
244. Shortest Word Distance II - Medium

245. Shortest Word Distance III - Medium

246. Strobogrammatic Number - Easy

247. Strobogrammatic Number II - Medium

method: recursion

n =1 [0,1,8]

n = 2 [11, 88, 69, 96]

n = 3 [101, 111, 181, 808, 818, 888, 609, 619, 689, 906, 916, 986] we can get this answer by inserting [0,1,8] into the meddle of the solution when n = 2.

n = 4 we can get the answer by inserting [11, 88, 69, 96] into the solution when n = 2.

class Solution:
    def findStrobogrammatic(self, n: int) -> List[str]:
        if n == 0:
            return [""]
        if n == 1:
            return [‘0‘, ‘1‘, ‘8‘]
        if n == 2:
            return [‘11‘, ‘69‘, ‘88‘, ‘96‘]

        even = ["11","69","88","96", "00"]
        odd = ["0", "1", "8"]

        if n%2:
            pre, middle = self.findStrobogrammatic(n-1), odd
            pre, middle = self.findStrobogrammatic(n-2), even 

        premid = (n-1) // 2
        return [p[:premid] + c + p[premid:] for c in middle for p in pre]

248. Strobogrammatic Number III - Hard

249. Group Shifted Strings - Medium

250. Count Univalue Subtrees - Medium

251. Flatten 2D Vector - Medium

252. Meeting Rooms - Easy

253. Meeting Rooms II - Medium

I am always stuck with the heap solution.

class Solution:
    def minMeetingRooms(self, intervals: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        if not intervals or len(intervals) == 0:
            return 0
        intervals.sort(key = lambda x:x[0])

        heap = [] #just store the end time 

        for interval in intervals:
            if heap and interval[0] >= heap[0]:
                heapq.heapreplace(heap, interval[1])

                heapq.heappush(heap, interval[1])
      #  print(heap)
        return len(heap)

254. Factor Combinations - Medium


The condition for the res to append a path is len(path) > 0. Because we need all combinations.

The condition for the further step of dfs is if n % i == 0. The range for the i is [start, int(math.sqrt(n))+1]

class Solution:
    def getFactors(self, n: int) -> List[List[int]]:
        # 2 3 5 7 

        res = []
        self.dfs( n,2, res, [])
        return res 

    def dfs(self, n, start, res, path):
        if len(path) > 0:

        for i in range(start, int(math.sqrt(n))+1):
            if n % i == 0:
                self.dfs( n//i,i,res, path+[i] )

        return res 

255. Verify Preorder Sequence in Binary Search Tree - Medium

这个做法是单调栈的应用。用low = stack.pop() 来update每一个node的最小值。

class Solution:
    def verifyPreorder(self, preorder: List[int]) -> bool:
        if not preorder or len(preorder) == 0:
            return True 

        stack = []
        low = float(‘-inf‘)

        for p in preorder:
            if p < low:
                return False
            while stack and stack[-1] < p:
                low = stack.pop()

        return True

以[5,2,1,3,6]举例, low一开始等于负无穷。5先进入stack,然后2,1都进入。3的时候,我们发现stack[-1] <p, 所以执行low = stack.pop()

然后把3 和6再依次入栈。返回True。

以[5,2,6,1,3] 为例。5 2 入栈之后,6把2压出栈,此时low是2. 下一个我们遇到的是1,1比2小,return False。

reuse the preorder array to get an O(1) space solution

class Solution:
    def verifyPreorder(self, preorder: List[int]) -> bool:
        if not preorder or len(preorder) == 0:
            return True 

        i = 0
        low = float(‘-inf‘)

        for p in preorder:
            if p < low:
                return False
            while i > 0 and p > preorder[i-1]:
                low = preorder[i-1]
                i -= 1
            preorder[i] = p
            i += 1 

        return True

256. Paint House - Easy

257. Binary Tree Paths - Easy

258. Add Digits - Easy

259. 3Sum Smaller - Medium

261. Graph Valid Tree - Medium


class Solution:
    def validTree(self, n: int, edges: List[List[int]]) -> bool:
        if len(edges) != n-1:
            return False
        if n == 1 and (not edges or len(edges) == 0):
            return True 

        visited = set()
        graph = collections.defaultdict(set)

        for s, t in edges:
        q = collections.deque()

        while q:
            node = q.pop()
            if node in visited:
                return False
            for neigh in graph[node]:
            del graph[node]

        return not graph


class Solution:
    def validTree(self, n: int, edges: List[List[int]]) -> bool:
        if len(edges) != n-1:
            return False
        if n == 1 and (not edges or len(edges) == 0):
            return True 

        visited = set()
        graph = collections.defaultdict(set)

        for s, t in edges:
        stack = []

        while stack:
            node = stack.pop()
            if node in visited:
                return False
            for neigh in graph[node]:

            del graph[node]

        return not graph

# Union Find

class Solution:
    def validTree(self, n: int, edges: List[List[int]]) -> bool:
        nums = [-1] * n
        for s, t in edges:
            if not self.union(nums, s, t):
                return False 

        return len(edges) == n-1 

    def union(self, nums, s, t):
        ss = self.find(nums, s)
        tt = self.find(nums, t)
        if ss == tt:
            return False
        nums[ss] = tt
        return True 

    def find(self, nums, s):
        if nums[s] == -1:
            return s
        return self.find(nums, nums[s])

263. Ugly Number - Easy

use for p in [2,3,5] to divide the num.

