PAT 甲级 A1033 (2019/02/19)

using namespace std;
const int INF = 1000000000;     //初始化最低油价
struct station{
    double oil_price;   //加油站油价
    int distance;       //加油站离出发点的距离
bool cmp(station a, station b){
    return a.distance < b.distance;     //各个加油站,按照与出发点的距离从小到大排序
int main(){
    double V, D, D_V;
    int station_number;
    scanf("%lf %lf %lf %d", &V, &D, &D_V, &station_number);
    //把终点看作为一个加油站,则station + 1
    for(int i = 0; i < station_number + 1; i++){
        if(i == station_number){
            sta[i].oil_price = 0;
            sta[i].distance = D;
        }else{  //否则,输入剩余的加油站信息
            scanf("%lf %d", &sta[i].oil_price, &sta[i].distance);
    sort(sta, sta + station_number, cmp);
    if(sta[0].distance != 0){
        printf("The maximum travel distance = 0.00");
    }else{  //否则,能出发
        int now = 0;    //当前所处的加油站的编号
        //总花费, 当前油量, 满油行驶的距离
        double ans = 0, nowTank = 0, MAX = V * D_V;
        while(now < station_number) {//每次循环选出下一个需要到达的加油站
            int k = -1;         //最低油价的加油站的编号
            double priceMin = INF;      //最低油价
            for(int i = now + 1; i <= station_number && sta[i].distance - sta[now].distance <= MAX; i++) {
                if(sta[i].oil_price < priceMin) {       //如果油价比当前油价低
                    priceMin = sta[i].oil_price;        //更新最低油价
                    k = i;
                    if(priceMin < sta[now].oil_price) {
            if(k == -1) break;  //油箱已满的情况下,无法加油,即为不需找加油站,退出循环
            double need = (sta[k].distance - sta[now].distance) / D_V;
            if(priceMin < sta[now].oil_price) {     //如果加油站k的油价低于当前油价
                if(nowTank < need) {        //如果当前油量不足need
                    ans += (need - nowTank) * sta[now].oil_price;       //补足need
                    nowTank = 0;        //到达加油站,油箱油量置为0,即为空
                } else {        //如果油量超过need
                    nowTank -= need;        //直接到达加油站k
            } else {        //如果加油站k的油价高于当前的油价
                ans += (V - nowTank) * sta[now].oil_price;
                //到达加油站k后,把油箱内油量设置为 V - need
                nowTank = V - need;
            now = k;    //到达加油站k,进入下一层循环
        if(now == station_number) { //能到达终点
            printf("%.2f\n", ans);
        } else {    //到不了终点
            printf("The maximum travel distance = %.2f\n", sta[now].distance + MAX);
    return 0;


时间: 2024-11-03 00:57:15

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