 接口:

class SortByName : IComparer<Fruit>
        int IComparer<Fruit>.Compare(Fruit x, Fruit y)
            return x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name);
    class Fruit : IComparable
        public string Name;
        public int Price;
        public int CompareTo(object obj)
            Fruit otherFruit = obj as Fruit;
            return Price.CompareTo(otherFruit.Price);

调用: fruit.Sort(new SortByName());



时间: 2025-01-05 20:35:42

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