264. Ugly Number II - Medium

265. Paint House II - Hard

cost[i][j]: represent the cost of ith house using jth paint.

For each house, we first find the smallest color previous house used. And then find the second smallest cost. For each color in this house,

if this is the smallest color previous house used, then cost[i][j] += second smallest. Else, cost[i][j] += smallest.

266. Palindrome Permutation - Easy

267. Palindrome Permutation II - Medium

Step1: construct a counter for the string (c =collections.Counter(s) )

Step2: find the mid and base for this string. Mid is the character that satisfies the condition that c[cc] % 2 != 0. If there are two characters that are c[cc] % 2 != 0, we could just return an empty list because this is not a palindromic permutation.  base+=cc*( c[cc] // 2)

Step3: use dfs method. self.dfs(s, res, base, start,  mid). The return condition is start == len(base), res.append(base + mid +base[::-1]).

We change the position of the character in the base with the start character to get a new base.

perm = base[:start] + base[i]+ base[start+1:i] + base[start] + base[i+1:]

class Solution:
    def generatePalindromes(self, s: str) -> List[str]:
        c = collections.Counter(s)
        res = []
        mid = ‘‘
        base = ‘‘

        for cc in c:
            if c[cc] %2 != 0:
                if mid: return []
                    mid = cc
            base+=cc*( c[cc] // 2)

        self.dfs(s, res, base, 0, mid)
        return res

    def dfs(self, s, res, base, start, mid):
        if start == len(base):
            res.append(base + mid +base[::-1])

        for i in range(start, len(base)):
            if i > start and (base[i] == base[i-1] or base[i] == base[start]):

            if i == start:
                perm = base
                perm = base[:start] + base[i]+ base[start+1:i] + base[start] + base[i+1:]

           # print(perm)
            self.dfs(s, res, perm, start+1, mid)

268. Missing Number - Easy

269. Alien Dictionary - Hard

270. Closest Binary Search Tree Value - Easy

272. Closest Binary Search Tree Value II - Hard

274. H-Index - Medium

counting sort O(n)

when we deal with the paper, we need to use the min(c, n) to be the index in the paper.

Besides, the value we want to find is the largest k that satisfies k <= s, so we use a while loop: while k > s. When we find a k that satisfies less than or equal to s, we just return the k.

class Solution:
    def hIndex(self, citations: List[int]) -> int:
        if not citations or len(citations) == 0:
            return 0 

        n = len(citations)
        paper = [0] * (n+1)

        for c in citations:
            paper[min(c, n)] += 1 

        k = n
        s = paper[-1]

        while k > s:
            k -= 1
            s += paper[k]

        return k 

275. H-Index II - Medium

binary search

276. Paint Fence - Easy

277. Find the Celebrity - Medium

278. First Bad Version - Easy

279. Perfect Squares - Medium


class Solution:
    def numSquares(self, n: int) -> int:
        q = collections.deque()
        q.append((n, 0))

        visited = set()
        while q:
            for _ in range(len(q)):
                cur, num = q.pop()
                if cur == 0:
                    return num
                for i in range( 1, int(math.sqrt(n))+1):
                    val = cur - i *i
                    if val in visited:
                    q.appendleft((val, num+1))

        return num 

# DP

class Solution:
    def numSquares(self, n: int) -> int:
        square_numbers = [i**2 for i in range(int(math.sqrt(n))+1)]

        dp = [float(‘inf‘)] * (n+1)

        dp[0] = 0 

        for i in range(1, n+1):
            for square in square_numbers:
                if i < square:
                dp[i]  = min(dp[i], dp[i-square]+1)

        return dp[-1]

280. Wiggle Sort - Medium

281. Zigzag Iterator - Medium

282. Expression Add Operators - Hard

dfs: def dfs(self, num, target, res, path, cur, last,idx)

The condition to append the path is if idx == len(num) and cur == target.

class Solution:
    def addOperators(self, num: str, target: int) -> List[str]:
        res = []
        self.dfs(num, target, res, "", 0,0, 0)
        return res 

    def dfs(self, num, target, res, path, cur, last,idx):
        if idx == len(num) and cur == target:
            return res 

        for i in range(idx+1, len(num)+1):
            val = int(num[idx:i])
            if i == idx+1 or (i> idx+1 and num[idx]!= ‘0‘):
                if not path:
                    self.dfs(num, target, res, num[idx:i], val, val, i)
                    self.dfs(num, target, res, path+‘+‘+num[idx:i], cur+val, val, i)
                    self.dfs(num, target, res, path+‘-‘+num[idx:i], cur-val, -val, i)
                    self.dfs(num, target, res, path+‘*‘+num[idx:i], cur-last+last*val, last*val, i)

