在 C++ 中,为了方便处理字符串,引入了 string 类。string 类型支持长度可变的字符串。
使用 string 之前,必须包含相应的头文件,string 属于 std 命名域的,因此需要通过命名限定:
#include <string>
using std::string; //using namespace std;
#include <iostream> #include <string> using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::string; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { string s1 = "mike"; cout << "s1 = " << s1 << endl; //s1 = mike string s2(s1); //将 s2 初始化为 s1 的一个副本 cout << "s2 = " << s2 << endl; // s2 = mike string s3("jiang"); //将 s3 初始化为 "mike" cout << "s3 = " << s3 << endl; // s3 = jiang string s4(10, 'a'); // s4 的值为 10 个 'a' cout << "s4 = " << s4 << endl; //s1 = mike return 0; }
string 对象常用操作
#include <iostream> #include <string> using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::string; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { string s1 = "mike"; // 如果s1为空串,则返回true,否则返回false if( true == s1.empty() ){ cout << "s1 is empty\n"; }else{ cout << "s1 is no empty\n"; } // 字符串的大小, s1.size()等价于s1.length() cout << "len = " << s1.size() << endl; //返回 s1 最大容量 cout << "max_size = " << s1.max_size() << endl; //取出每一个字符 for(int i = 0; i < s1.size(); i++){ //s1[i]等价于s1.at(i) cout << i << " = " << s1[i] << endl; } string s2 = " jiang"; cout << "s1 + s2 = " << s1+s2 << endl; // c++ string 和 C char * 相互转换 // string to const char * const char *str = s1.c_str(); cout << "c_str = " << str << endl; const char *data = s2.data(); cout << "data = " << data << endl; // char * to string const char *buf = "hello, c++"; //string my_str = string(buf); string my_str = buf; cout << "my_str = " << my_str << endl; //s1和s2字符串交换 s1 = "mike"; s2 = "jiang"; s1.swap(s2); cout << "s1 = " << s1 << ", s2 = " << s2 << endl; s1.clear(); s1 = "mike"; cout << "s1 = " << s1 << endl; s1 = "mikejiang"; //取出 s1 从 2 开始后的 4 个字符,位置从0开始 s2 = s1.substr(2, 4); cout << "s2 = " << s2 << endl; s1 = "mikejiang"; //删除 s1 从 2 开始后的 4 个字符,位置从0开始 s2 = s1.erase(2, 4); cout << "s2 = " << s2 << endl; s1 = "mike"; //s1 从 4 开始(位置从0开始),插入"jiang"字符串 s2 = s1.insert(4, "jiang"); cout << "s2 = " << s2 << endl; s1="mikejiang"; //删除s1从4开始的5个字符,然后在5位置处插入"tyson" s2 = s1.replace(4, 5, "tyson"); cout << "s2 = " << s2 << endl; s1="mikejiang"; //查找字符串"j"在s1中的位置(位置从0开始) int n = s1.find("j"); cout << "n = " << n << endl; return 0; }
迭代器操作 string 对象
string 类提供了向前和向后遍历的迭代器 iterator,迭代器提供了访问各个字符的语法,类似于指针操作,迭代器不检查范围。用 string::iterator 或 string::const_iterator 声明迭代器变量,const_iterator 不允许改变迭代的内容。
#include <iostream> #include <string> using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::string; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { string s="mike"; //初始化为"mike" //通过迭代器把所有字符元素的值打印出来 string::const_iterator t; for( t=s.begin(); t!=s.end(); t++){ cout<< *t << ", "; } cout << endl; string::iterator it; //通过迭代器给所有字符元素赋值为'a' for( it=s.begin(); it!=s.end(); it++){ *it = 'a'; } cout << endl; //通过迭代器把所有元素的值打印出来 for( it=s.begin(); it!=s.end(); it++){ cout<< *it << ", "; } cout << endl; s = "mikejiang"; it = s.begin(); //返回指string最开始位置元素的指针(迭代器) //删除指针it+1指向位置的元素,返回指向下一个元素位置的指针(迭代器) s.erase(it+1); // remove "i" cout << endl << "after erase:\n"; //通过迭代器把所有元素的值打印出来 for( it=s.begin(); it!=s.end(); it++){ cout<< *it << ", "; } cout << endl; s = "mmmmmm"; it = s.begin(); //在位置it后插入3个'a' s.insert(it, 3, 'a'); cout << endl << "after insert:\n"; //通过迭代器把所有元素的值打印出来 for( it=s.begin(); it!=s.end(); it++){ cout<< *it << ", "; } cout << endl; return 0; }
时间: 2024-10-14 23:22:21