unable to read askpass response from 'C:\Users\..\..\intellij-git-askpass.bat' failed to execute prompt script (exit code 1) could not read Username




在 .git 的 config 配置文件中的请求串中加入用户身份的认证信息。



 [remote "origin"]
     url = http://wangshzh:[email protected]/zhangyb/dmavip.git
     fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

unable to read askpass response from 'C:\Users\..\..\intellij-git-askpass.bat' failed to execute prompt script (exit code 1) could not read Username


时间: 2024-10-11 23:59:19

unable to read askpass response from 'C:\Users\..\..\intellij-git-askpass.bat' failed to execute prompt script (exit code 1) could not read Username的相关文章

gnome-ssh-askpass:No such file or directory && unable to read askpass response

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[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:create (default-cli) on project standalone-pom: Unable to parse configuration of 3: mojo org.apache.maven.plugins:

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Unable to register the DLL/OCX: RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0x3 我的解决方法

一个在win7 64位下能正常注册的ocx  在XP下注册时报错,Unable to register the DLL/OCX: RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0x3 通过dependency分析也没有发现问题 后来发现是一个依赖的DLL 在VS2013的编译时没有支持XP. 特记录. 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/nomadcirlce/p/8469677.html

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repackage failed: Unable to find main class

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根本上,Response是叫浏览器去重新转向到指定的网页,而Server自然是发生在服务器端为主了,因此会有以下区别: 1. Server.Transfer只能够转跳到本地虚拟目录指定的页面,而Response.Redirect则十分灵活:2. Server.Transfer可以将页面参数方便传递到指定页面:3. 使用时,Server.Transfer跳到别的页面后,浏览器显示的地址不会改变,有时反而会造成误会,当然也有些场合需要这样的效果:4. Server.Transfer可以减少客户端对服

Request & response

For the request and response: request -----> HttpServletRequest response -----> HttpServletResponse Every request send by browser will create a new request object, when the response ends, the response object will be destroyed. And the request and re