283. Move Zeroes - Easy

285. Inorder Successor in BST - Medium

Step1: deal with the situation that p is in the right of the root.

if p.right:
    p = p.right
    while p.left:
        p = p.left
    return p

Step2: if p is in the left side of the root. We use an iterative method to get the answer.

class Solution:
    def inorderSuccessor(self, root: ‘TreeNode‘, p: ‘TreeNode‘) -> ‘TreeNode‘:
        if not root or not p:
            return 0
        if p.right:
            p = p.right
            while p.left:
                p = p.left
            return p 

        stack = []
        inorder = float(‘-inf‘)

        while stack or root:
            while root:
                root = root.left    # go as left as you can 

            root = stack.pop()
            if inorder == p.val:
                return root
            inorder = root.val 

            root = root.right 

        return None 

286. Walls and Gates - Medium


287. Find the Duplicate Number - Medium

Floyd‘s Tortoise and Hare (Cycle Detection)

class Solution:
    def findDuplicate(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        if not nums or len(nums) == 0:
            return -1

        t = nums[0]
        h = nums[0]

        while True:
            t = nums[t]
            h = nums[nums[h]]
            if t == h:

        p1 = nums[0]
        p2 = h
        while p1 != p2:
            p1 = nums[p1]
            p2 = nums[p2]
        return p1 

288. Unique Word Abbreviation - Medium

289. Game of Life - Medium

290. Word Pattern - Easy

pattern "jquery"
str "jquery" ===> this is False

292. Nim Game - Easy

293. Flip Game - Easy

294. Flip Game II - Medium

in the recursion method, remeber to use memorization to optimize.

295. Find Median from Data Stream - Hard

from heapq import *
class MedianFinder:

    def __init__(self):
        initialize your data structure here.
        self.small  = []
        self.large = []

    def addNum(self, num: int) -> None:
        if len(self.small) == len(self.large):
            heapq.heappush(self.large, -heappushpop(self.small, -num))
            heapq.heappush(self.small, -heappushpop(self.large, num))

    def findMedian(self) -> float:
        if len(self.small) == len(self.large):
            return ((-self.small[0]) + self.large[0]) / 2
            return self.large[0]

Therefore to add a number, we have 3 O(log n) heap operations. Luckily the heapq provided us a function "heappushpop" which saves some time by combine two into one. The document says:

Push item on the heap, then pop and return the smallest item from the heap. The combined action runs more efficiently than heappush() followed by a separate call to heappop().
Altogether, the add operation is O(logn), The findMedian operation is O(1).

when the len(s) == len(l), we will push the new num into l. So when they have different lengths, findMedian should return the smallest number in the l.

296. Best Meeting Point - Hard

class Solution:
    def minTotalDistance(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        if not grid or len(grid) == 0 or len(grid[0]) == 0:
            return 0 

        rows = len(grid)
        cols = len(grid[0])

        r = [i for i in range(rows) for j in range(cols) if grid[i][j]]
        c = [j  for i in range(rows) for j in range(cols) if grid[i][j]]


        mid_r = r[len(r) // 2]
        mid_c = c[len(c)//2]

        return sum(abs(i-mid_r) for i in r) + sum(abs(j-mid_c) for j in c)

298. Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence - Medium

bottom to up

class Solution:
    def longestConsecutive(self, root: TreeNode) -> int:
        if not root:
            return 0
        self.res = 0
        return self.res 

    def help(self, root):
        if not root:
            return 0

        l = self.help(root.left) + 1
        r = self.help(root.right) + 1 

        if root.left and root.left.val != root.val + 1:
            l = 1 

        if root.right and root.right.val != root.val + 1:
            r = 1 

        self.res = max(self.res, max(l, r))

        return max(l, r)

up to the bottom

class Solution:
    def longestConsecutive(self, root: TreeNode) -> int:
        if not root:
            return 0
        self.res = 0
        self.help(root, None, 0)
        return self.res 

    def help(self, root, parent, count):
        if not root:

        if parent and root.val == parent.val +1:
            count += 1
            count = 1 

        self.res = max(self.res, count)

        self.help(root.left, root, count)
        self.help(root.right, root, count)

299. Bulls and Cows - Easy

class Solution:
    def getHint(self, secret: str, guess: str) -> str:
        if not secret:
            return "0A0B"

        bull = 0
        cow = 0
        s = {}
        g = {}
        for i in range(len(secret)):
            if secret[i] == guess[i]:
                s[secret[i]] = s.get(secret[i], 0)+1
                g[guess[i]] = g.get(guess[i], 0)+1 

        for ss in s:
            if ss in g:
                cow += min(s[ss], g[ss])

        return "{0}A{1}B".format(bull, cow)


时间: 2024-10-13 13:46:26



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